Shipboard Technical Support
Oceanographic Data Facility

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  • Hydrographic Data

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  • WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office
  • Download OceanAtlas Software

  • The Oceanographic Data Facility (ODF) has over 30 years of experience at providing a full range of hydrographic measurement services to the oceanographic community, including:

    The group is comprised of 17 full-time technical specialists, including chemists, computer programmers, CTD and hydrographic data processors, electronic technicians and marine technologists.

    ODF support facilities include:

    Products & Services

    ODF products and services include:

    ODF specializes in small and large-volume water sampling, and can provide up to 36 x 10L samples per cast using interactive adaptive sampling systems.

    We also maintain an online Hydrographic Data Archive.

    For more information send us email or call us at: (858)534-4425 (voice), (858)534-7383 (fax).


    Contact SIO
