WHP Ref. No.: I01E/I01W Last updated: 2 January 1996 A. Cruise Narrative: A.1 Highlights A.1.a WOCE designation I01E/I01W A.1.b Expedition Designation (EXPOCODE) 316N145_11-12 A.1.c Chief scientists: Dr. John M. Morrison Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Science North Carolina State University 1125 Jordan Hall Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8208 Phone: 919-515-7449 Email: John_Morrison@NCSU.EDU Co-Chief scientists Dr. Harry L. Bryden Southampton Oceanography Centre Empress Dock Southampton S014 3ZH, UK Ph: 44-1703-596436 Fax: 44-1703-596204 Email: h.bryden@soc.soton.ac.uk A.1.d Ship: R/V KNORR A.1.e Ports of call: Muscat, Oman to Columbo, Sri Lanka to Singapore A.1.f Cruise dates: Aug. 29 - Sept. 28, 1995 Sept. 30 - Oct. 16, 1995 A.2 Cruise Summary A.2.a Geographic boundaries Cruise Track The cruise went across the North Indian Ocean at a nominal latitude of 8 N. From Muscat, the ship headed for the entrance to the Red Sea before starting the main section off the coast of Somalia. The section across the Arabian Sea ended on the continental shelf of India. After a brief port stop in Colombo, the section was continued from the Sri Lankan continental shelf across the Bay of Bengal and ended on the Myanmar continental shelf. A.2.b Number of Stations A total of 158 hydrographic stations were taken during the cruise, which includes three test stations to check instrument performance. A list of station positions including a brief chronology of notable events is in Table 1. Sampling On each hydrographic station, a continuous CTD profile of temperature, salinity and oxygen versus pressure is measured throughout the water column from the sea surface down to the ocean bottom; 36 water samples are then collected during the upcast and analysed in the laboratory for salinity, oxygen, nutrients (nitrate + nitrite, nitrite, silica and phosphate), chlorofluorocarbons (CFC-11, CFC-12), CO2 components (total CO2 and alkalinity); on selected stations water samples were collected for later analysis for helium, tritium, 14C, 13C and barium; finally, an LADCP was mounted on the CTD/Rosette frame on nearly every station to measure continuous profiles of horizontal velocity from the sea surface to the bottom and back to the sea surface. While underway and on station, continuous measurements were made of bottom depth, surface currents by a ship-mounted ADCP instrument with associated P-code GPS navigation, and meteorological variables with the ship-mounted IMET system. Equipment used aboard KNORR for the basic CTD/Rosette system was provided by both Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution CTD Operations Group, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Shipboard Technical Services/Ocean Data Facility (SIO STS/ODF). Four CTDs were brought for the cruise, two of which were used for the majority of the stations. Underwater equipment included: Primary Sensors: Two Falmouth Scientific (FSI) ICTDs with Sensormedics oxygen sensors. Each has a Sensormedics oxygen sensor assembly and a titanium pressure transducer with temperature monitor. Secondary Sensors: Two Neil Brown Mk-3 CTDs. Each has a Sensormedics oxygen sensor assembly and a titanium pressure transducer with temperature monitor. Table 1. Hydrographic Station Positions and Brief Chronology for WOCE Section I1, R/V KNORR, 29 August to 16 October 1995, Muscat to Singapore In addition to the principal section across 8N-10N from Somalia to India, Sri Lanka to Myanmar, this station list contains: 1. a section along the axis of the Gulf of Aden 2. a meridional section across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen coastline 3. a section following German mooring line south of Socotra 4. a short section up onto the Sri Lanka continental shelf near Colombo 5. a short section south of the southern tip of Sri Lanka along 80 E to 4.5 N, repeating I8 stations 6 months later Table 1: Sta WOCE Lat Lon Depth Comments CTD # # (N) (E) (m) Used Start 23 37 58 38 Muscat Dep 8/29 0600 1 857 22 28 61 12 3215 Station 841 on I7N CTD38 2 858 22 28 61 12 3190 and CTD09 3 859 22 28 61 12 3190 JGOFS station CTD44 4 860 21 35 60 35 Water sample test 300m 5 861 19 05 58 48 3285 Station 808 on I7N 6 862 18 05 58 00 2815 JGOFS station 7 863 16 16 56 33 3710 CTD test CTD09 8 864 14 50 55 25 2440 CTD12 9 865 14 40 54 45 2205 CTD44 10 866 14 30 54 05 2595 11 867 14 20 53 25 2970 Terminated at 700db 12 868 14 20 53 25 2960 ALACE deployed 13 869 14 10 52 45 1880 Terminated at 500bd 14 870 14 10 52 45 1895 CTD38 15 871 14 00 52 10 2195 16 872 13 50 51 30 1790 Repeated as 35 17 873 12 22 43 42 300 Exit of Red Sea 18 874 12 10 44 00 495 19 875 12 00 44 30 1410 20 876 12 10 45 05 815 21 877 12 20 45 45 1390 22 878 12 30 46 25 1770 23 879 12 40 47 00 2005 24 880 12 50 47 40 2350 25 881 13 00 48 20 1995 ALACE deployment 26 882 13 10 48 55 2640 27 883 13 20 49 35 1950 28 884 13 30 50 15 1955 29 885 13 40 50 50 2470 30 886 14 55 50 50 190 Yemen Shelf 31 887 14 49 50 50 560 32 888 14 40 50 50 1230 ALACE deployment 33 889 14 30 50 50 1955 34 890 14 10 51 10 2200 35 891 13 50 51 30 1825 36 892 13 43 51 34 4000 Proceed around Socotra 37 893 10 48 53 22 3905 Pegasus German CTD44 38 894 10 34.2 53 26 4020 mooring K14 | 39 895 10 21 53 32 4185 Pegasus mooring 40 896 10 09.9 53 38 4280 mooring K15 | 41 897 9 54 53 48 4460 Pegasus line 42 898 9 38.1 53 56 4580 mooring K16 43 899 9 39 53 19 4580 Test station for CTD12 43 900 9 42 51 30 760 Somalia CTD44 44 901 9 35 51 40 1480 Fast ALACE deployment 45 902 9 28 51 50 2325 46 903 9 20 52 00 3650 Fast ALACE deployment 47 904 9 06 52 17 4540 48 905 8 48 52 41 4900 Fast ALACE deployment 49 906 8 30 53 05 5035 50 907 8 30 53 40 4970 51 908 8 30 54 15 5025 mooring K17 8 43,54 20 52 909 8 56 54 25 4800 Halfway between 908+909 53 910 8 30 54 50 4660 54 911 8 30 55 25 4730 Fast ALACE deployment 55 912 8 30 56 00 3800 56 913 8 30 56 35 4380 57 914 8 30 57 10 4385 58 915 8 30 57 34 3105 59 916 8 30 58 06 3905 Section 60 917 8 37 58 24 3700 Perpendicular to 61 918 8 42 58 37 2305 Carlsberg Ridge 62 919 8 51 59 00 3150 ALACE deployment 63 920 8 57 59 14 3525 64 921 9 01 59 25 3615 65 922 9 01 59 57 3540 66 923 9 01 60 29 3345 67 924 9 01 61 01 3965 68 925 9 01 61 33 4380 69 926 9 01 62 05 4530 70 927 9 01 62 37 4545 ALACE deployment 71 928 8 54 63 08 4535 72 929 8 48 63 34 4535 I7 station 782 73 930 8 42 64 00 4530 74 931 8 36 64 26 4560 75 932 8 30 64 52 4550 76 933 8 30 65 23 4535 77 934 8 30 65 53 4525 ALACE deployment 78 935 8 30 66 23 4530 79 936 8 30 66 53 4555 80 937 8 30 67 23 4560 81 938 8 30 67 53 4575 82 939 8 30 68 23 4575 83 940 8 30 68 54 4590 ALACE deployment 84 941 8 30 69 25 4615 Pick up Indian Officer 85 942 8 30 70 00 4465 86 943 8 30 70 35 4165 87 944 8 30 71 10 3910 87 945 8 30 71 45 3475 88 946 8 30 72 05.7 2685 ALACE deployment 89 947 8 30 72 26 2125 90 948 8 30 72 47 2190 91 949 8 30 73 08 2250 92 950 8 30 73 28 1910 93 951 8 34 73 50 2650 94 952 8 39 74 15 2750 95 953 8 44 74 40 2750 96 954 8 48 75 00 2695 97 955 8 52 75 20 1665 98 956 8 56 75 40 345 99 957 9 00 76 00 95 Way 012 6 58 78 25 Disembark Indian Off 100 958 6 25 79 06 2685 Baldridge station 101 959 6 33 79 18 2345 Baldridge station 102 960 6 42 79 30 1630 Baldridge station 103 961 6 48 79 36 705 Baldridge station Colombo 6 55 79 52 Colombo Arr 9/28 0500 Colombo 6 55 79 52 Colombo Dep 9/30 0300 104 962 5 53 80 00 155 Short Section 105 963 5 49 80 00 1110 Across Boundary 106 964 5 45 80 00 2215 Current South of 107 965 5 40 80 00 3235 Sri Lanka 108 966 5 35 80 00 4030 I8 Station 284 109 967 5 15 80 00 4135 Along 80 E 110 968 4 55 80 00 4225 ALACE in 6C mode water 111 969 4 30 80 00 4285 Down to 4.5¡N 112 970 8 31 81 28 55 113 971 8 37 81 36 2695 114 972 8 46 81 48 3740 ALACE deployed 115 973 8 58 82 04 3750 CTD38 116 974 9 13 82 24 3730 CTD44 117 975 9 28 82 44 3695 118 976 9 43 83 04 3650 119 977 9 58 83 24 3620 120 978 9 58 83 51 3610 CTD38 121 979 9 58 84 18 3580 ALACE deployed CTD44 122 980 9 58 84 45 3570 CTD38 123 981 9 58 85 12 3565 124 982 9 13 82 24 3725 Redo 974 125 983 9 28 82 44 3695 Redo 975 126 984 9 43 83 04 3645 Redo 976 127 985 9 58 84 18 3585 Redo 979 128 986 9 58 85 39 3540 129 987 9 58 86 12 3505 130 988 9 58 86 45 3495 131 989 9 50 86 47 3510 I9 station 268 132 990 9 58 87 18 3480 133 991 9 58 87 51 3425 ALACE 134 992 9 58 88 24 3405 135 993 9 58 88 57 3375 136 994 9 58 89 28 3350 137 995 9 58 89 59 3310 138 996 9 58 90 30 3330 Pick up Ind. Navy Off 139 997 9 58 91 00 3470 I9 station 234 140 998 9 58 91 27 3405 141 999 9 58 91 54 1285 142 1000 9 58 92 16 845 143 1001 9 58 92 38 990 Ten Degree Channel 144 1002 9 58 93 00 1435 145 1003 9 58 93 22 3065 146 1004 9 58 93 46 4235 147 1005 9 58 94 12 3180 148 1006 9 58 94 38 2855 149 1007 9 54 95 04 1775 Disembark Indian Off 150 1008 9 50 95 30 2620 151 1009 9 50 95 50 2475 152 1010 9 50 96 10 1315 153 1011 9 50 96 30 430 154 1012 9 50 96 55 325 155 1013 9 50 97 17 260 156 1014 9 50 97 33 83 End 1 20 103 50 Singapore Arr10/15 1100 General Oceanics (GO) model 1016-36 pylon with 36-bottle frame with 10-liter bottles manufactured by SIO STS/ODF and Ocean Instrument Systems 10-kHz pinger. A.2.c. Floats: ALACE Deployments Autonomous Lagrangian Circulation Explorer (ALACE) floats are intended to map absolute velocity of large-scale currents for use with geostrophic shears from historical and WOCE Hydrographic Programme sampling. The floats drift at 800 to 1000 m depth, surfacing periodically to report their position by satellite. To avoid diffusion bias, the horizontal coverage is intended to be relatively uniform but the density for this cruise was augmented a bit near the western boundary of the Somalia coast Two floats could not be launched as planned because they were in the territorial waters of India. Permission for such deployments had not been requested from the Government of India and the official Indian observer insisted that no ALACE deployments were allowed. One of the resulting two extra floats was deployed in a thermostad feature south of Sir Lanka at about 1000 m depth at 4 44 N, 80 E. Most of the ALACE floats have a 26-day cycle time, drifting for 26 days at 800 to 1000 m depth, then rising to the sea surface to report position to a satellite, before returning to depth to repeat the cycle for another 26 days. Design lifetime for these floats is 5 years. Four of the ALACE floats deployed in the region of the Somali Current (denoted by "F") have 15-day cycle times. Each ALACE float was prepared in the laboratory during the downcast of a CTD station and launched from the stern of KNORR at the completion of a hydrographic station just as the ship set out for the next station. The launch information is shown in Table 2. TABLE 2: WOCE I1 ALACE FLOAT LAUNCH INFORMATION START TIME OF DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT S/N LAST SELF-TEST TIME POSITION 536 950903 0230Z 950903 0357Z 14:20.03N, 53:25.11E 534 950907 0413Z 950907 0557Z 13:00.34N, 48:19.81E 539 950908 0912Z 950908 1302Z 14:38,08N, 50:49.52E 523F 950912 0944Z 950912 1126Z 09:36,95N, 51:40.11E 521F 950912 1547Z 950912 1944Z 09:21.39N, 51:58.86E 522F 950913 0527Z 950913 0857Z 08:50.95N, 52:41.39E 524F 950914 1555Z 950915 0234Z 08:27.02N, 55:24.39E 540 950916 1452Z 950916 2328Z 09:49.95N, 59:00.22E 546 950918 2142Z 950919 0148Z 09:00.87N, 62:36.73E 545 950921 0131Z 950921 0323Z 08:29.95N, 65:53.15E 542 950922 1955Z 950922 2217Z 08:29.80E, 68:53.85E 541 950924 0841Z 950924 1022Z 08:30.14N, 72:04.99E 543 951001 1615Z 951001 1940Z 04:55.10N, 79:59.93E 544 951003 0318Z 951003 0530Z 08:35.22N, 81:36.64E 533 951005 0413Z 951005 0626Z 09:58.81N, 84:17.46E 532 951008 2001Z 951008 2206Z 09:58.18N, 87:51.67E A.2.d Mooring deployed or recovered A.3 List of Principle Investigators The list of Principal Investigators, their institution and the measurement program that they are responsible for is shown in Table 3. Table 3: WOCE I1 Principal Investigators Measurement Principal Investigator Institution Chief Scientist John M. Morrison North Carolina State University co-Chief Scientist Harry Bryden Southampton Oceanography Centre Salinity, oxygen, CTD/O2 John Toole Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution Nutrients Louis Gordon Oregon State University Chlorofluorocarbons Mark Warner University of Washington Shallow He/Tr William Jenkins Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution Deep He/Tr Zafer Top University of Miami AMS C-14 Robert Key Princeton University Barium Kelly Falkner Oregon State University TCO2 Catherine Goyet Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution ADCP/LADCP Teresa Chereskin Scripps Institution of Oceanography Underway PCO2 Robert Key Princeton University IMET Barrie Walden Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution Thermosalinograph Barrie Walden Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution ALACE Floats Russ Davis Scripps Institution of Oceanography A.4 Scientific Programme and Methods The transindian hydrographic section I1 is the northernmost of the zonal sections to be carried out during the US WOCE Indian Ocean Expedition in 1994-1996. It crosses the southern boundaries of both the Bay of Bengal in the east and the Arabian Sea in the west. This section effectively completes the circumnavigation of the ocean with high quality hydrographic sections at latitudes between 8 N and 11 N, started by the 10 N transpacific and the 11 N transatlantic section carried out in 1989. Section I1 encloses two areas of the northern Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. From I1 we should be able to compute separate heat, salt and water-mass budgets for each of these basins. This is of interest because the Arabian Sea is an important source of salt to the world ocean, while the Bay of Bengal is an important source of fresh water. In addition to helping define the thermohaline circulation of the Indian Ocean in conjunction with the overall survey of the Indian Ocean Expedition, the specific objectives of the Principal Investigators (PIs) are: 1. To determine the meridional heat and freshwater transports across 8 N in the Indian Ocean and to combine the new estimates with existing Atlantic and Pacific estimates in order to determine the total global ocean heat and freshwater transports across 10 N for comparison with the atmospheric and satellite-based estimates of energy transport; 2. To make a detailed analysis of the freshwater budget of the Bay of Bengal, into which 2 of the world's largest rivers empty, in order to understand the effects of this freshwater source on the Indian Ocean circulation; 3. To estimate the nutrient (and possibly the carbon transport) into and out of the Arabian Sea across its southern boundary at 8¡N in order to estimate the size of the overall biological productivity and of the "biological pump" in the Arabian Sea for comparison with JGOFS results. 4. To cooperate with the PIs of the other WOCE Indian Ocean Expedition on the preparation of a new "atlas" describing the first order circulation of the basin and to present and catalog the data collected in a systematic fashion. 5. To coordinate the results of our survey with the JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study. JGOFS is carrying out 7 cruises within the Arabian Sea, encompassing an entire monsoonal cycle. The JGOFS data will be used to investigate the representativeness of the WOCE sections in the Arabian Sea, where there is large seasonal variability associated with monsoonal forcing. In addition, comparison of data collected during the JGOFS efforts near the mouth of the Arabian Sea with the hydrographic properties at Section I1 may allow us to estimate the percentage of Persian Gulf Water that actually escapes into the Indian Ocean. Finally, estimates of the amount of Arabian Sea Water leaving the basin at the end of the Southwest Monsoon will be made. 6. To determine the extent of eastward penetration of high salinity Arabian Sea waters during the boreal winter that displace the low salinity waters normally carried westward by the North Equatorial Current (NEC). 7. To describe the deep water properties of the Adaman Basin, which is an enclosed basin below approximately 1500 m depth. In addition, there are a number of questions that will be addressed using data from a combination of multiple sections, VOS XBT data, Lagrangian drifter data, etc. We will actively share the I1 measurements with other scientists working on such objectives and questions. Preliminary Results KNORR departed Muscat, Oman, on schedule on 29 August 1995. We proceeded westward down the coast of Oman, reoccupying a joint JGOFS and I7 station (841) at 22° 28 'N, 61° 12 'E, an I7 station (808) at 19° 05 'N, 58° 48' E and a JGOFS station at 18° 05 'N, 58° 00 'E. Preliminary inter-comparisons of the data show excellent agreement. We then proceeded to carry out our Gulf of Aden Section. This section has 20 stations along a line from 12° 22 'N, 43° 44 'E to 14° 50 'N, 55° 22 'E. This section shows considerable variability, but gives us a good endpoint for Red Sea Water for water mass analysis. Satellite imagery from the JGOFS receiving station in Oman will aid in interpreting this data. Because of the threat of pirates, we were forced to cancel the southern half of our planned section across the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. Instead, we proceeded to the position of a German current meter array south of Socotra. Once again because of the threat of pirates, we were forced to cancel any work around the moorings within 60 nm of Socotra. In discussions with Dr. F. Schott via Imarsat, we determined that we were just ahead of METEOR on this section. We coordinated our efforts with Schott to make a more densely spaced section along his array. In addition, we occupied 3 of his Pegasus sites for intercomparison of our LADCP velocities with his Pegasus velocity profiles. We then proceeded to 9° 42 'N, 51° 30 'E to begin the main I1 line across the Arabian Sea. We took 6 closely spaced stations across the Somali Current, angling down to our main section latitude of 8° 30 'N. The main section is across the basin at 8° 30 'N, except for a short diagonal section perpendicular to the Carlsberg Ridge at about 58° E and a diversion to reoccupy another I7 station (782) at 8° 48 'N, 63° 54'E. On Monday, 18 September, we received word that the Government of India has decided to give a one-time exemption to carry out work in their waters at 20 nm spacing and to allow use of the ADCP and LADCP. Fortunately, the State Department and WOCE Office had been able to give us a heads-up on the clearance about a week earlier. We picked up the Indian Observer at 8° 30 'N, 69° 25 'E on Saturday, 23 September. We then continued our line through the Laccadive Islands at the 8 Degree Channel and into the coast at 9° 00 'N, 76° 00 'E. In all we took 58 stations along the main I1 section of which 17 stations were within the Indian EEZ. From the end of the main section, we disembarked the Indian Observer while transiting to Sri Lankan waters. We then reoccupied the 4 inshore stations of the BALDRIDGE I1 Pre- peat section onto the Sri Lankan shelf. We arrived in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on the morning of 28 September, having completed 103 stations on Leg 1. The final station on this leg was WOCE station 961. KNORR departed Colombo, Sri Lanka, on schedule at 0800 on 30 September 1995 and proceeded south of Sri Lanka where 8 stations of Section I8 was reoccupied along 80° E to 4° 30 'N. Currents were weak along this section, showing little sign of the Indian Monsoon Current. Time had been scheduled time to occupy 2 stations in the Trincomalee Canyon at about 8° 30 'N, 81° 20 'E on the coast of Sri Lanka at the request of Kamal Tennakoon of National Aquatic Resources Agency in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Naval Observer informed us that the Tamal Tigers were active in this area and advised us not to take these stations. KNORR then proceeded to the endpoint of the main line at 8° 31 'N , 81° 28 'E (just off the coast of Sri Lanka). Even though this station was in sight of land in the vicinity of the city of Trincomalee (where there is a major Sri Lankan Naval Base), the Sri Lankan Navy was so concerned about the potential threat of the Tamal Tigers, that they requested that we occupy this station during the daylight hours. They also escorted us with 4 gunboats as we came up the coast from the south to the location of this station. KNORR began the main line across the Bay of Bengal without incident. The first 8 stations were along a SW to NE line from the coast of Sri Lanka to the latitude of the proposed section, 9° 58 'N, across the Bay of Bengal. As KNORR proceeded along the main line, a 2 - 3 knot current flowing to the south out to about 75 nm (at least to the 4000 m isobath) was observed in the shipboard ADCP record. We then proceeded along the main line to 9° 58 'N, 85° 12 'E, where a problem with the CTD occurred. Fortunately, we had been processing the data with about a 24 hour delay. Because we had time, we decided to backtrack and redo 4 of the stations along the main line. We proceeded back to 9° 58 'N, 85° 12 'E, and continued to the east along the main line. We diverted slightly off the main line to reoccupy I9 Station 268. We picked up the Indian Naval Observer at 9° 58 'N, 88° 58 'E on Monday morning, 9 October 1995. We then proceeded with our section across the Adaman Sea. The Indian observer disembarked just prior to our entry into the waters of Myanmar. The last 4 stations of the line were within the waters of Myanmar. We completed the section at station 1014 and deadheaded to Singapore, anchoring in the harbour for the night of 15 October 1995 before docking on 16 October. A.5 Major Problems Encountered on the Cruise Because of the threat of pirates, we were forced to cancel the southern half of our planned section across the mouth of the Gulf of Aden. Also, because of the threat of pirates, we were forced to cancel any work around the German current meter moorings within 60 nm of Socotra. Finally, because of the threat of pirates we were not able to begin the section as close to Somalia as we would have liked; our most inshore station was in about 850 meters of water; the ADCP data shows that the most inshore hydrographic station was in the core of the Somali Current; hence we were not able to sample completely across to the inshore side of the Somali Current. Potential problem with Standard Seawater Batch P-124. Suspicion that salinity samples drawn after long times on deck might be changed due to condensation in the warm moist air in the head space of cold, deep-water bottles. LADCP equipment failure for a section of the first leg leaves a portion of the section across the mouth of the Arabian Sea without absolute velocities. A.6 Other Observations of Note Preliminary data were supplied to the foreign observers of India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar prior to their departure from the ship. A.7 List of Cruise Participants I1 Crew List: Leg 1 Leg 2 1. Dr. John Morrison, Co-Chief Scientist CTD Watch CTD Watch North Carolina State University MEAS Box 8208 Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 U. S. Citizen Ph: (919) 515-7449 Fax: (919) 515-7802 Email: John_Morrison@ncsu.edu (PI: Morrison) 2. Vijayakumar Manghnani CTD Watch CTD Watch North Carolina State University MEAS Box 8208 Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 Ph: (919) 515-7449 Fax: (919) 515-7802 Email: vijay@meadsp.nrrc.ncsu.edu (PI: Morrison) 3a. L. V. Gangadhara Rao CTD Watch Physical Oceanography Division National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula, Goa - 403 004, India Indian Citizen Ph: 91-832-226253 - 56 (O) 91-832-221848 (R) Fax: 91-832-223340 Email: lvgrao@bcgoa.ernet.in Telex: 0194-216 NIO IN (PI: Morrison) 3b. M. T. Babu CTD Watch Physical Oceanography Division National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula, Goa - 403 004, India Indian Citizen Ph: 91-832-221323 Fax: 91-832-223340 Email: (PI: Morrison) 4. Dr. Harry L. Bryden, Co-Chief Scientist CTD Watch CTD Watch Southampton Oceanography Centre Empress Dock Southampton S014 3ZH, UK U. S. Citizen Ph: 44-1703-596436 Fax: 44-1703-596204 Email: h.bryden@soc.soton.ac.uk (PI: Bryden) 5a. Lisa M. Beal CTD Watch Southampton Oceanography Centre Empress Dock Southampton S014 3ZH, UK U. K. Citizen Ph: 44-1703-596436 Fax: 44-1703-596204 Email: lmb@soc.soton.ac.uk (PI: Bryden) 5b. Dr. Michael N. Tsimplis CTD Watch Southampton Oceanography Centre Empress Dock Southampton S014 3ZH, UK Greek Citizen Ph: 44-1703-596441 Fax: 44-1703-596204 Email: mnt@soc.soton.ac.uk (PI: Bryden) 6a. Alison Scoon CTD Watch 26a Gibbon Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6AB, UK Ph: 0181 5415025 or Southampton Oceanography Centre Empress Dock Southampton S014 3ZH, UK c/o Ian Robinson 6b. Michael J. Griffiths CTD Watch Southampton Oceanography Centre Empress Dock Southampton S014 3ZH, UK U. K. Citizen Ph: 44-1703-596436 Fax: 44-1703-596204 Email: m.griffiths@soc.soton.ac.uk (PI: Bryden) 7. Craig Harris CTD Watch CTD Watch Oceanography Laboratories Department of Earth Sciences Liverpool University Liverpool L693BX, UK U. K. Citizen Ph: 44-151-7944097 Email: (PI: Bryden) 8. Marshall Swartz CTD W Leader CTD W Leader Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-2246 Fax: (508) 457-2165 Email: mswartz@whoi.edu (PI: Toole) 9. Paul Robbins CTD W Leader CTD W Leader Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-2918 Fax: (508) 457-2181 Email: probbins@whoi.edu (PI: Toole) 10. Laura Goepfert CTD Data Anal CTD Data Anal Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-2937 Fax: (508) 457-2165 Email: lgoepfert@whoi.edu (PI: Toole) 11. Paul Bouchard CTD Watch CTD Watch Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-3277 Fax: (508) 457-2165 Email: pbouchard@whoi.edu (PI: Toole) 12. George Tupper Salts Salts Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-2693 Fax: (508) 457-2165 Email: gtupper@whoi.edu (PI: Toole) 13. Dave Wellwood Dissolved Oxygens Dissolved Oxygens Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-2657 Fax: (508) 457-2165 Email: dwellwood@whoi.edu (PI: Toole) 14. Joe C. Jennings, Jr. Nutrients Nutrients Oregon State University U. S. Citizen Ph: (503) 737-4365 Fax: (503) 737-2064 Email: jenningj@oce.orst.edu (PI: Gordon) 15. Stanley Moore, Jr. Nutrients Nutrients Oregon State University U. S. Citizen Ph: (503) 737-3961 Fax: (503)737-2064 Email: moores@ucs.orst.edu (PI: Gordon) 16. Greg Eischeid CO2 CO2 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-3410 Fax: (508) 289-2193 Email: geischeid@whoi.edu (PI: Goyet) 17. Philip Ording CO2 CO2 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 457-2000-3553 Fax: (508) 289-2193 Email: cathy@co2.whoi.edu (PI: Goyet) 18. Toshitaka Amaoka CO2 CO2 Marine and Atmospheric Geochemistry Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University Sapporo 060, Japan Japanese Citizen Ph: 81-11-706-2371 Fax: 81-11-726-6234 Email: f063411@eoas.hokudai.ac.jp (PI: Goyet) 19. Kozo Okuda CO2 CO2 Marine and Atmospheric Geochemistry Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University Sapporo 060, Japan Japanese Citizen Ph: 81-11-706-2371 Fax: 81-11-726-6234 Email: f053305@eoas.hokudai.ac.jp (PI: Goyet) 20a. Teri Chereskin ADCP/LADCP Scripps Institute of Oceanography Mail Code 0230 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0230 U. S. Citizen Ph: (619) 543-6368 Fax: Email: teri@scafell.ucsd.edu (PI: Chereskin) 20b. Matthew Trunnell ADCP/LADCP Scripps Institute of Oceanography Mail Code 0230 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0230 U. S. Citizen Ph: (619) 543-5996 Fax: (619) 534-0704 Email: matter@ucsd.edu (PI: Chereskin) 21. Peter Landry He/Tr He/Tr Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution Woods Hole, MA 02543 U. S. Citizen Ph: (508) 289-2918 Fax: (508) 457-2000-2165 Email: plandry@whoi.edu (PI: Jenkins) 22. Murat Aydin Deep He Deep He c/o Zafer Top RSMAS Univ of Miami 4600 Rickenbaker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 Turkish Citizen Ph: (305) 361-4110 Fax: (305) 361-4112 Email: maydin@rsmas.miami.edu (PI: Top) 23. Steven Covey CFC CFC University of Washington School of Oceanography Box 357940 Seattle, WA 98195-7940 U. S. Citizen Ph: (206) 543-5059 Email: scovey@ocean.washington.edu (PI: Warner) 24a. Sabine Mecking CFC University of Washington School of Oceanography Box 357940 Seattle, WA 98195-7940 German Citizen Email: mecking@ocean.washington.edu (PI: Warner) 24b. Welin Huang CFC University of Washington School of Oceanography Box 357940 Seattle, WA 98195-7940 Email: mwarner@ocean.washington.edu (PI: Warner) 25. Richard Rotter C14 C14 Princeton University U. S. Citizen Ph: (609) 258-3222 Fax: (609) 258-1274 Email: rotter@wiggler.princeton.edu (PI: Key) 26a. CDR M. Sarangapani Observer Oceanographic Forecasting Cell Headquarters Southern Naval Command Naval Base Cochin --- 682004 India Ph: 0484-662472 (O) 0484-662815 (R) (Indian Observer) 26b. LCDR S. Murali Observer Indian Navy Met Officer INS JARAWA c/o Navy Office Port Blair (Observer) 27a. LCDR S. Jayakody Observer/CTD Naval Headquarters P. O. Box 593 Colombo Sri Lanka Ph: 94-1-421151 (Sri Lankan Observer) 27b. LCDR M.R.A.R.B. Mapa Observer/CTD Naval Headquarters P. O. Box 593 Colombo Sri Lanka Ph: 94-1-421151 Fax: 94-1-433896 (Sri Lankan Observer) 28. Tilak Dharmaratne Observer/CO2 Research Officer National Aquatic Resources Agency (NARA) Crow Island Colombo-15 Sri Lanka Ph: 94-1-522932 Fax: 94-1-522932 (Sri Lankan Observer) 29. Dr. San Hla Thaw Observer/CTD Research Officer Department of Meteorology and Hydrology Yangon, Myanmar Ph: 95-1-65669 Fax: 95-1-65944 (Myanmar Observer) 30. Lt. Win Thein Observer/CTD Oceanographic Survey Officer Naval Hydrographic Office Myanmar Navy 55/61 Strand Road Yangon Myanmar Ph: 95-1-95256 (Myanmar Observer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTLINE OF DATA PROCESSING DOCUMENTATION INTRODUCTION DATA DOCUMENTATION INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING METHODS SUMMARY OF LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS FOR CTDs PRESSURE CALIBRATIONS ICTD1338 ICTD1344 PRESSURE BIAS BY STATION NUMBER TEMPERATURE CALIBRATIONS ICTD1338 ICTD1344 SALINITY CALIBRATIONS Table 1 Conductivity coefficients by station number for all stations. SALINITY FITTING RESULTS Figure 1* Leg 1 CTD-bottle salts downtrace stns 878 to 981. Figure 2* Leg 2 CTD-bottle salts downtrace stns 982 to 999. Figure 3* Leg 1 CTD-bottle salts uptrace stns 878 to 981. Figure 4* Leg 2 CTD-bottle salts uptrace stns 982 to 999. OXYGEN CALIBRATIONS SENSOR FAILURES OXYGEN DATA FITTING Table 2 Oxygen fitting coefficients for normal algorithm for all but 53 stations. SPECIAL ALGORITHM FITTING Figure 5* stn 865-869 bottle-CTD oxygen. Figure 6* stn 912-922 bottle-CTD oxygen. Figure 7* stn 912-922 CTD oxygen vs pressure. Figure 8* stn 930-933 CTD oxygen vs pressure. Table 3 Oxygen fitting coefficients for 53 stations using special algorithm. Figure 9* Leg 1 stations (857-961) CTD-bottle oxygen by station and by pressure. Figure 10* Leg 2 stations (962-999) CTD-bottle oxygen by station and by pressure. Figure 11* example of results of oxygen current digitizer change in CTD. Figure 12* stn 978 example of CTD oxygen data quality flag being used. CFC CALIBRATIONS DATA PROCESSING DETAIL NOTES RESOLVED DATA ISSUES APPENDIX 1: EXTRACT OF WATCHSTANDER'S LOG BY STATION NUMBER APPENDIX 2: CRUISE INTERPOLATION DOCUMENTATION WOCE EXPOCODES 316N145-11 (West leg), 316N145-12 (East leg); Knorr Cruise 145 Leg 11; WHOI Internal code "KA45". Document written by Sarah Zimmerman -July 1998; Document revised by Maggie Cook - December 1998. Final version revised by Marshall Swartz - July 1999. INTRODUCTION The WHOI CTD Group supported PIs Harry Bryden and John Morrison in the occupation of WOCE Hydrographic Program line I1 across the N. Indian Ocean from 8/29/95 to 10/16/95. The cruise was conducted as two legs, with stations 857 to 961 done on leg 1 and stations 962 to 1014 occupied on leg 2. Although the cruise completed the planned set of stations, multiple instrumental difficulties and failures plagued the voyage. This report summarizes those problems and outlines the steps taken in the data reduction effort. A synopsis of the instrument problems is given in the appendix. Instrument failures meant that ICTDs from FSI constituted the primary instruments on the I1 cruise, the first time they have been so used by the WHOI Group. In some respects, this cruise highlighted shortcomings in this new instrument. Despite the difficulties, the data set produced by cruise end is of fair quality. Pre- to-post laboratory temperature calibration analyses were quite consistent (differences of only 0.002 C) suggesting the absolute temperatures in the data are reasonable. Calibrated CTD salinity profiles are quite consistent with the water sample salts, with residual salinity discrepancies with pressure between bottles and the profile data ranging between about +0.004 to -0.001 pss with depth. CTD oxygen calibrations are not as good, owing in large part to bad sensor units (that were changed repeatedly during the cruise in search of a well-functioning sensor. The sensor problems have been traced to manufacturing difficulties experienced by the producer combined with the company's poor quality control.) Noise levels in the dataset are somewhat larger than scientists are used to working with. A general 0.002 pss salt noise level is present, about a factor of 2 larger than the norm. CTD oxygen noise levels are 0.04ml/l, worsening to 0.06 for individual stations (ship roll/weather or bad sensor?). Between legs 1 and 2, modifications were made to the ICTD giving the oxygen current more resolution. The general noise level was reduced to 0.03ml/l; better, but still slightly higher than the 0.02ml/l noise level typical of the MKIII CTD. DATA DOCUMENTATION Table of CTDs used by station number: ICTD1338: stations 857, 863, 870 through 892, 978, 980 through 1014. ICTD1344: stations 859 through 862, 865 through 869, 893 through 898, 900 through 977 and 979. CTD09: station 858. CTD12: stations 864 and 899. There are no bottle files for stations 858, 867 and 869 due to the pressure signal having dropped out requiring the cast to be aborted. Station 859 has bottles up to 800 dbars only due to fouling of the pylon. Other station by station events are noted in the station by station log (file ATSEA.RPT submitted along with this document). Final processed WOCE-format CTD files are named in the form KA45Dnnn.WC1, where nnn is the station number. Note that stations 000 to 014 are actually stations 1000 through 1014 respectively. Documentation files for this cruise are listed below: I1FINAL.DOC this report. INTERP.DOC list of linear interpolations performed in final processing of the data. ATSEA.DOC a station by station description of CTD issues. Final-revision CTD data files have been submitted with this data report. INSTRUMENT CONFIGURATION: Four CTDs were available on the cruise: two MkIII (CTDs 9 and 12) and two FSI ICTDs (1338 and 1344), with multiple deck units (MkIII and FSI). The CTDs were mounted in an SIO-designed 36-bottle frame fitted with a General Oceanics model 1016-36 36-position rosette pylon, driven through an SIO-modified controller. The MkIII CTDs both experienced failures early in the cruise, making the two FSI ICTDs the primary instruments by default. Roughly 100 stations were made with ICTD 1344 as primary CTD and 50 stations with ICTD 1338 as primary CTD. Most commonly, the underwater frame was set up with two ICTD instruments: one sending data up the wire using its normal FSK configuration, and one set to record data internally, so that at the end of the station the data could be downloaded. Significant signal interaction problems were encountered with the ICTDs and the General Oceanics pylon operating on a 10-km seacable, which resulted in data dropouts from the CTD and loss of confirmation of bottle closure from the pylon. A temporary solution was achieved through electrical modifications to both the CTDs and the pylon deck controller to accommodate the long seacable, and data quality improved substantially. ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING METHODS Data from ICTD1338 were acquired at 26.0 Hz and processed with a temperature lag of 630 ms. Data from ICTD 1344 were acquired at 26.0 Hz and with a temperature lag of 500 ms. The temperature lag was checked by comparing density reversals in theta salinity (TS) plots (Giles and McDonald, 1986). It was found that the aforementioned lags showed the least amount of looping or density reversals. For the first 9 stations (857-865) CTD data were acquired using an FSI DT-1050 deck unit to demodulate the data. From station 866 and beyond, data were acquired by an EG&G Mk-III deck unit to demodulate the data. The deck units fed serial data to two personal computers running EG&G version 5.2 rev. 2 CTD acquisition software (EG&G, Oceansoft Acquisition Manual, 1990), one providing graphical data to screen and plotter, and the other a running listing output. Approach to seafloor of the CTD package was controlled by monitoring the pinger trace made by the direct and bottom return signals on the ship-provided PDR. After each station, the CTD data were forwarded to another set of personal computers running both EG&G CTD post-processing 5.2 rev. 2 software and custom- built software from WHOI (Millard and Yang, 1993). The data were first- differenced, lag corrected, pressure sorted, and centered into 2 dbar bins for final data quality control and analysis, including fitting to water sample salinity and oxygen results. SUMMARY OF LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS FOR CTDs Maren Tracy Plueddemann and Marshall Swartz calibrated the pressure, temperature, and conductivity sensors at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution CTD Calibration Laboratory pre and post-cruise. The results are given below. LABORATORY PRESSURE CALIBRATIONS ICTD 1338: PRE CRUISE CAL Date: August 1995 Notes: 1338 and 1344 kept together in cold bath for pressure calibration. 1338, 1344 and CTD1 received temperature calibration at same time. Bath temperature during pressure calibration = 1.85 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.337188E+01 B = 0.100040E+00 C = -0.989186E-08 D = 0.121806E-12 Standard deviation of fit = 0.757851E+00 POST CRUISE CAL Date: November 1995 Notes: 1338 and 1344 received pressure and temperature calibrations at the same time. Bath temperature during pressure calibration = 1.67 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.299558E+01 B = 0.999477E-01 C = -0.646358E-08 D = 0.900392E-13 Standard deviation of fit = 0.635441E+00 Bath temperature during pressure calibration = 29.80 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.300466E+01 B = 0.999851E-01 C = -0.785380E-08 D = 0.103497E-12 Standard deviation of fit = 0.740938E+00 COMBINED PRE- and POST-CRUISE CAL - Due to pressure bias shifts, a combination of the pre- and post- cruise pressure calibrations was selected for post cruise processing. Bath temperature during pressure calibrations were 1.85 and 1.67 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.326823E+01 B = 0.999882E-01 C = -0.798407E-08 D = 0.103679E-12 Standard deviation of fit = 0.766984E+00 ICTD 1344: PRE CRUISE CAL Date: August 1995 Notes: 1338 and 1344 kept together in cold bath for pressure calibration. 1338, 1344 and CTD1 received temperature calibration at same time. Bath temperature during pressure calibration = 1.85 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.203003E+01 B = 0.999794E-01 C = -0.166617E-08 D = 0.175895E-13 Standard deviation of fit = 0.490572E+00 POST CRUISE CAL Date: November 1995 - This post cruise calibration was selected for post-cruise processing. Notes: 1338 and 1344 received pressure and temperature calibrations at the same time. Bath temperature during pressure calibration = 1.67 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.162374E+01 B = 0.999549E-01 C = -0.293230E-09 D = 0.372714E-14 Standard deviation of fit = 0.341575E+00 Bath temperature during pressure calibration = 29.80 deg C Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.167806E+01 B = 0.999615E-01 C = -0.720102E-09 D = 0.938970E-14 Standard deviation of fit = 0.462750E+00 PRESSURE BIAS BY STATION NUMBER: The following table summarizes the pressure bias applied during post-cruise data-processing, based upon the pressure measured by the CTD immediately prior to entering the water and immediately following recovery from the water. sta ctd# bias_down bias_up sta ctd# bias down bias up 857 1338 0.296823E+01 0.296823E+01 917 1344 0.123003E+01 0.123003E+01 858 09 -.452144E+01 -.452144E+01 918 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 859 1344 0.183003E+01 0.183003E+01 919 1344 0.123003E+01 0.123003E+01 860 1344 0.223003E+01 0.223003E+01 920 1344 0.123003E+01 0.123003E+01 861 1344 0.243003E+01 0.243003E+01 921 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 862 1344 0.233003E+01 0.233003E+01 922 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 863 1338 -.442144E+01 -.442144E+01 923 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 864 12 -.391194E+02 -.391194E+02 924 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 865 1344 0.233003E+01 0.233003E+01 925 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 866 1344 0.203003E+01 0.203003E+01 926 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 867 1344 0.223003E+01 0.223003E+01 927 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 868 1344 0.193003E+01 0.193003E+01 928 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 869 1344 0.213003E+01 0.213003E+01 929 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 870 1338 0.216823E+01 0.216823E+01 930 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 871 1338 0.266823E+01 0.266823E+01 931 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 872 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 932 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 873 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 933 1344 0.430030E+00 0.430030E+00 874 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 934 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 875 1338 0.276823E+01 0.276823E+01 935 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 876 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 936 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 877 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 937 1344 0.330030E+00 0.330030E+00 878 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 938 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 879 1338 0.276823E+01 0.276823E+01 939 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 880 1338 0.226823E+01 0.226823E+01 940 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 881 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 941 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 882 1338 0.276823E+01 0.276823E+01 942 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 883 1338 0.226823E+01 0.226823E+01 943 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 884 1338 0.206823E+01 0.206823E+01 944 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 885 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 945 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 886 1338 0.266823E+01 0.266823E+01 946 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 887 1338 0.226823E+01 0.226823E+01 947 1344 0.230030E+00 0.230030E+00 888 1338 0.216823E+01 0.216823E+01 948 1344 0.630030E+00 0.630030E+00 889 1338 0.216823E+01 0.216823E+01 949 1344 0.530030E+00 0.530030E+00 890 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 950 1344 0.430030E+00 0.430030E+00 891 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 951 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 892 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 952 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 893 1344 0.183003E+01 0.183003E+01 953 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 894 1344 0.163003E+01 0.163003E+01 954 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 895 1344 0.123003E+01 0.123003E+01 955 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 896 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 956 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 897 1344 0.143003E+01 0.143003E+01 957 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 898 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 958 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 899 12 -.381194E+02 -.381194E+02 959 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 900 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 960 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 901 1344 0.153003E+01 0.153003E+01 961 1344 0.530030E+00 0.530030E+00 902 1344 0.143003E+01 0.143003E+01 962 1344 0.143003E+01 0.143003E+01 903 1344 0.153003E+01 0.153003E+01 963 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 904 1344 0.143003E+01 0.143003E+01 964 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 905 1344 0.123003E+01 0.123003E+01 965 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 906 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 966 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 907 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 967 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 908 1344 0.123003E+01 0.123003E+01 968 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 909 1344 0.300300E-01 0.300300E-01 969 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 910 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 970 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 911 1344 0.930030E+00 0.930030E+00 971 1344 0.143003E+01 0.143003E+01 912 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 972 1344 0.153003E+01 0.153003E+01 913 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 973 1344 0.430030E+00 0.430030E+00 914 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 974 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 915 1344 0.830030E+00 0.830030E+00 975 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 916 1344 0.113003E+01 0.113003E+01 976 1344 0.730030E+00 0.730030E+00 sta ctd# bias down bias up 977 1344 0.103003E+01 0.103003E+01 978 1338 0.266823E+01 0.266823E+01 979 1344 0.133003E+01 0.133003E+01 980 1338 0.296823E+01 0.296823E+01 981 1338 0.206823E+01 0.206823E+01 982 1338 0.276823E+01 0.276823E+01 983 1338 0.276823E+01 0.276823E+01 984 1338 0.276823E+01 0.276823E+01 985 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 986 1338 0.226823E+01 0.226823E+01 987 1338 0.176823E+01 0.176823E+01 988 1338 0.266823E+01 0.266823E+01 989 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 990 1338 0.266823E+01 0.266823E+01 991 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 992 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 993 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 994 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 995 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 996 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 997 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 998 1338 0.236823E+01 0.236823E+01 999 1338 0.236823E+01 0.236823E+01 000 1338 0.236823E+01 0.236823E+01 001 1338 0.246823E+01 0.246823E+01 002 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 003 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 004 1338 0.256823E+01 0.256823E+01 005 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 006 1338 0.186823E+01 0.186823E+01 007 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 008 1338 0.206823E+01 0.206823E+01 009 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 010 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 011 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 012 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 013 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 014 1338 0.196823E+01 0.196823E+01 LABORATORY TEMPERATURE CALIBRATIONS ICTD 1338 had a small change, less than 0.002 deg C. The pre and post temperature calibrations were averaged to be used with the post cruise processing. The ICTD 1344 temperature calibration changed pre to post cruise with a bias shift of +0.002 deg C. CTD reading warmer at the post cruise calibration. The point at where the temperature shift occurred was looked for but not found. The most reliable search was to look at data from the same station where both primary and internal recording CTDs were used. They did not show where the jump occurred. The fast thermistor channel data were also compared at points where the salinity calibration changed. There was not enough proof to point to a spot where the jump occurred, so an average of the pre and post cruise calibrations was used to process the data. ICTD 1338 SLOW PLATINUM THERMOMETER CHANNEL PRE CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.285975E-02 B = 0.500231E-03 C = -0.177714E-10 D = 0.194501E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.373642E-03 POST CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.918509E-03 B = 0.500358E-03 C = -0.190649E-10 D = 0.192328E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.352686E-03 COMBINED PRE AND POST CRUISE CAL - A combined calibration was used for post cruise processing as noted above. Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = 0.186857E-02 B = 0.500298E-03 C = -0.185827E-10 D = 0.195224E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.594841E-03 ICTD 1338 FAST THERMISTOR CHANNEL Note: ICTD1338 fast thermistor temperature data was used to check for temperature shifts during cruise, but did not contribute to the final processed temperature data. PRE CRUISE CAL Note: the second order fit was used during the cruise. The third order fit was used post cruise to compare changes pre to post cruise for the fast thermistor channel. Resulting polynomial coefficients for a second order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2): A = 0.915609E-01 B = 0.495852E-03 C = 0.333829E-10 Standard deviation of fit = 0.693632E-01 Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.187870E-01 B = 0.524023E-03 C = -0.116195E-08 D = 0.129201E-13 Standard deviation of fit = 0.168422E-02 POST CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.186425E-01 B = 0.524085E-03 C = -0.116322E-08 D = 0.129201E-13 Standard deviation of fit = 0.175345E-02 ICTD 1338 OXYGEN TEMPERATURE CHANNEL PRE CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a second order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2): A = -0.216281E+01 B = 0.160633E+00 C = -0.121723E-03 Standard deviation of fit = 0.158769E+00 POST CRUISE CAL - This post-cruise calibration was used with the oxygen algorithms to produce the final dataset. Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.277188E+01 B = 0.183254E+00 C = -0.324103E-03 D = 0.503239E-06 Standard deviation of fit = 0.361886E-01 ICTD 1344 SLOW PLATINUM THERMOMETER PRE CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.639595E-02 B = 0.500576E-03 C = -0.219271E-10 D = 0.227245E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.260050E-03 POST CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A =-0.853971E-02 B = 0.500625E-03 C = -0.235555E-10 D = 0.243046E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.668181E-03 COMBINED PRE AND POST CRUISE CAL - A combined calibration was used for final post cruise processing. Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.748166E-02 B = 0.500600E-03 C = -0.226875E-10 D = 0.234567E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.940009E-03 ICTD 1344 FAST PLATINUM THERMOMETER CHANNEL Note: The fast platinum thermometer channel was used as a secondary reference to judge changes to the ICTD 1344 slow platinum thermometer channel during the cruise. These measurements did not contribute to the final processed data. PRE CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a second order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2): A = -0.164421E-02 B = 0.499960E-03 C = 0.832749E-12 Standard deviation of fit = 0.146257E-02 Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.390910E-02 B = 0.500535E-03 C = -0.235454E-10 D = 0.263094E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.356128E-03 POST CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.707179E-02 B = 0.500630E-03 C = -0.267632E-10 D = 0.294216E-15 Standard deviation of fit = 0.585656E-03 ICTD 1344 FAST THERMISTOR CHANNEL Note: ICTD1344 fast thermistor temperature data was used to check for temperature shifts during cruise, but did not contribute to the final processed temperature data. PRE CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a second order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2): A = 0.889859E-01 B = 0.496237E-03 C = 0.282361E-10 Standard deviation of fit = 0.677849E-01 Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.188737E-01 B = 0.523767E-03 C = -0.113985E-08 D = 0.126255E-13 Standard deviation of fit = 0.182910E-02 POST CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.181959E-01 B = 0.523798E-03 C = -0.113971E-08 D = 0.126209E-13 Standard deviation of fit = 0.171024E-02 ICTD 1344 OXYGEN TEMPERATURE CHANNEL PRE CRUISE CAL Resulting polynomial coefficients for a second order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2): A = -0.336502E+01 B = 0.146252E+00 C = -0.637599E-04 Standard deviation of fit = 0.293626E+00 POST CRUISE CAL - The post-cruise oxygen temperature calibration was used with the oxygen algorithms for the final dataset. Resulting polynomial coefficients for a third order fit: (A+Bx+Cx^2+Dx^3): A = -0.477833E+01 B = 0.194995E+00 C = -0.466521E-03 D = 0.921395E-06 Standard deviation of fit = 0.714265E-01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SALINITY CALIBRATIONS The CTD conductivity sensor data were fit to the water sample conductivity as described in Millard and Yang (1993). The stations were fit by groups according to the drift of the conductivity sensor over time. Plot results of deep water theta/S revealed that there was a difference between CTDs: 1338: *.PRS CTD salt read too high ~0.002 psu or temperature was too low compared to *.SEA file. 1344: *.PRS CTD salt read too low ~0.001 psu or temperature was too high compared to *.SEA file. The consistency of the bias between stations indicates it was probably not a real ocean measurement such as measuring internal waves, but some kind of instrument, package dynamic or bottle artifact. All ICTD 1338 stations have a significant bias, with the downtrace always saltier than the bottles. The uptrace has been fit well, but the uptrace is fresher than the downtrace. To correct for the difference, the downtrace salinity data for the group of stations 978 and 980 through 1014 were fit to the bottle data. This was accomplished by processing the 2- decibar averaged downtrace CTD data against the bottle data, and provided a more acceptable fit for these stations. Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate the CTD salt to bottle salt fits for stations 982 through 1000 using downtrace data, and figures 3* and 4* demonstrate the same fits using uptrace data as is normally done. ICTD 1338 stations 870 through 892 seemed to fit well after forcing the CTD salt data to agree with the bottom bottle data, and so were not refit using the downtrace. ICTD 1344 downtraces trend toward being fresher than the bottles. The uptrace and downtrace agree, but the fits were not working well. Some of the fits were recalculated, with emphasis on matching up the CTD and salts in the bottom water. CTD comparisons were made with the primary CTD and memory CTD data from the same stations. Pressure agreed very well, with bottom depths agreeing within 1dbar on the stations checked. Temperature would stray, +/-.002 at the bottom, sometimes ICTD 1338 being warmer, and sometimes ICTD 1344 was warmer. This is most likely a factor of the location of the telemetering CTD on the sampler frame being different than the position of the memory mode CTD and thus in a different waterpath. Both CTDs could have thermal contamination of the temperature signal from the frame while sampling at a bottle stop. Notes for particular stations' salinity calibrations Stations 936-938, 940-941: A pressure dependent difference between bottle and CTD salinities could not be removed without changing the conductivity cell gemoetry correction terms for pressure (ALPHA) and temperature (BETA). After station 942, the conductivity cell was cleaned due to slime buildup. The difficult calibrations from station 936 to 942 could have been induced by fouling or buildup of slime on the conductivity cell. Stations 936, 937 and 938: BETA was changed from 1.5e-8 to 0.75e-8 Stations 940 and 941 have BETA changed from 1.5e-8 to 0.75e-8, and ALPHA changed from -6.5e-6 to -9.75e-6. Station 923 and 954: Salt changes that looked questionable until the uptrace was overlaid and followed the shape of the downtrace. Station 923 freshens around 2 deg C. Station 954 has spikes and a shift at 1750dbar, 1900dbar and 2250 dbar that are clearly repeated in the uptrace. Table 1. Final conductivity coefficients applied by station number The coefficients used to scale downtrace conductivity data for the I1 stations are listed below. stn bias slope 857 0.269148E-02 0.999756E-03 858 0.148422E-01 0.997105E-03 859 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 860 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 861 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 862 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 863 0.269148E-02 0.999816E-03 864 0.187740E-01 0.100097E-02 865 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 866 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 867 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 868 0.758850E-02 0.999649E-03 869 0.758850E-02 0.999569E-03 870 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 871 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 872 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 873 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 874 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 875 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 876 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 877 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 878 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 879 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 880 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 881 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 882 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 883 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 884 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 885 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 886 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 887 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 888 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 889 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 890 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 891 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 892 0.269148E-02 0.999795E-03 893 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 894 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 895 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 896 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 897 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 898 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 899 0.187740E-01 0.100097E-02 900 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 901 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 902 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 903 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 904 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 905 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 906 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 907 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 908 -0.823240E-03 0.999992E-03 909 -.823240E-03 0.999989E-03 910 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 911 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 912 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 913 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 914 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 915 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 916 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 917 -.106344E-02 0.100004E-02 918 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 919 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 920 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 921 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 922 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 923 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 924 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 925 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 926 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 927 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 928 -.128407E-03 0.100004E-02 929 -.296800E-03 0.100006E-02 930 -.296800E-03 0.100006E-02 931 -.296800E-03 0.100006E-02 932 -.296800E-03 0.100006E-02 933 -.296800E-03 0.100006E-02 934 -.296800E-03 0.100014E-02 935 -.296800E-03 0.100006E-02 936 0.141056E-02 0.100005E-02 937 0.141056E-02 0.100005E-02 938 0.141056E-02 0.100005E-02 939 0.141056E-02 0.100005E-02 940 -.514493E-02 0.100032E-02 941 -.514493E-02 0.100032E-02 942 -.514493E-02 0.100030E-02 943 -.891709E-03 0.100003E-02 944 -.891709E-03 0.100003E-02 945 -.891709E-03 0.100003E-02 946 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 947 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 948 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 949 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 950 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 951 -.891709E-03 0.999983E-03 952 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 953 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 954 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 955 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 956 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 957 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 958 -.891709E-03 0.999997E-03 959 -.891709E-03 0.100004E-02 960 -.891709E-03 0.100008E-02 961 -.891709E-03 0.100008E-02 962 -.390173E-02 0.100009E-02 963 -.390173E-02 0.100009E-02 964 -.519660E-02 0.100021E-02 965 -.519660E-02 0.100021E-02 966 -.519660E-02 0.100021E-02 967 -.519660E-02 0.100021E-02 968 -.519660E-02 0.100021E-02 969 -.519660E-02 0.100021E-02 970 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 971 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 972 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 973 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 974 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 975 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 976 -.519660E-02 0.100019E-02 977 -.390173E-02 0.100007E-02 978 0.419290E-03 0.999988E-03 979 -.390173E-02 0.100015E-02 980 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 981 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 982 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 983 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 984 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 985 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 986 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 987 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 988 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 989 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 990 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 991 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 992 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 993 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 994 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 995 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 996 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 997 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 998 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 999 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 000 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 001 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 002 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 003 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 004 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 005 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 006 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 007 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 008 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 009 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 010 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 011 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 012 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 013 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 014 0.419290E-03 0.999994E-03 The coefficients used to scale uptrace conductivity data for selected I1 stations are listed below. stn bias slope 978 0.216462E-02 0.999940E-03 980 0.216462E-02 0.999940E-03 981 0.216462E-02 0.999940E-03 982 0.216462E-02 0.999940E-03 983 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 984 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 985 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 986 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 987 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 988 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 989 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 990 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 991 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 992 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 993 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 994 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 995 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 996 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 997 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 998 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 999 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 000 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 001 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 002 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 003 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 004 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 005 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 006 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 007 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 008 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 009 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 010 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 011 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 012 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 013 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 014 0.216462E-02 0.999975E-03 Note: Uptrace CTD conductivity data was fit to the bottle salts for stations 978 and 980 through 1014 as described in the preceding documentation to achieve a better fit. SALINITY FITTING RESULTS: The following plots show the differences between the rosette and CTD salts across legs one and two. It is important to note that these plots cover both CTDs, each of which were opened on several occasions potentially causing calibration changes. In the beginning of the cruise many mechanical problems were encountered. (see appendix of ATSEA.doc). Figure 1*: Leg 1 - Difference between calibrated downtrace CTD salts and the rosette salinity data Figure 2*: Leg 2 - Difference between calibrated downtrace CTD salts and rosette salinity data Figure 3*: Leg 1 Differences between calibrated uptrace CTD salts in rosette file (scaled with separate multiple regression fit from down salinities) and rosette salts. Note that the residuals are significantly better for the uptrace data. Fits to the uptrace data were applied to the uptrace CTD data in the rosette file. Due to hysteresis, fits to the downtrace data needed to be applied to the downtrace CTD data files for stations 978 to 1014. Figure 4*: Leg 2: Differences between scaled uptrace CTD salts in the rosette file (separate multiple regression fit from down salinities) and the rosette salt data. OXYGEN CALIBRATIONS: SENSOR FAILURES The CTD oxygen data presented special problems from the beginning. While all four CTDs were initially fitted with new oxygen sensors, and spares were brought on the cruise, the stations were plagued with sensor failures and erratic sensor data. The CTDs all used Sensormedics brand polarographic oxygen sensors, and due to recent experience of failures, it was expected that sensor changes would have to be made. However, the failure rate exceeded our low expectations, with seven replacement sensors being used. Oxygen sensors were replaced following the stations listed below: Station CTD Sensor s/n 865 1344 5-06-03 910 1344 5-06-02 923 1344 5-07-02 930 1344 4-10-2 980 1344 4-12-04 991 1344 5-06-01 The CTDs used interchangeable sensor assemblies, which permitted the oxygen thermistor and sensor module to simply be unplugged and a new one installed if a problem was found. This speeded up the changeout of failed oxygen sensors. However, since each CTD's oxygen temperature channel is calibrated to a specific module, swapping a module out changes the oxygen temperature calibration. Due to the large number of failures of sensors, modules were interchanged between the ICTDs on several occasions, and necessitated special attention to fitting of the data. OXYGEN DATA FITTING Some stations fit well using normal fitting routines, while others had a definite pressure dependent shape in the residuals. A similar shape recurred in different groups. The shape was more pronounced in some groups than others. A weight of 0.8 and lag of 1 was consistent from a few of the larger groups. Most of the groups had this weight and lag held during the fits since many groups came up with weights over 1 and lags below 0 when allowed to fit for those parameters. For the groups with the pressure dependent shape in the residuals, tcor was held at some value lower than the fit originally came up with. Usually tcor was adjusted by -0.002 and the group refit. The resulting residuals between 2000 to 5000 dbars would be centered around 0 with a spread reduced from +/-0.1 to +/-0.04 but the shape would remain in the upper 2000 dbars. Special notes for fitting oxygen data for particular stations: The oxygen temperature (OT) coefficients were changed for the post processing. There were several instances of the CTD profile not reaching the oxygen minimum, or overshooting the minimum. This may have been due to not having the proper OT coefficients in the at-sea station header files. These were corrected during post-processing so all calibration files now have the proper OT coefficients for each CTD. OT coefficient changes: Station applied to Change made 857, 870-892 replaced wrong 38 bias with right 38 bias. 859-862 replaced 38 OT cal with 44 OT cal. 865-869 left as is. 893-979, 899, 978 replaced 38 OT wrong bias with 44 OT cal. 979 replaced wrong 38 bias with right 38 bias. 980 replaced wrong 38 bias with right 38 bias. 981-004 replaced wrong 38 bias with right 38 bias. 005-014 replaced wrong 38 bias with right 38 bias. Stations 859 to 862 were taken with ICTD 1344 but used ICTD1338's oxygen assembly. 1344's OT calibration terms were put into the cal file. Stations 877, 878, 879 and 004 were scaled using the at-sea OT and oxygen current (OC) terms. With the new OT terms, it was not possible to get as good a fit as the at-sea results. The terms arrived at had unrealistic numbers such as a negative lag but was used anyway for the resulting good fit. Stations 857 and 858, test stations, had the oxygen quality word flagged '4' (bad) in the downtrace. All the bottles were deep and not useful for finding a fit for the whole profile. Station 859, the next station in the same locations as 857 and 858, had bottles except for the top 800dbar due to a pylon failure. Even with a better fit this top should be labeled '3' (questionable). Station 860, a test station for water sampling. The downtrace oxygen was labeled '4' due to all bottles fired deep. Stations 906 to 904 have clear shape in the bottom water that may or may not be real. The uptrace looks as if it follows the shapes loosely, not really until the larger features around 2000dbar does it really follow the downtrace. Station 937 had extra bottles taken deep to watch the +/- 0.05ml/l variation in oxygen. The bottles do look like they agree with the oxygen. Station 987, a -0.04 ml/l shift in oxygen at 2711dbar does not look real, and does not agree with bottle or following stations. It has been flagged '3' (questionable). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE 2 OXYGEN FITTING COEFFICIENTS FOR STATIONS WITH NORMAL ALGORITHM Below is a list of the coefficients used to scale the oxygen data for all but 53 stations that have a special fitting routine applied (noted as "special fit"). stn bias slope pcor tcor wt lag 857 -0.011 0.2915E-03 0.6243E-03 0.0156 0.60 3.00 858 -0.023 0.1192E-02 0.1798E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 859 -0.023 0.1192E-02 0.1798E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 860 - 862 special fit. 863 0.004 0.1296E-02 0.1407E-03 -0.0524 0.60 0.30 864 -1.375 0.1136E-03 0.2034E-03 -0.0522 0.60 1.00 865 - 869 special fit. 870 0.006 0.3862E-03 0.6243E-03 0.0156 0.60 3.00 871 0.009 0.6467E-03 0.3590E-03 0.0064 0.60 3.00 872 0.009 0.6467E-03 0.3590E-03 0.0064 0.60 3.00 873 0.039 0.8729E-03 0.1179E-03 -0.0155 0.60 3.00 874 0.039 0.8729E-03 0.1179E-03 -0.0155 0.60 3.00 875 0.022 0.1472E-02 -0.1200E-03 -0.0397 0.60 3.00 876 0.022 0.1472E-02 -0.1200E-03 -0.0397 0.60 3.00 877 0.004 0.1318E-02 -0.4643E-05 -0.0341 0.10 4.00 878 -0.018 0.4243E-02 -0.2527E-03 -0.0677 1.32 -0.3 879 -0.018 0.4243E-02 -0.2527E-03 -0.0677 1.32 -0.3 880-892 special fit. 893 0.005 0.1170E-02 0.1499E-03 -0.0272 0.80 1.00 894 0.022 0.1141E-02 0.1508E-03 -0.0271 0.80 1.00 895 0.009 0.1273E-02 0.1416E-03 -0.0298 0.80 1.00 896 0.017 0.1281E-02 0.1444E-03 -0.0275 0.80 1.00 897 0.017 0.1281E-02 0.1444E-03 -0.0275 0.80 1.00 898 0.019 0.1316E-02 0.1398E-03 -0.0275 0.80 1.00 899 -1.427 0.1162E-03 0.1901E-03 -0.0283 0.60 1.00 900 0.017 0.1281E-02 0.1444E-03 -0.0275 0.80 1.00 901 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 902 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 903 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 904 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 905 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 906 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 907 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 908 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 909 0.011 0.1376E-02 0.1469E-03 -0.0294 0.80 1.23 910 0.036 0.1149E-02 0.1427E-03 -0.0270 0.80 1.00 911 0.003 0.1214E-02 0.1503E-03 -0.0280 0.80 1.00 912 - 922 special fit. 923 -0.006 0.1045E-02 0.1665E-03 -0.0243 0.74 9.34 924 -0.006 0.1045E-02 0.1665E-03 -0.0243 0.74 9.34 925 0.000 0.1080E-02 0.1463E-03 -0.0240 0.80 1.00 926 0.000 0.1080E-02 0.1463E-03 -0.0240 0.80 1.00 927 0.000 0.1080E-02 0.1463E-03 -0.0240 0.80 1.00 928 0.000 0.1080E-02 0.1463E-03 -0.0240 0.80 1.00 929 0.000 0.1080E-02 0.1463E-03 -0.0240 0.80 1.00 930 - 933 special fit. 934 -0.014 0.1582E-02 0.1336E-03 -0.0297 0.80 1.00 935 -0.024 0.1664E-02 0.1146E-03 -0.0304 0.80 1.00 936 -0.024 0.1664E-02 0.1146E-03 -0.0304 0.80 1.00 937 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 938 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 939 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 940 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 941 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 942 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 943 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 944 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 945 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 946 -0.020 0.1612E-02 0.1419E-03 -0.0300 0.80 1.00 947 -0.006 0.1296E-02 0.2061E-03 -0.0236 0.80 1.00 948 -0.005 0.1300E-02 0.2061E-03 -0.0236 0.80 1.00 949 -0.005 0.1300E-02 0.2061E-03 -0.0236 0.80 1.00 950 0.007 0.9440E-03 0.3342E-03 -0.0105 0.80 1.00 951 -0.011 0.1433E-02 0.1654E-03 -0.0278 0.80 1.00 952 -0.011 0.1433E-02 0.1654E-03 -0.0278 0.80 1.00 953 -0.011 0.1433E-02 0.1654E-03 -0.0278 0.80 1.00 954 -0.011 0.1433E-02 0.1654E-03 -0.0278 0.80 1.00 955 -0.011 0.1433E-02 0.1654E-03 -0.0278 0.80 1.00 956 -0.011 0.1433E-02 0.1654E-03 -0.0278 0.80 1.00 957 -0.154 0.1608E-02 0.5058E-03 -0.0163 0.70 1.00 958 -0.014 0.1477E-02 0.1318E-03 -0.0289 0.80 1.00 959 -0.014 0.1477E-02 0.1318E-03 -0.0289 0.80 1.00 960 -0.014 0.1477E-02 0.1318E-03 -0.0289 0.80 1.00 961 -0.014 0.1477E-02 0.1318E-03 -0.0289 0.80 1.00 962 -0.019 0.1310E-02 0.1542E-03 -0.0240 0.80 1.00 963 - 969 special fit. 970 0.131 0.13908E-02 -0.9363E-03 -0.0277 0.80 1.00 971 - 979 special fit. 980 0.005 0.3081E-03 0.1529E-03 -0.0294 0.60 3.00 981 0.011 0.2968E-03 0.1529E-03 -0.0294 0.60 3.00 982 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 983 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 984 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 985 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 986 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 987 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 988 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 989 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 990 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 991 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 992 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 993 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 994 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 995 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 996 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 997 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 998 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 999 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 000 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 001 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 002 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 003 0.001 0.3028E-03 0.1569E-03 -0.0258 0.60 3.00 004 0.0082 0.3217E-03 0.1485E-03 -0.0277 0.90 1.00 005 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 006 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 007 0.018 0.2455E-03 0.2161E-03 -0.0205 0.60 3.00 008 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 009 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 010 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 011 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 012 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 013 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 014 0.009 0.2903E-03 0.1476E-03 -0.0265 0.71 3.00 "Special fit" indicates that a revised oxygen fitting algorithm was used for these stations. See next section for details. SPECIAL OXYGEN ALGORITHM FITTING Fifty-three stations had the problem of fitting the CTD oxygen profile to the bottle data. Bob Millard revised the oxygen algorithm in an attempt to improve the oxygen data from ICTD stations with pressure dependent oxygen residuals using the original Owens & Millard oxygen algorithm: oc = (ocr+lag*docr/dt)*slope+bias Two changes to the oxygen algorithm of Owens & Millard (1985) result in the equation below: ox = oc*oxsat* exp(tcor*(T+wt*(OT-T)+pcor*P) First is the uncoupling of the temperature parameters in the exponential of the algorithm (tcor*wt). This becomes particularly helpful if the oxygen temperature (OT) term does not have a valid calibration. A new term involving the cross-term between pressure and temperature has been added to the algorithm as it picks up additional variance. Note that the oxygen lag term is negative for a number of station groups listed in table I below. In recognition of the inadequate performance of the oxygen sensor modules used for these stations, we opted for the best fit to the water sample oxygen data even though the terms may not be physically realistic. ox = oc*oxsat* exp(tcor1*T+tcor2*OT+pcor*P+ptcor*P*T) The following figures demonstrate how well the adjusted algorithm has done in fitting two station groups that could not be fit with the original algorithm. Figure 5*: Oxygen fitting with new algorithm: Stations 865 to 869: Original fit shows distinct pressure dependent shape as opposed to fit with new algorithm. Above plots display differences of bottle to CTD oxygen ml/l by pressure in decibars. Figure 6*: Oxygen fitting with new algorithm: Stations 912 to 922: Fit with new algorithm removes pressure dependent shape of residuals. Above plots display differences of bottle to CTD oxygen ml/l by pressure in decibars. Figure 7*: Refit of station group 912 to 922 (notice that shallow station 918 rosette data are bad). Figure 8*: Refit of stations 930 to 933 in comparison to surrounding stations. Table 3 OXYGEN DATA FITTING COEFFICIENTS FOR REVISED ALGORITHM The following is a table of coefficients used to scale the oxygen data in the 53 stations that exhibited oxygen fitting problems. Note that some of the terms (i.e. lag) are unrealistic; they do, however, allow these data to be fit to the rosette water sample values. These are the data that could not be fit with the standard oxygen algorithm. stn bias slope pcor tcor1 tcor2 lag ptcor 860 -0.007971 0.001741 0.000156 -0.118095 0.050579 -4.17 -0.0000660 861 -0.007971 0.001741 0.000156 -0.118095 0.050579 -4.17 -0.00006604 862 -0.007971 0.001741 0.000156 -0.118095 0.050579 -4.17 -0.00006604 865 0.016388 0.001236 0.000163 -0.027216 -0.007340 -0.82 -0.00003362 866 0.016388 0.001236 0.000163 -0.027216 -0.007340 -0.82 -0.00003362 867 0.016388 0.001236 0.000163 -0.027216 -0.007340 -0.82 -0.00003362 868 0.016388 0.001236 0.000163 -0.027216 -0.007340 -0.82 -0.00003362 869 0.016388 0.001236 0.000163 -0.027216 -0.007340 -0.82 -0.00003362 880 0.157432 0.000496 0.000439 0.077879 -0.080973 -3.74 -0.00011072 881 0.052984 0.000207 0.001009 0.073267 -0.044510 -11.85 -0.00010797 882 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 883 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 884 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 885 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 886 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 887 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 888 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 889 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 890 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 891 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 892 0.046955 0.001134 0.000207 -0.011526 -0.015070 0.03 -0.00004038 912 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 913 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 914 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 915 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 916 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 917 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 918 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 919 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 920 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 921 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 922 0.018098 0.001265 0.000161 -0.011542 -0.016859 -0.84 -0.00002167 930 -0.028873 0.001555 0.000177 -0.016931 -0.010603 -5.01 -0.00003549 931 -0.028873 0.001555 0.000177 -0.016931 -0.010603 -5.01 -0.00003549 932 -0.028873 0.001555 0.000177 -0.016931 -0.010603 -5.01 -0.00003549 933 -0.028873 0.001555 0.000177 -0.016931 -0.010603 -5.01 -0.00003549 963 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 964 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 965 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 966 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 967 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 968 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 969 -0.013299 0.001418 0.000157 -0.009204 -0.015968 1.10 -0.00002067 971 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 972 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 973 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 974 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 975 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 976 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 977 -0.019304 0.001652 0.000148 -0.011510 -0.019372 1.83 -0.00004173 978 0.411273 0.000324 0.000045 0.266932 -0.283316 102.98 -0.00008445 979 -0.035108 0.001632 0.000151 -0.018120 -0.012538 -2.50 -0.00003505 The quality of the final oxygen data is documented by the residual plots below: Figure 9*: Leg 1: Differences between final calibrated down oxygen data and rosette water sample data. Figure 10*: Leg 2: Differences between calibrated down oxygen data and rosette water sample data Figure 11*: Stations 978 and 979 demonstrate that there were times during the cruise when the CTD was opened up and the oxygen current digitizer changed, resulting in a scaling change. The following notes document instances where the quality word flag of the CTD oxygen in the CTD downtrace files was changed to 4 to signify bad data. Stations 920-922, 915, 918 Set flag of 1st oxygen value to 4 because oxygen current value is low by 0.8 ml/l. Station 858: Oxygen bad between 237 to 241 and 275 dbars; set quality word =4. Station 978: From the surface to 71 dbars the CTD oxygen is flagged bad. Figure 12*: Station 978 oxygen data unsalvageable above 71 dbar. CFC-11 and CFC-12 Measurements - WOCE I1 Leg 1: Muscat, Oman to Colombo, Sri Lanka Analysts: Mr. Steven Covey, University of Washington Ms. Sabine Mecking, University of Washington Leg 2: Colombo, Sri Lanka to Singapore Analysts: Mr. Steven Covey, University of Washington Ms. Wenlin Huang, University of Washington Sample Collection and Analysis Samples for CFC analysis were drawn from the 10-liter Niskins into 100-cc ground glass syringes fitted with plastic stopcocks. These samples were the first aliquots drawn from the particular Niskins. The samples were analyzed using a CFC extraction and analysis system of Dr. Ray F. Weiss of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The analytical system was set up in a portable laboratory, belong to Dr. John Bullister, on the fantail of the R/V Knorr. The analytical procedure and data analysis are described by Bullister and Weiss (1988). One syringe, Becton-Dickinson 9882, was found to be a source of contamination for CFC-11. A separate sampling blank was applied to this syringe. These samples have been flagged as "questionable" (WOCE flag 3) and are listed below (Table 4). The CFC concentrations in air (Table 3) were measured approximately every two days during this expedition. Air was pumped to the portable laboratory from the bow through Dekabon tubing. Calibration A working standard, calibrated on the SIO1993 scale, was used to calibrate the response of the electron capture detector of the Shimadzu Mini-2 GC to the CFCs. This standard, Airco cylinder CC88110, contained gas with CFC- 11 and CFC-12 concentrations of 275.61 parts per trillion (ppt) and 496.49 ppt, respectively. Sampling Blanks We have attempted to estimate the level of contamination by taking the mode of measured CFC concentration in samples which should be CFC-free. In this region, measurements of other transient tracers such as carbon-14 indicate that the deep waters are much older than the CFC transient. We have used all samples deeper than than 2000 meters to determine the blanks of 0.002 picomoles per kilogram (pmol/kg) for CFC-12 and 0.004 pmol/kg for CFC-11. These concentrations have been subtracted from all the reported dissolved CFC concentrations. Syringe 9882 had a much higher sampling blank for CFC-11 (0.010 +/- 0.010 pmol/kg) based on the mean of a few samples. Since there is a large uncertainty in the contamination level, all of the samples collected using this syringe during the first leg have been flagged as questionable. The stopcock (likely source of the contamination) appears to have been changed for leg 2. Data In addition to the CFC concentrations which have merged with the .hyd file, the following three tables have been included to complete the data set. The first two are tables of the duplicate samples. The third is a table of the measured atmospheric CFC concentrations listed with time and position. Table 1: CFC-11 Concentrations in Replicate Samples STATION SAMP CFC-11 WOCE NUMBER NO. pM/kg Flag 859 1 10 0.003 2 859 1 10 0.007 2 862 1 24 0.812 2 862 1 24 0.822 2 863 1 25 0.100 2 863 1 25 0.098 2 864 1 15 0.135 2 864 1 15 0.136 2 866 1 25 0.972 2 866 1 25 0.965 2 870 1 12 0.071 2 870 1 12 0.072 2 871 1 19 0.402 2 871 1 19 0.410 2 872 1 20 0.816 2 872 1 20 0.830 2 873 1 1 0.661 2 873 1 1 0.670 2 877 1 17 0.701 2 877 1 17 0.703 2 885 1 20 0.501 2 885 1 20 0.492 2 889 1 15 0.147 2 889 1 15 0.146 2 899 1 1 0.002 2 899 1 1 0.003 2 902 1 16 0.208 2 902 1 16 0.211 2 909 1 21 0.026 2 909 1 21 0.025 2 912 1 9 -0.004 2 912 1 9 -0.001 2 925 1 2 0.000 2 925 1 2 0.000 2 925 1 21 0.005 2 925 1 21 0.003 2 929 1 1 0.008 2 929 1 1 0.008 2 936 1 24 0.010 2 936 1 24 0.013 2 940 1 29 0.355 2 940 1 29 0.348 2 941 1 1 0.000 2 941 1 1 0.002 2 952 1 16 0.010 2 952 1 16 0.014 2 954 1 5 -0.002 2 954 1 5 -0.003 2 1012 1 7 1.441 2 1012 1 7 1.425 2 Table 2: CFC-12 Concentrations in Replicate Samples STATION SAMP CFC-11 WOCE NUMBER NO. pM/kg Flag 859 1 10 0.005 2 859 1 10 0.011 2 862 1 24 0.476 2 862 1 24 0.482 2 863 1 25 0.054 2 863 1 25 0.044 2 864 1 15 0.070 2 864 1 15 0.070 2 866 1 25 0.543 2 866 1 25 0.545 2 868 1 22 0.186 2 868 1 22 0.172 2 870 1 12 0.034 2 870 1 12 0.038 2 871 1 19 0.220 2 871 1 19 0.224 2 872 1 20 0.429 2 872 1 20 0.427 2 873 1 1 0.370 2 873 1 1 0.380 2 877 1 17 0.395 2 877 1 17 0.392 2 885 1 20 0.275 2 885 1 20 0.266 2 889 1 15 0.080 2 889 1 15 0.078 2 896 1 33 1.006 2 896 1 33 1.012 2 899 1 1 -0.002 2 899 1 1 0.002 2 902 1 16 0.111 2 902 1 16 0.111 2 909 1 21 0.014 2 909 1 21 0.013 2 912 1 9 0.000 2 912 1 9 -0.002 2 925 1 2 0.002 2 925 1 2 0.002 2 925 1 21 0.004 2 925 1 21 0.000 2 929 1 1 0.003 2 929 1 1 0.001 2 936 1 24 0.004 2 936 1 24 0.007 2 940 1 29 0.188 2 940 1 29 0.184 2 941 1 1 0.001 2 941 1 1 0.000 2 952 1 16 0.006 2 952 1 16 0.006 2 954 1 5 0.001 2 954 1 5 -0.001 2 1012 1 7 0.840 2 1012 1 7 0.831 2 Table 3: Atmospheric CFC Concentrations AIRNBR LAT N LON E DATE TIME CFC-11 CFC-12 STNNBR dec deg dec deg gmt gmt ppt ppt (approx.) 1 19.082 58.797 950831 657 262.0 526.2 861 1 19.082 58.797 950831 707 261.9 523.8 861 1 19.082 58.797 950831 717 261.5 527.3 861 1 19.082 58.797 950831 726 262.1 528.8 861 2 16.267 56.555 950901 825 262.2 527.0 863 2 16.267 56.555 950901 840 262.6 527.3 863 2 16.267 56.555 950901 850 262.6 525.8 863 2 16.267 56.555 950901 900 262.4 523.7 863 2 16.267 56.555 950901 918 262.1 522.5 863 3 14.167 52.753 950903 1001 262.0 523.9 870 3 14.167 52.753 950903 1010 262.0 521.4 870 3 14.167 52.753 950903 1020 261.9 523.3 870 3 14.167 52.753 950903 1029 261.8 523.5 870 4 12.375 43.812 950905 1721 266.0 531.1 873 4 12.375 43.812 950905 1730 264.8 531.2 873 4 12.375 43.812 950905 1740 265.2 529.7 873 4 12.375 43.812 950905 1749 265.1 532.7 873 5 12.333 45.753 950906 904 263.9 531.0 877 5 12.333 45.753 950906 914 263.6 530.9 877 5 12.333 45.753 950906 923 263.7 529.3 877 5 12.333 45.753 950906 933 263.7 528.5 877 6 13.065 48.568 950907 1701 265.3 536.2 883 6 13.065 48.568 950907 1711 264.6 536.0 883 6 13.065 48.568 950907 1720 264.7 533.4 883 7 13.717 51.568 950909 1118 262.6 523.5 892 7 13.717 51.568 950909 1128 261.6 523.1 892 7 13.717 51.568 950909 1137 262.7 522.5 892 7 13.717 51.568 950909 1147 262.3 523.4 892 8 9.898 53.800 950911 32 262.8 524.7 897 8 9.898 53.800 950911 43 261.5 521.1 897 8 9.898 53.800 950911 52 261.9 522.3 897 8 9.898 53.800 950911 102 261.4 521.8 897 9 8.823 52.690 950913 802 261.9 525.6 904 9 8.823 52.690 950913 812 261.8 525.0 904 9 8.823 52.690 950913 822 261.6 523.9 904 9 8.823 52.690 950913 832 262.3 524.4 904 10 8.930 54.417 950914 1151 262.6 523.6 908 10 8.930 54.417 950914 1201 262.5 523.8 908 10 8.930 54.417 950914 1212 262.3 524.7 908 11 8.490 58.110 950916 603 262.0 525.5 916 11 8.490 58.110 950916 613 262.1 523.6 916 11 8.490 58.110 950916 624 262.3 523.4 916 11 8.490 58.110 950916 634 262.2 523.1 916 12 9.008 61.552 950918 941 262.4 524.5 925 12 9.008 61.552 950918 951 263.1 525.6 925 12 9.008 61.552 950918 1001 263.1 525.7 925 12 9.008 61.552 950918 1010 263.5 524.9 925 13 8.500 65.883 950921 258 262.9 528.6 934 13 8.500 65.883 950921 308 263.1 528.5 934 13 8.500 65.883 950921 318 263.1 526.4 934 13 8.500 65.883 950921 328 262.8 528.8 934 14 8.497 68.900 950922 2130 263.9 526.4 940 14 8.497 68.900 950922 2140 262.7 524.3 940 14 8.497 68.900 950922 2151 263.7 525.1 940 14 8.497 68.900 950922 2202 262.5 525.4 940 14 8.497 68.900 950924 40 261.9 520.6 940 14 8.497 68.900 950924 55 260.2 522.8 940 15 8.503 71.215 950924 130 262.7 528.6 944 15 8.503 71.215 950924 140 262.2 526.8 944 15 8.503 71.215 950924 149 262.0 525.0 944 15 8.503 71.215 950924 200 262.9 526.5 944 16 8.568 73.832 950925 906 262.9 525.4 951 16 8.568 73.832 950925 916 263.0 523.7 951 16 8.568 73.832 950925 926 262.7 526.5 951 17 6.417 79.100 950927 1418 263.7 527.1 958 17 6.417 79.100 950927 1428 263.7 526.7 958 17 6.417 79.100 950927 1438 264.0 526.7 958 18 5.633 79.997 950930 1242 262.9 529.2 963 18 5.633 79.997 950930 1251 261.5 528.3 963 18 5.633 79.997 950930 1301 262.7 526.9 963 19 9.963 83.847 951004 2220 265.1 532.5 978 19 9.963 83.847 951004 2231 264.8 530.5 978 19 9.963 83.847 951004 2241 265.0 528.9 978 19 9.963 83.847 951004 2252 264.4 530.6 978 20 9.828 86.788 951008 920 262.5 529.3 989 20 9.828 86.788 951008 930 264.1 531.8 989 20 9.828 86.788 951008 940 263.8 528.7 989 21 9.855 95.332 951012 230 263.2 526.8 1008 21 9.855 95.332 951012 239 263.6 526.2 1008 21 9.855 95.332 951012 250 262.8 525.0 1008 21 9.855 95.332 951012 302 263.1 526.2 1008 22 9.627 97.442 951013 21 263.9 530.7 1014 22 9.627 97.442 951013 30 263.9 528.9 1014 22 9.627 97.442 951013 41 264.1 527.8 1014 22 9.627 97.442 951013 53 263.8 526.7 1014 Table 4 - Samples Collected Using Syringe 9882 % The following samples were collected with syringe 9882. Since deep samples % taken with this syringe showed some contamination, a higher blank of 0.01 % pmol/kg is subtracted from the samples collected during the first leg of the % cruise (up to station 861). All of the samples from the first leg are also % flagged as questionable (3) or bad (4). NOTE: The sample number is 100*Cast plus the bottle number. STA SAMPLE Nominal NUMBER Depth 857 127 3195 861 106 2600 862 106 2000 863 123 800 864 120 250 868 122 300 % part of dupl. 874 114 120 879 127 30 881 110 1000 882 126 90 883 121 180 884 114 600 885 122 200 887 116 20 889 128 0 891 112 700 892 136 5 893 110 2400 894 110 2600 895 128 300 896 133 90 % part of dupl. 898 111 2800 899 109 3200 900 119 60 902 110 1100 903 123 600 904 126 500 905 110 3400 % depth may be off 906 109 3800 907 109 3600 908 109 3800 909 130 200 910 124 700 911 109 3400 912 122 700 913 126 400 914 112 2400 915 123 250 917 110 2600 918 114 800 919 116 1100 920 131 90 921 124 500 922 136 5 923 119 800 924 119 1100 925 101 4450 926 120 1100 927 121 100 928 101 4625 929 115 2000 930 116 1800 931 119 1200 932 104 4200 933 125 600 934 124 700 935 108 3400 936 108 3700 937 123 900 938 107 3700 941 135 30 948 124 165 949 126 30 950 122 90 951 127 250 952 108 1550 953 126 90 955 110 800 958 127 30 964 108 1350 965 128 90 966 128 350 967 128 300 968 128 350 969 123 800 971 124 150 972 125 450 974 128 150 975 114 1500 976 129 250 977 126 300 979 129 150 980 125 350 981 125 300 986 110 2100 987 126 250 989 131 120 990 114 1900 991 128 120 992 128 100 993 126 200 994 122 450 995 129 90 996 122 450 997 122 600 998 126 200 1000 112 150 1002 113 350 1003 128 90 1004 126 500 1005 127 120 1008 121 200 1009 116 650 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA PROCESSING DETAIL NOTES: STATION 863: Made the internally recording (IR) backup CTD, CTD 1338, the primary data for the station instead of CTD 9. CTD9's oxygen and salinity in the down profile were bad due to noisy pressure requiring heavy interpolation. ICTD 1338 data were used to make the down 2-dbar file. CTD 9's info was left with the bottle file. There were problems making the bottle file from the IR CTD. Note, there are different up and down cals, one for CTD1338, the other for CTD9. STATION 909: ICTD1344 jumped in salinity by -0.002psu at 3453dbar. Profile continued down at this lower salinity until reaching the bottom when it jumped back +0.001psu. The uptrace bottles and surrounding stations did not support this feature. The salinity below 3453 was replaced with the uptrace salinity. STATIONS 973 to 979: ICTD 1344 conductivity sensor was jumping low, away from the profile and then back to the real value over these set of stations. The problem appeared to be a loose mounting on the conductivity sensor that was epoxied into place after station 981. STATION 973: Replaced the bad downtrace salinity with uptrace salinity over the pressure ranges 1191 to 1641 dbar and 1707 to 2747 dbar. STATION 974: Replaced the bad downtrace salinity with uptrace salinity over the pressure range 1921 to 3773 dbar (bottom). STATION 975: Large interpolations over bad sections. The ranges are listed in the interpolation file: Station, Start pressure, 3=salinity, Ending pressure 975,939,3,1127 975,1447,3,1453 975,1455,3,1457 975,1479,3,1485 975,1781,3,1833 975,2083,3,2157 STATION 976: Interpolate over the bad section. The range is listed in the interpolation file: Station, Start pressure, 3=salinity, Ending pressure 976,2191,3,2251 STATION 977: Leave as is, there is some odd shape in the 900 to 1100 dbar range but it is loosely mimicked by the uptrace. STATION 979: Interpolate over bad section. The range is 2683 to 3151 dbar. There is some shape in the 800 to 1200 dbar section but again, it is loosely copied by the uptrace data. STATION 978, 980 to 014: ICTD1338 downtrace salinity was fit to bottles for downtrace scaling term. Uptrace left as it was. There are two cal files for each station, one for uptrace data *.CU8 and one for downtrace data *.C08. The *.CTD files of 2 dbar pressure averaged and centered downtrace profiles and the *.SEA bottle file both refer to stations 1000 to 1014 as 0 to 14. The *.SEA files (one for leg1 and one for leg2) have been updated with new CTD pressure, temperature, potential temperature, salinity and oxygen data produced from the latest set of calibration coefficients. Final nutrient data has been merged into the *.SEA files as well. A distinct processing sequence of events occurred after rescaling oxygen data for the 53 "problem oxygen " stations. The following was done using Matlab: 1 The WOCE format files submitted in July 1998 were the starting point. 2 For those stations requiring revised CTD oxygen data, the new oxygen data were overwritten into the original files. 3 The original CTD oxygen data in the SEA file were also overwritten with the newest oxygen data. The bottle file pressures were used to merge the 2 dbar down-profile CTD oxygen data from the stations reprocessed into the bottle file. The SEA file was also put through an initial pass at setting quality flags for both CTD salt and oxygen: The quality word of both the CTD oxygen and CTD salinity were compared to the bottle values using a screening criteria that varied with pressure. Within the following pressure levels, differences abs(Oxw-Oxcw) exceeding the value given are marked questionable. Pressure less than 500 dbars Dox > 0.5 ml/l. Pressure between 500 and 1500 dbars Dox > 0.2 ml/l. Pressure greater than 1500 dbars and Dox > 0.1 ml/l. All CTD oxygen values equal to -9.0 have had their quality word set equal to 9. The original bottle file I1A.SEA had newly calibrated down CTD oxygen data merged into it and CTD salinity and oxygen data quality control edited. The resultant file is I1AA.SEA. The original bottle file I1B.SEA was output to file I1BB.SEA. The file I1B.SEA had a second set of four header records that were found to be inserted between station 999 and 0 (ie, station 1000). These headers were removed from file I1aa.SEA. RESOLVED DATA ISSUES: Concern over possible pressure hysteresis in ICTD 1338 found to be caused by internal wave signal. Issue was looked at by Bob Millard and determined not to be instrumental hysteresis but the signal of vertical heaving by internal waves. Non-compliant IOS standard water, batch P-124 from box 2. Standard water believed to be .002 fresh. Problem recognized immediately, only two stations resulted in questionable water sample salts from using this batch of standard water. Spikes and jumps in all data fields throughout the cruise caused extensive editing. The entire dataset has been edited and spikes, jumps, etc have been removed. Pre- to post-cruise laboratory temperature calibrations of CTD 1344 and CTD 1338 showed changes. A combined pre and post cruise temperature calibration has been selected for the ICTDs as described in the calibration summary section. Oxygen fitting problems due to oxygen sensor failures and change-outs. Several factors slowed the CTD oxygen fitting. Poor quality oxygen sensors necessitated frequent changes of sensors: 7 changes total. This resulted in at least as frequent changes in oxygen calibration coefficients. Swapped oxygen assemblies for stations 859 to 862 altered the oxygen temperature calibrations, another complication to the data fitting. Concentrations at the oxygen minimum come close to zero for 35 stations. It took substantially more time than usual to find a calibration that resulted in CTD oxygen data consistent with the water sample data but without going negative. As noted in the oxygen calibration section, a revision to the Owens-Millard algorithm was tried and found to provide an acceptable fit for the oxygen data for 53 stations that were previously not able to be fit with the original algorithm. CTD equipment failures caused extra processing to fit data to water samples and improve data. Stations that had trouble with the primary instrument took extra time to correct. Such trouble includes segments of unreadable data or individual sensors not responding. Because two CTDs were usually on the frame, along with a second, independent temperature sensor, these problem stations were recovered by using data from the other instrumentation. For example, in the case of station 973, data from both primary and backup was used to construct the final hydrographic profile. Reference: Owens, W. B. and R. C. Millard Jr. (1985). A new algorithm for CTD oxygen calibration. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 15, 621-631. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPENDIX 1: NOTES ON WORK DONE TO PARTICULAR STATIONS: EXTRACTS FROM AT-SEA WATCHSTANDER'S LOG HIGHLIGHTING DATA PROBLEMS AND FIXES. Station 858: CTD 9 Pressure drop-out and cast aborted- no water samples. CTD9 subsequently found to have failed pressure sensor, apparently due to corrosion in sensing element. CTD cannot be fixed at sea. Station 859: ICTD1344. Pylon failure, at bottle 18 pylon homed itself with message error was 242. Problem due to interfering telemetry of CTD and pylon. AFTER Station 862: ICTD1338 ICTD1338 opened to switch from FSK to memory mode, and will be used as second CTD on frame. Station 863: CTD9 with ICTD1338 in Memory mode. After Test station for CTD9, CTD 9 opened and found dessicant packs to be caught btw boards, causing components on board to short out. Thought was fixed, but everything dropped out twice during this station. -USE ICTD1338 DATA FOR THIS STATION Station 864:CTD12, Test station for CTD12, after shipping got complete garbage trying to run through seacable at 180 ma, switched to running at 250 ma seemed to run fine on deck, so tried a test station. -down trace- cond jumps -uptrace- large TMR error that was counted as btl tags scan # 47614, 1297 dbar 55 btl tags 11-37 taken out, and 12 Station 865: ICTD1344 with new oxygen sensor 5-06-03. CHANGED TO MKIII DECK UNIT ON UP CAST -a lot of noise in cast, changed over deckunit to MarkIII from FSI DT- 1050, seemed to cleanup data. Station 867:ICTD1344 loss of signal during down cast, fsk was still there but pressure pegged out at 6552. Put power supply in standby and switched to DT1050, no response. Put power supply back in standby, swapped back to MKIII DU and voila data returned. CAST ABORTED Down trace- weird pressure jump in beggining of cast complete pressure dropout at scans 26466-29569, 647 dbar Station 869:ICTD1344 on down trace pressure pegged at 6552, FSK ok. Tried powering down for 5 min then back up- no luck, package brought back to 400m powered down then back up- no luck. Brought package to 200m powered down then backup - no luck, Tried firing 3 btl- no effect. CAST ABORTED- BROUGHT BACK TO SURFACE downcast- complete pressure drop out at 27832 used this as cut off scan number in header. After station 869: ICTD1338 OPENED TO CHANGE TO FSK MODE After station 870: I ICTD1344 opened up, found uninsulated wires, sloppy wiring. Problems repaired. ICTD1344 memory card now installed. SALINOMETER 10 BLEW POWER SUPPLY, CHANGED OUT OK After station 872: ICTD1338, ICTD1344 memory. ICTD1344 SURGERY, ICTD OPENED . Power board replaced with spare. Station 875:ICTD1338 fter finished station tried to send pylon home, recieved comm errors, pylon draws .280 A, pylon trying to move to home, but seemed stuck, helped move and washed out, pylon them seemed to be ok, drew .1 A. Station 884:ICTD1338 -down trace PRESSURE JUMP pressure jumped from 5.9 to 7.7 and did not jump back. scan # 14458 interped btw 5.9 dbar. -uptrace- cast started on deck and not erased fast temperature jump Station 886:ICTD1338 -Pylon problems- computer return after firing 1 01 7 2 02 7 tried to position to 3- comm error reinitialized and positioned to 2 success -CTD powered up at 0725 After station 888: ******ICTD1344 OPENED ****** ICTD not used since last opening to replace power board. After station 892: ******ICTD1344 AND ICTD1338 BOTH OPENED TO SWAP OUTMEMORY CARD********* Station 900:ICTD1344, P1484, SIOSCI, MKIII DU, FRAME B ICTD 1338 INTERNALLY RECORDING Cast one aborted, sensor covers left on package CTD harness replaced and connectors regreased, still a problem- alot of synch errors from CTD Problem found to be in termination, swapped to port sea cable problem still continued. Turned off pylon power and synch error went away. Station 907:ICTD1344 MODEM CARD ON SIOSCI MODIFIED TO REDUCE TRANSMIT LEVEL, HOPING TO AVOID SYNCH ERRORS- lower surf xmit Station 910:ICTD1344 NEW OXYGEN SENSOR 5-06-02 Station 913:BACKUP ICTD1338 ON FRAME, BUT NOT RECORDING IN MEM MODE- bat died Station 915:BACKUP ICTD1338 INTERNALLY RECORDING- new battery -down trace-clean Station 923:ICTD1344 NEW OXYGEN SENSOR (5-07-02) FAWL CONNECTOR ON IRICTD1338 FAILED, ICTD1338 WAS REMOVED AND A 3 PIN BULKHEAD CONNECTOR WAS PUT IN PLACE. Station 925:ICTD1344 ICTD1338 INTERNALLY RECORDING, POWERED DOWN SEACABLE PORT SEACABLE lots o' synch errors, pylon turned off during down trace winch stopped at 4350 dbar to check level wind of winch pylon problems trying to fire bottle 35, tried turning off and on pylon, reinitializing it, kept saying 02 7. When brought on deck found pylon to be at position 7. Reinitialized on deck and seemed to work fine. -down trace- very noisy in conductivity, fast temp, oxtemp jumps pressure -150 jumps synch errors- 55 errors -uptrace- cleaned up only around btl tags took out btl tag 33. Station 903:ICTD1344 NEW OXYGEN SENSOR 4-10-2 After station 942: *******CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR ON BOTH ICTD1338 AND 1344 WERE CLEANED***** Station 948:ICTD1344 pylon problems in beggining of cast, reinitialized, retried reinitialized and retried again, worked on third attempt. After station 955: *****PROBLEMS WITH INTERNALLY RECORDING ICTD 1338********* Station 958:ICTD1344 BOTTOM CONTACT WITH PACKAGE pylon problems, comm errors with pylon, however all bottles were fired After station 961: ************ICTD1338 UPDATED EEPROM VERSION 1.9SMF ********* ***********CHANGED OUT POWER SUPPLY AND PUT A NEW ONE IN********* Station 973:ICTD1344 PRIOR TO STATION TOOK OUT MECCA WYE, AND 2 PIN CONNECTOR TO MECCA, CHANGED OUT THE HARNESS ****IN FINAL DATA USE ICTD1344 OXYGEN TRACE w/ ICTD1338 CONDUCTIVITY TRACE*** STATION 973 *.prs file currently has oxygens from iCTD1344 andsalts from IRICTD1338. M-file s973sal.m can be used to replace the the salt column from kj45d973.prs. Station 975:ICTD1344 PRIOR TO STATION, SWAPPED FSKICTD CONDUCTOR TO MEM ICTD CONDUCTOR Station 977:ICTD1344 CLEANED CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR ON ICTD1344, CHECKED FOR ROTATION Station 978: ICTD1344 *****IN FINAL DATA SET USE IRICTD1338 DATA, THIS WAS DONE OCT95**** **** ICTD1344 DATA BACKED UP ONTO POSTPROC DISKS AS WELL AS **** **** ICTD1338 DATA **** Station 980: ICTD1344, ICTD1338 in Memory mode. New oxgen sensor on ICTD1344 #4-12-04 ICTD1338 IN MEMORY w/ OTM 1372, POWER DOWN SEA CABLE. For final dataset use ICTD1338 data - note this was done in Oct95. ICTD1338 data backed up in POSTPR data, ICTD1344 only backed up raw data. Water sample salts flagged as 3, appear to be .002 fresh, problem with standard water. Station 981: ICTD1338 Water sample salts flagged as 3, appear to be 0.002 fresh, problem with standard water was subsequently found to be cause. After station 981: ICTD1344 ICTD1344 FIRMWARE UPGRADED to version 1.9SMF providing 14 bits of oxygen digitization. CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR STEM EPOXIED IN PLACE SO IT WILL NOT ROTATE. OTM CHANGED TO VARIABLE 16, AND REDUNDANT TEMP TO VARIABLE 17, TO MATCH PAST CRUISES. Station 991: ICTD1344 IN MEMORY w/ OTM 1372- new oxygen sensor (5-06-01) Station 1005:ICTD1338 *****RECORD LAYOUT CHANGED TO INCLUDE PRSTEMP VAR#14**** Stopped cast at 1000m on down cast to see how pressure temp reacts, also stopped at approx 2750m. Station 1012:ICTD1338, Fast thermistor stem is not tight, tech did not repair anything; damage might result. = end of Watchstander's log = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPENDIX 2: CRUISE INTERPOLATION DOCUMENTATION List of interpolations applied after the pressure averaging and centering. The columns are for station number, the starting bad pressure, the column to be interpolated over (3=salinity, 4=oxygen), and the ending bad pressure. This does not list the edits done to the raw data using the EG&G software's ctdpost editor. SALINITY INTERPOLATIONS 002,1291,3,1297 002,1353,3,1367 002,1405,3,1413 005,2773,3,2779 005,1001,3,1015 005,881,3,885 864,2407,3,2413 872,9,3,9 964,1995,3,1999 964,2243,3,2255 964,1127,3,1137 964,1429,3,1435 975,939,3,1127 975,1447,3,1453 975,1455,3,1457 975,1479,3,1485 975,1781,3,1833 975,2083,3,2157 976,2191,3,2251 979,2683,3,3151 986,1535,3,1545 987,671,3,697 987,1043,3,1051 987,1395,3,1399 988,1321,3,1328 988,1419,3,1423 990,1187,5,1195 991,1241,3,1245 995,937,3,947 997,1755,3,1771 999,921,3,931 999,1063,3,1081 OXYGEN INTERPOLATIONS 984,2321,4,2341 984,2559,4,2575 984,2871,4,2885 984,2981,4,2991 984,3087,4,3091 987,2717,4,2725 988,2125,4,2131 988,3357,4,3361 989,2977,4,2983 990,3353,4,3357 Data Processing Notes: i01wsu.txt - Changed first header from R/V KNORR, I1,KN145, 11 to: R/V KNORR CR. KN145, LEG 11 WHP-ID I01W Added time stamp changed EXPOCODE from 316N145/11a to 316N145_11 changed WOCE SECT from I1 to I01W latitude was not left justified, corrected this The following records had the wrong date. The cast started before midnight and ended after midnight according to the time but the date used was the same for the BE, BO, and EN event codes. Sta. # Event Original Changed to Code Date Date 857 BO 082995 083095 862 EN 083195 090195 880 EN 090695 090795 885 BO 090795 090895 885 EN 090795 090895 891 EN 090895 090995 897 EN 091095 091195 904 EN 091295 091395 911 BO 091495 091595 911 EN 091495 091595 915 BO 091595 091695 915 EN 091595 091695 927 EN 091895 091995 934 BO 092095 092195 934 EN 092095 092195 937 EN 092195 092295 944 EN 092395 092495 954 BO 092595 092695 954 EN 092595 902695 i1a.sea - Changed first header EXPOCODE and WHP-ID to conform with .sum file. EXPOCODE 31ka45 to 316N145_11, and WHP-ID WOCE to I01W. Changed CRUISE DATES 082995-101695 to 082995-092895 Added time stamp Deleted last record in file, it only had CHANGED FILE NAME TO i01why.txt i01esu.txt - Changed first header from R/V KNORR, I1,KN145, 11 to R/V KNORR CR. KN145, LEG 12 WHP-ID I01E Added time stamp changed EXPOCODE from 316N145/11b to 316N145_12 changed WOCE SECT from I1 to I01E latitude was not left justified, corrected this deleted last record in file, it only had The following stations had the wrong date. The cast started before midnight and ended after midnight according to the time but the date used was the same for the BE, BO, and EN event codes. Sta. # Event Original Changed to Code Date Date 966 EN 093095 100195 987 EN 100795 100895 996 EN 100995 101095 1002 EN 101095 101195 i1b.sea - Changed first header EXPOCODE and WHP-ID to conform with .sum file. EXPOCODE 31ka45 to 316N145_12, and WHP-ID WOCE to I01E. Changed CRUISE DATES 082995-101695 to 093095-101695 Added time stamp Deleted last record in file, in only had CHANGED FILE NAME TO i01ehy.txt Sarilee Anderson 4 Feb. 1998 Jerry and Steve - here is John Morrison's reply - it looks like he didn't copy it to you. I answered him back - that it probably would make most sense for him to look over his finalized data set before submitting it. So we can go ahead and make the small changes I suggested to the preliminary bottle data set. I am not making any changes to the sum and ctd files. I will ftp the i01hy.txt file to you in a minute. Please acknowledge receipt and please replace the file that is on the website (of course saving the old one in your archive!!) Lynne >From John_Morrison@ncsu.edu Tue Sep 29 04:44 PDT 1998 X-Sender: morrison@pop-0.foamv.ncsu.edu Mime-Version: 1.0 To: Lynne Talley Subject: Re: i01 bottle questions Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Length: 3780 Hi Lynn: I told Steve Diggs last week that you only have the preliminary dataset at SIO. I received the edited data from Sarah just a couple of weeks ago and have not had the chance to go through them yet. I was planning on doing this as soon as I return from Oman and India (will be gone from 4 Oct - 18 Oct). I know that there are 50 stations that have "bad" ctd O2 that Bob Millard was going to take another look at!!!!! If you would like, I can make the files that I have available now accessible to you or you can wait until I have a chance to look at them. Let me know what you want to do!!!! I hate to waste your time until I have had a chance to go over the data!!!!! I would suspect that most of the changes are in the CTD and not hydro data, but you never know!!!! john (see more below) On you suggestions: >John - good to see you last week! I'm going through data sets and plots before we release the cdrom in a couple of weeks. I have three questions about I01 - if you're around could you let me know what you want us to do about them? >1. We have I01E and I01W listed separately, but it looks like the data files had been combined. Do you have a preference for whether they are separated or together? It might be easier in general to have them together here. I really have no preference. They were seperated for convenience of the folks aboard ship --- we finalized the first leg when going into Sri Lanka >2. bottle data file - I suggest two changes - let me know what you think: >Line 1: (header) >expocode changed to 316N145 (as listed in sum file) already changed to 316N145/I1a for each of the samples in the sum file. >added the WHP-ID of I01 >added date stamp (new WHPO practice so we know which version of a file >we are using) >Old line: >EXPOCODE 31ka45 WHP-ID WOCE CRUISE DATES 082995-101695 >New line: >EXPOCODE 316N145 WHP-ID WOCE I01 CRUISE DATES 082995-101695 WHPOSIO19980928LDT I have no problem with this change. It actually makes more sense. >------------------- >Line 4423: >Bottle flag for station 1005, 1, 23 at 349.7 dbar is 3 and salinity is 4. It looks like all nutrients are bad here as well. I suggest that >they all be flagged 4. Oxygen doesn't look out of place, but maybe for consistency, it should be flagged 3. Once again, no problem here. I may also be more that should be changed in the data set that you have there. >Old line plus one level above and one level below: >1005 1 24 SIH036 2474.1 249.7 12.8941 34.9775 0.462 >12.8599 >34.9754 0.431 36.81 32.70 0.00 2.359 0.31 0.16 -9.000 -9.0000 >-9.0 2233.18 2320.96 -9.0 23322222222111111 1005 1 23 SIH001 3473.6 349.7 11.1018 35.0139 0.602 >11.0581 >33.5454 0.558 17.17 14.19 0.04 1.047 -9.00 -9.00 -9.000 -9.0000 >-9.0 2247.63 2330.83 -9.0 33342222299111111 1005 1 22 SIH019 4479.6 450.2 10.0980 35.0309 0.733 >10.0448 >35.0301 0.735 46.06 35.17 -0.00 2.522 0.10 0.05 -9.000 -9.0000 >-9.0 -9.0 -9.0 -9.0 23322222222111111 >Proposed new line: >1005 1 23 SIH001 3473.6 349.7 11.1018 35.0139 0.602 >11.0581 >33.5454 0.558 17.17 14.19 0.04 1.047 -9.00 -9.00 -9.000 -9.0000 >-9.0 2247.63 2330.83 -9.0 33343444499111111 >Thanks - Lynne 9/29/98 6/27/99 The WHOI processing programs could not handle 4 digit station numbers, therefore the processed data as passed to me for final approval had files with station numbers 857 - 999 and 00 - 14. I changed the names of the CTD files and the stations numbers in the CTD, SEA and SUM files to reflect the actual WOCE stations numbers: 857 - 1014. John M. Morrison, Chief Scientist, WOCE I1 * All figures shown in PDF file.