WHP Ref. No.: I08S/I09S Last updated: 2000.09.27 A. Cruise Narrative A.1 Highlights A.1.a WOCE designation I08S/I09S A.1.b EXPOCODE 316N145_5 A.1.c Chief Scientist Mike McCartney Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Woods Hole, MA 02543 phone: 508-457-2000 ext. 2797 Fax: 508-457-2181 e-mail: mike@gaff.whoi.edu Thomas Whitworth III Department of Oceanography Texas A&M University Mail Stop 3146 College Station, TX 77843-3146 A.1.d Ship R/V Knorr A.1.e Ports of call Freantle, Australia A.1.f Cruise dates 1 December 1994 - 19 January 1995 A.2 Cruise Summary Information A.2.a Geographic boundaries A.2.b Stations occupied A.2.c Floats and drifters deployed A.2.d Moorings deployed or recovered A.3 List of Principal Investigators A.4 Scientific Programme and Methods DESCRIPTION OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM The object of this cruise was to occupy a series of CTD-O2 (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen) stations along two, approximately north-south tracks. The first track started at 30ƒ S. 95ƒ E and ended at the edge of the ice of Antarctica at 82ƒ E. The second track began at the ice edge at 111ƒ E and proceeded north to the continental shelf of Australia at 115ƒ E. This collection of high-quality water-property data will help define the pattern of circulation in the Indian Ocean. At each station measurements of temperature, salinity, and dissolved-oxygen concentration were made continuously with depth, and the concentrations of dissolved silica, phosphate, nitrate, and nitrite were measured at up to 36 discrete levels. In addition, measurements of freon, tritium concentrations and CO2 were made at selected levels. The station spacing ranged from 5 to 40 nautical miles, and all flowerings were made to within 10-20 m of the bottom. Continuous echo-sounding was maintained along the cruise track, as well as ADCP current measurements. OBSERVATIONS AND SAMPLES The beginning, bottom and end positions of all the CTD stations occupied on this cruise are listed in the attached table, with the stations numbered sequentially through the cruise. Positions are also shown on the attached chart. We anticipate completion of the calibration and editing of the various data by 1 August 1996. As the hydrographic data for this section are WOCE data, the data then move through an additional quality-evaluation stage managed by the WOCE Hydrographic Programme Office (WHPO) in Woods Hole, which is generally expected to be completed within two years of cruise end and which includes the formal issuing (by WHPO) of a final ship-based data report about one year after the cruise end; and a final ship- and shore-based data report about two years after the cruise end. As this is the most intensive phase of WOCE, the timing of these reports is quite approximate due to the heavy workload of the technical groups making the measurements and doing the quality control assessments. With that in mind, we intend to issue to Australia the preliminary version that results from the calibration and editing phase in mid1996, and subsequently issue revisions should the latter WHPO process lead to alterations. The data will be in digital form on 9-track magnetic tape, or other suitable media; and the final report will be printed copy and/or a text file. A.5 Major Problems and Goals not Achieved A.6 Other Incidents of Note A.7 List of Cruise Participants Name Institution ---------------------------------------------------- 1. McCartney, Michael WHOI Co-Chi. Sci. CTD-O2/Rosette 2. Whitworth, Thomas III TAMU Co-Chi. Sci. CTD-O2/Rosette 3. Swartz, H.Marshall,Jr. WHOI CTD team leader Watch leader 4. Rutz, Steven B. TAMU CTD Watch Leader 5. Goepfert, Laura WHOI CTD Data Analysis 6. Knapp, George WHOI Water sample processor 7. Turner, Toshiko WHOI Water sample processor 8. Hufford, Gwyneth WHOI CTD Watchstander 9. Bennett, Paul WHOI CTD Watchstander 10. Bouchard, George WHOI CTD Watchstander 11. McKay, Thomas Jason WHOI CTD Watchstander 12. Primeau, Francois WHOI CTD Watchstander 13. Jennings, Joseph J. OSU Nutrient Analysis 14. Mordy, Calvin W. PMEL Nutrient Analysis 15. Firing, Eric U Hawaii ADCP specialist 16. Hargreaves, Kirk PMEL CFC Analysis 17. Mathieu, Guy LDEO CFC Analysis 18. Mathieu, Sally LDEO CFC Analysis 19. Johnson, Kenneth M. BNL CO2 analysis 20. Haynes, Charlotte H. BNL CO2 analysis 21. Haynes, Elizabeth M. BNL CO2 analysis 22. Wysor, Brian S. BNL CO2 analysis 23. Brockington, Melinda U Wash. C14 analysis 24. Boenisch, Gerhard W. LDEO Helium/Tritium analysis 25. Ludin, Andrea LDEO Helium/Tritium analysis 26. Tynan, Cynthia T. NOAA Observations Marine Mammal Lab 27. Cotton, James M. NOAA Observations Marine Mammal Lab 28. Pitman, Robert L., Jr. NOAA Observations Marine Mammal Lab 29. Rowlett, Richard A. NOAA Observations Marine Mammal Lab C.2 EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION Equipment used aboard the R/V Knorr for WOCE section I8SI9S was provided by both Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution CTD Operations (WHOI CTD Ops) and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography's Shipboard Technical Services/ Ocean Data Facility (SIO STS/ODF). A total of 147 stations were taken during the cruise. Two complete sampler frames were provided by ODF, each consisting of a coated aluminum frame and thirty-six ODF-built 10-liter bottles. For this cruise two CTDs were usually attached to the frame, one providing real-time data via FSK telemetry, and another recording internally. Also mounted on the frame were a GO pylon, independent ocean temperature modules (OTM), a lowered acoustic doppler current profiler (LADCP) provided by the University of Hawaii, and an Ocean Instruments System's 12 kHz pinger for bottom-finding. 141 of the 147 CTD station data came from WHOI CTD 9, a WHOI-modified Neil Brown MK-3b CTD, sampling at 23.8 Hz, and incorporating a Sensormedics oxygen sensor assembly, a titanium strain gauge pressure tranducer and a platinum temperature sensor with a lag of 150 ms. A General Oceanics (GO) model 1016-36 position pylon was mounted to the 36-bottle frame to control the firing of the bottles at depth. The 1016 pylon was driven by a GO 1016-SCI Surface Control Interface (SCI) in the lab, which provided power and commands down the sea cable, and received status data back. The SCI was controlled through a dedicated personal computer. Due to SCI performance problems, the 1016-36 pylon was replaced with two GO 1015-24 pylons mounted one on top of the other. The 1015-24 pylons were controlled by two GO 1015PM deck units, which provided power and commands down the cable. One of two Falmouth Scientific CTDs, ICTD1338 and ICTD1344, were placed on the primary frame in internal-recording mode to acquire comparison data. In addition, one of two Falmouth Scientific OTMs were placed on the frame to provide an independent temperature measurement channel in the CTD data stream. During rough weather a smaller specially-designed stainless steel frame was used. The frame was built at WHOI and is based on a design from John Bullister's group at NOAA/PMEL, uses 25 4-liter sample bottles, and is intended to provide CTD capability in high seas. Five stations were taken with this frame using a 1015-24 pylon and WHOI CTD 12, a GO-upgraded MK3c CTD sampling at 25.0 Hz, a Sensormedics oxygen sensor assembly, a titanium pressure transducer, a platinum temperature sensor with a lag of 200ms, and a fast thermistor. EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS Stations 1-3 were test stations. Station 1 used ICTD1338, with the 1016-36 pylon and SCI. Numerous problems were encountered including communication interferences between the fsk ICTD data and the pylon-SCI communication. It was also found that the oxygen sensor was not working properly and it was deduced after the cruise that the SeaCon underwater connectors were failing open-circuit at various pressures. Station 2 used CTD9, 1016 SCI and pylon, and again communication problems developed causing synch errors in the CTD data and unreliable operation of the pylon. The oxygen assembly on CTD9 was not secured properly thus not recording reliable oxygen data. Station 3 used CTD12 and the 1016-36 pylon and SCI, and again the cast had communication interference between the SCI and the CTD. Efforts were made to adjust the telemetry levels to minimize the data disruption. For stations 4 and 5, CTD9 was used with the 1016 SCI and pylon, again communication problems were noted. During the down cast the pylon was turned off and only turned on during the upcast. The acquisition program was placed in stand-by when firing bottles because the CTD data had unacceptably high error rates when the pylon was used. After station 5, the 1016-36 position pylon was removed from the frame and replaced with a GO 1015-24 position pylon. For station 6 through station 29 only 24 bottles were tripped, as only one 24-position pylon was able to be used. For station 30, a second 24-position pylon was stacked underneath the first, providing the capability to trigger all 36 sample bottles. On numerous occasions, data reported by the FSI OTM would indicate a data latch-up, sometimes accompanied by a subsequent restart. The problem was not solved on the cruise, but was later traced to insufficient clearances of the internal components in the pressure case. The three GO 1016-36 pylons which were initially tried all failed. Two failures were traced to damaged internal power supplies, and one had a broken position-indicating switch. All pylons were initially supplied in fully tested and satisfactory condition, but it was later found that using them with the GO-supplied SCIs could cause the power supply failures. We have since stopped using the GO-supplied SCIs. The mechanical failure to the position switch caused the pylon to lose it's place, and thus become useless. As a result, the technician first rigged one 1015-24 pylon in place of the 1016-36, and by station 30, added another 1015-24, providing sufficient release mechanisms for all 36 frame sample bottles. The Knorr's engine department provided outstanding assistance in making the necessary support mounts and modifications to help meet the science objectives. The GO 1015-24 pylons were a source of occasional uncertainty, as it could not always be determined where a bottle tripped. Sometimes, hydrographic data indicated that two bottles closed at one stop, and although every effort was made to maintain, align and clean the pylons, this problem was not entirely eliminated. They performed better than anticipated, however, going for more than 40 consecutive stations without a mistrip, and allowed the cruise to gather 36 samples per cast. Early on in the cruise, the tensiometer for the starboard winch failed. This forced us to use the port winch for the remainder of the cruise. In addition, station 81 was aborted due to winch problems, when a bearing for the tension block failed. On stations 50 through 53, the oxygen sensor with CTD9 was found to be operating erratically. It was subsequently replaced. CTD9 had been provided with a new design of pressure compensation for the mineral-oil reservoir behind the sensor. This was demonstrated to provide smoother pressure compensation and fewer jumps in the data as the pressure differential equalized across the oxygen sensor membrane. AQUISITION AND PROCESSING METHODS Data from CTD 9 was acquired at 23.8 Hz and with a temperature lag of 150 ms. Data from CTD 12 was acquired at 25.0 Hz and with a temperature lag of 200 ms. The temperature lag was checked by comparing density reversals in theta salinity (TS) plots (Giles and McDonald, 1986). It was found that the afore mentioned lags showed the least amount of looping or density reversals. Data was acquired by an EG&G Mk-III deck unit providing demodulated data to two personal computers running EG&G version 5.2 rev 2 CTD acquisition software (EG&G, Oceansoft acquisition manual, 1990), one providing graphical data to screen and plotter, and the other a running listing output. Bottom approach was controlled by following the pinger direct and bottom return signals on the ship-provided PDR trace. After each station, the CTD data was forwarded to another set of personal computers running both EG&G CTD post-processing 3.0 software and custom-built software from WHOI (Millard and Yang, 1993). The data was first-differenced, lag corrected, pressure sorted, and pressure-centered into 2 decibar bins for final data quality control and analysis, including fitting to water sample salinity and oxygen results. SUMMARY OF LABORATORY CALIBRATIONS FOR CTDs The pressure, temperature, and conductivity sensors were calibrated by Maren Tracy Plueddemann and Marshall Swartz at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's CTD Calibration Laboratory. PRESSURE CALIBRATIONS Method/Calibration Standards The pressure transducers of CTD9, CTD12, ICTD1338, and ICTD1344 were calibrated in a temperature controlled bath to WHOI's Ruska Model 2480 Dead Weight Tester (DWT) as described by Millard and Yang (1993) over the range of atmospheric to 6,200 dbars. The pre-cruise pressure calibration was performed at three different temperatures, 1.78¯C, 14.82¯C, and 30.10¯C. The calibrations were completed November 7, 1994. Post-cruise pressure calibrations were performed at only one temperature point, 1.20¯C and were completed April 7, 1995. BIAS SLOPE QUADRATIC -------------------------------------------------------------- CTD 9 pre-cruise 1.78¯C -.495103E+01 .100588E+00 .112622E-10 14.82¯C -.439017E+01 .100576E+00 .100853E-09 30.10¯C -.371797E+01 .100592E+00 -.192585E-09 post-cruise 1.20¯C -.421198E+01 .100585E+00 .847090E-10 CTD 12 pre-cruise 1.78¯C -.405781E+02 .107379E+00 .430549E-09 14.82¯C -.399422E+02 .107390E+00 .370115E-09 30.10¯C -.392364E+02 .107395E+00 .383934E-09 post-cruise 1.20¯C -.395154E+02 .107384E+00 .385736E-09 ICTD 1338 pre-cruise 1.78¯C .707844E+00 .999402E-01 .131998E-09 14.82¯C .674421E+00 .999320E-01 .368154E-09 30.10¯C .177411E+00 .999467E-01 .248022E-09 post-cruise 1.20¯C .152460E+01 .998550E-01 .734740E-09 ICTD 1344 pre-cruise 1.78¯C .293056E+01 .999521E-01 -.263500E-09 14.82¯C .168364E+01 .999844E-01 -.360033E-09 30.10¯C .171705E+01 .999784E-01 -.291289E-09 post-cruise 1.20¯C .410510E+01 .999568E-01 -.466373E-09 TEMPERATURE CALIBRATIONS Method/Calibration Standards For both the pre and post cruise temperature calibrations an Automated Systems Laboratory (ASL) F18 temperature bridge with a Rosemount 162-CE SPRT were used as transfer standards. During the calibration, the CTD was fully immersed in a well-stirred constant temperature 700-liter salt water bath. The pre-cruise temperature calibration was completed November 1, 1994 for all instruments brought on the cruise. The post-cruise temperature calibration was completed March 17, 1995 on CTD 9. Due to a failure of CTD 12, a post-cruise calibration could not be performed. The CTD worked fine during the cruise, however during the post cruise calibration the CTD was unable to synch on the data. Data is reported to WOCE on the ITS-90 scale, but is processed internally on the IPTS-68 scale for compatibility with the equations for the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78). CTD PRIMARY PLATINUM TEMPERATURE BIAS SLOPE QUADRATIC ----------------------------------------------------------- CTD 9 pre-cruise -.179120E+01 .496261E-03 .385531E-11 post-cruise -.179285E+01 .496217E-03 .467567E-11 CTD 12 pre-cruise .621572E+01 .499695E-03 .688332E-12 post-cruise N/A N/A N/A ICTD 1338 pre-cruise .198004E-02 .499934E-03 -.483458E-12 post-cruise .213918E-02 .499918E-03 -.971791E-12 ICTD 1344 pre-cruise -.452392E-02 .500201E-03 -.330744E-11 post-cruise -.643159E-02 .500258E-03 -.404936E-11 OXYGEN TEMPERATURE CTD 9 pre-cruise .717010E-02 .124856E+00 -.381392E-05 post-cruise .197632E+00 .123681E+00 -.494725E-05 CTD 12 pre-cruise -.771413E+01 .761267E-03 -.186160E-08 post-cruise N/A N/A N/A ICTD 1338 pre-cruise N/A N/A N/A post-cruise -.201461E+01 .161598E+00 -.127533E-03 ICTD 1344 pre-cruise -.374508E+01 .153921E+00 -.836036E-04 post-cruise -.401615E+01 .159201E+00 -.125456E-03 PRESSURE TEMPERATURE CTD 9 S1 S2 T0 pre-cruise .376241E+02 -.938036E-02 -1.7188E-2 .035381 1.78 post-cruise .374444E+02 -.920480E-02 CTD 12 pre-cruise .145943E+03 -.374919E-02 4.1010E-7 .047316 1.78 post-cruise N/A N/A (Note: ICTDs do not have a separately reporting temperature channel). CONDUCTIVITY CALIBRATIONS Method/Calibration Standards A pre-cruise conductivity calibration was performed on CTD 9 and CTD 12. Five salinity samples were drawn and analyzed on a Guildline Autosal 8100-B autosalinometer at each temperature point during the temperature calibration. These values were then converted to conductivity and compared to the values read by the CTD at the different temperatures (Millard and Yang, 1993). CTD 9 pre-cruise -.113915E-01 .998004E-03 post-cruise -.724614E-02 .998114E-03 CTD 12 pre-cruise .278165E-01 .100049E-02 post-cruise N/A N/A For final processing of the data the pre-cruise calibration constants were used to scale the data for CTD12, ICTD1338, and CTD9. CTD DATA SUMMARY OF AT SEA CALIBRATIONS The pressure of the CTDs at the sea surface was recorded at the beginning of each station. The on deck pressure was found using by graphing the calculated pressure prior to the package entering the water. This number was then subtracted from the pressure bias term for each station. CONDUCTIVITY CALIBRATION Basic fitting procedure The CTD conductivity sensor data was fit to the water sample conductivity as described in Millard and Yang 1993. The stations were fit as a drift of the sensor was noted. OXYGEN CALIBRATIONS Basic Fitting procedure The CTD oxygen sensor variables were fit to water sample oxygen data to determine the six parameters of the oxygen algorithm (Millard and Yang, 1993). As with conductivity, the stations were fit as a drift in the sensor was noted. QUALITY CONTROL OF 2DB CTD DATA AND SEA FILES Stations 3, 8, 31, and 62 had several pressure bins where there was no CTD data. These bins have been marked as 6's in the *.CTD files. During these stations there were a lot of synch errors in the raw data that had to be cleaned up and this resulted in very few good scans in several pressure bins. For stations 1 and 2, where the oxygen sensors were not working, the CTD values in the *.CTD and *.SEA files were changed to -9.000 and the quality word to 5. For CTD9, stations 50- 53 the oxygen sensor showed erroneous values. The CTD oxygen values were again changed to -9.000 and the quality word change to 5 to reflect the bad sensor. For stations 46 and 47 it was noted that the sensor may have begun failing, thus the quality word for these oxygen CTD values was changed to 3 to reflect a questionable oxygen value in both the *.CTD and *.SEA file. In the *.SEA files the down trace CTD oxygen value is used, in some cases there was no pressure bin in the down trace so the oxygen value was taken from the nearest pressure bin. These values are marked as questionable in the *.SEA files. References: Giles, Alan B. and Trevor J. McDonald. 1986. Two methods for the reduction of Salinity Spiking of CTDs. Deep Sea Research, Vol 33, no 9. 1253-1274. Mangum, B.W. and G.T. Furukawa. 1990. Guidelines for Realizing the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). NIST Technical Notes 1265. Millard, R. C. and K. Yang. 1993. CTD Calibration and Processing Methods used at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Technical Report No. 93-44, 96 pages. Oceansoft MKIII/SCTD Acquisition Software Manual. 1990. P/N Manual 10239. EG&G Marine Instruments. Owens, Brechner W. and Robert C. Millard, Jr. 1985. A New Algorithm for CTD Oxygen Calibrations. J. Phys. Oc. vol 15.621-631. CFC-11 and CFC-12 Measurements on WOCE I8SI9S John Bullister NOAA-PMEL Building #3 7600 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle WA 98115 USA Telephone: 206-526-6741 FAX: 206-526-6744 Internet: bullister@pmel.noaa.gov Specially designed 10 liter water sample bottles were used on the cruise to reduce CFC contamination. These bottles have the same outer dimensions as standard 10 liter Niskin bottles, but use a modified end-cap design to minimize the contact of the water sample with the end-cap O-rings after closing. The O-rings used in these water sample bottles were vacuum-baked prior to the first station on the Indian Ocean Expedition. Stainless steel springs covered with a nylon powder coat were substituted for the internal elastic tubing standardly used to close Niskin bottles. CFC samples were drawn from approximately 50% of 4600 water samples collected during the expedition. Water samples for CFC analysis were usually the first samples drawn from the 10 liter bottles. Care was taken to co-ordinate the sampling of CFCs with other samples to minimize the time between the initial opening of each bottle and the completion of sample drawing. In most cases, dissolved oxygen, total CO2, alkalinity and pH samples were collected within several minutes of the initial opening of each bottle. To minimize contact with air, the CFC samples were drawn directly through the stopcocks of the 10 liter bottles into 100 ml precision glass syringes equipped with 2-way metal stopcocks. The syringes were immersed in a holding tank of clean surface seawater until analysed. To reduce the possibility of contamination from high levels of CFCs frequently present in the air inside research vessels, the CFC extraction/analysis system and syringe holding tank were housed in a modified 20' laboratory van on the aft deck of the ship. For air sampling, a ~100 meter length of 3/8" OD Dekaron tubing was run from the CFC lab van to the bow of the ship. Air was pulled through this line into the CFC van using an Air Cadet pump. The air was compressed in the pump, with the downstream pressure held at about 1.5 atm using a back-pressure regulator. A tee allowed a flow (~100 cc/min) of the compressed air to be directed to the gas sample valves, while the bulk flow of the air (>7 liters per minute) was vented through the back pressure regulator. Concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in air samples, seawater and gas standards on the cruise were measured by shipboard electron capture gas chromatography, using techniques similar to those described by Bullister and Weiss (1988). The CFC system used was built at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and had been used on several Pacific WOCE legs as well as several Indian Ocean WOCE legs. The SIO system was modified from the Bullister and Weiss (1988) design to use a fixed volume, variable pressure gas loop injection system. The sample loops were either pressurized or evacuated to known pressures in order to vary the amount of gas sample introduced. The sample loop(s) were periodically filled with CFC-free gas to one atmosphere and analyzed to check for analytical blanks. The typical analysis time for a seawater, air, standard or blank sample was about 12 minutes. The CFC analytical system functioned well during this expedition. Concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in air, seawater samples and gas standards are reported relative to the SIO93 calibration scale (Cunnold, et. al., 1994). CFC concentrations in air and standard gas are reported in units of mole fraction CFC in dry gas, and are typically in the parts-per-trillion (ppt) range. Dissolved CFC concentrations are given in units of picomoles of CFC per kg seawater (pmol/kg). CFC concentrations in air and seawater samples were determined by fitting their chromatographic peak areas to multi-point calibration curves, generated by pressurizing sample loops and injecting known volumes of gas from a CFC working standard (PMEL cylinder 38415) into the analytical instrument. The concentrations of CFC-11 and CFC-12 in this working standard were calibrated versus a primary CFC standard (36743) (Bullister, 1984) before the cruise and a secondary standard (32386) before and after the cruise. Full range calibration curves were run several times (approx. every 5 days during the cruise. Single injections of a fixed volume of standard gas at one atmosphere were run much more frequently (at intervals of 1 to 2 hours) to monitor short term changes in detector sensitivity. As expected, low (~0.015 pmol/kg) but non-zero CFC concentrations were measured in deep and bottom samples along the northern ends (~32S) of I8S and I9S. Deep and bottom CFC concentrations increased significantly southward along the sections. It is likely that most of the deep CFC signals observed on I8S and I9S, which are strongly correlated with elevated dissolved oxygen and cold temperatures, are due to deep ventilation processes in this high latitude region, and not simply blanks due of the sampling and analytical procedures. The measured levels of CFC in deep water samples on the northern ends I8S and I9S sections are considerable higher than those found on WOCE sections in the low latitude Indian Ocean. For example, typical measured deep water CFC measurements along WOCE section I2 (at about 8S) were ~0.003 pmol/kg for CFC-11 and <0.001 for CFC-12. Since no "zero" CFC water was present anywhere along I8S or I9S, and later cruises (e.g. I2) showed low CFC blanks for the sampling procedures, no corrections for 'sampling blanks' have been applied to the reported CFC signals for I8S and I9S. A few samples (~86 of a total of ~2300) had clearly anomalous CFC-11 and/or CFC-12 concentrations relative to adjacent samples. These appeared to occur more or less randomly, and were not clearly associated with other features in the water column (e.g. elevated oxygen concentrations, salinity or temperature features, etc.). This suggests that the high values were due to isolated low-level CFC contamination events. These samples are included in this report and are flagged as either 3 (questionable) or 4 (bad) measurements. A total of 32 analyses of CFC-11 were assigned a flag of 3 and 25 analyses of CFC-12 were assigned a flag of 3. A total of 17 analyses of CFC-11 were assigned a flag of 4 and 24 CFC-12 samples assigned a flag of 4. On this expedition, we estimate precisions (1 standard deviation) of about 1% or 0.005 pmol/kg (whichever is greater) for dissolved CFC-11 and 1% or 0.005 pmol/kg (whichever is greater) for dissolved CFC-12 measurements (see listing of replicate samples given at the end of this report). In addition to the file of mean CFC concentrations, ID), tables of the following are included in this report: Table 1a. I8SI9S Replicate dissolved CFC-11 analyses Table 1b. I8SI9S Replicate dissolved CFC-12 analyses Table 2. I8SI9S CFC air measurements Table 3. I8SI9S CFC air measurements interpolated to station locations A value of -9.0 is used for missing values in the listings. References: Bullister, J.L. Anthropogenic Chlorofluoromethanes as Tracers of Ocean Circulation and Mixing Processes: Measurement and Calibration Techniques and Studies in the Greenland and Norwegian Seas, Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Calif. San Diego, 172 pp. Bullister, J.L. and R.F. Weiss, Determination of CCl3F and CCl2F2 in seawater and air. Deep-Sea Research, 35 (5), 839-853, 1988. Cunnold, D.M., P.J. Fraser, R.F. Weiss, R.G. Prinn, P.G. Simmonds, B.R. Miller,F.N. Alyea, and A.J.Crawford. Global trends and annual releases of CCl3F and CCl2F2 estimated from ALE/GAGE and other measurements from July 1978 to June 1991. J. Geophys. Res., 99, 1107-1126, 1994. Table 1a. Replicate F-11 Samples Station Sample F-11 ---------------------- 1 6 0.024 1 6 0.029 1 6 0.031 1 12 0.020 1 12 0.032 1 14 0.036 1 14 0.032 1 21 0.161 1 21 0.025 2 1 0.013 2 1 0.029 2 8 0.012 2 8 0.015 2 15 0.028 2 15 0.028 3 1 0.022 3 1 0.014 3 7 0.011 3 7 0.026 3 13 0.017 3 13 0.015 3 25 0.016 3 25 0.018 3 31 0.013 3 31 0.042 4 18 0.201 4 18 0.195 4 19 0.436 4 19 0.422 4 25 3.107 4 25 3.303 4 25 3.326 4 31 2.953 4 31 2.955 7 6 0.009 7 6 0.012 7 23 2.601 7 23 2.541 9 14 0.570 9 14 0.569 9 17 3.310 9 17 3.277 11 19 3.167 11 19 3.206 12 15 2.150 12 15 2.126 13 9 0.023 13 9 0.046 13 21 3.084 13 21 3.164 15 14 1.568 15 14 1.570 16 10 0.024 16 10 0.020 16 15 2.263 16 15 2.277 16 21 3.435 16 21 3.395 16 21 3.473 17 6 0.030 17 6 0.005 17 23 3.151 17 23 3.164 18 13 1.165 18 13 1.156 18 14 1.551 18 14 1.527 19 15 2.309 19 15 2.340 19 21 3.387 19 21 3.389 21 15 2.770 21 15 2.804 21 17 3.605 21 17 3.573 22 13 0.871 22 13 0.883 22 17 3.649 22 17 3.586 22 21 3.506 22 21 3.496 24 7 0.041 24 7 0.042 24 23 3.409 24 23 3.408 24 23 3.416 29 15 1.962 29 15 1.949 29 18 3.453 29 18 3.232 30 21 1.336 30 21 1.350 34 22 1.868 34 22 1.832 34 30 4.299 34 30 4.317 35 28 3.668 35 28 3.640 37 34 4.459 37 34 4.348 40 24 2.485 40 24 2.506 40 27 3.556 40 27 3.545 41 2 0.112 41 2 0.110 44 1 0.313 44 1 0.309 44 32 4.450 44 32 4.444 46 27 2.553 46 27 2.562 50 2 0.582 50 2 0.576 55 3 0.652 55 3 0.629 55 32 5.446 55 32 5.451 56 19 0.169 56 19 0.175 56 29 2.721 56 29 2.745 62 7 0.529 62 7 0.550 62 33 5.957 62 33 5.758 75 9 0.062 75 9 0.064 79 3 0.060 79 3 0.057 79 34 6.568 79 34 6.595 82 31 1.461 82 31 1.469 85 2 1.458 85 2 1.416 85 21 0.326 85 21 0.330 85 35 6.081 85 35 6.158 87 9 0.486 87 9 0.489 87 29 2.740 87 29 2.739 92 5 0.745 92 5 0.756 92 33 6.201 92 33 6.178 94 2 1.260 94 2 1.246 94 33 6.619 94 33 6.644 97 34 6.385 97 34 6.434 99 8 0.260 99 8 0.255 99 16 0.145 99 16 0.141 100 12 0.565 100 12 0.564 100 16 4.962 100 16 4.953 101 6 0.232 101 6 0.231 101 22 5.964 101 22 5.952 103 14 0.068 103 14 0.070 105 5 0.348 105 5 0.350 105 28 3.033 105 28 2.959 105 34 5.529 105 34 5.514 107 35 5.521 107 35 5.550 111 16 0.086 111 16 0.085 111 29 2.387 111 29 2.427 114 6 0.047 114 6 0.047 116 6 0.040 116 6 0.040 116 32 4.646 116 32 4.636 120 14 0.242 120 14 0.238 120 35 4.067 120 35 4.039 122 31 3.721 122 31 3.733 122 33 3.905 122 33 3.900 124 18 1.522 124 18 1.524 124 21 2.120 124 21 2.104 124 33 3.725 124 33 3.721 126 6 0.049 126 6 0.050 126 34 3.692 126 34 3.673 127 32 3.635 127 32 3.661 129 2 0.070 129 2 0.073 129 2 0.035 129 33 3.596 129 33 3.575 130 1 0.068 130 1 0.072 130 2 0.072 130 2 0.067 130 2 0.069 130 2 0.067 131 5 0.067 131 5 0.064 131 28 3.621 131 28 3.605 133 6 0.033 133 6 0.037 133 34 3.422 133 34 3.405 135 26 3.394 135 26 3.378 135 33 3.140 135 33 3.136 137 21 1.577 137 21 1.578 137 32 3.307 137 32 3.355 137 33 3.276 137 33 3.252 137 34 3.171 137 34 3.167 139 34 3.225 139 34 3.221 141 30 3.226 141 30 3.232 141 32 3.073 141 32 3.145 144 10 0.013 144 10 0.013 144 33 2.426 144 33 2.418 Table 1b. Replicate F-12 Samples Station Sample F-12 ---------------------- 1 6 0.057 1 6 0.060 1 6 0.066 1 12 0.059 1 12 0.058 1 14 0.020 1 14 0.045 1 21 0.019 1 21 0.069 2 1 -0.004 2 1 0.002 2 8 -0.003 2 8 -0.008 2 15 -0.001 2 15 -0.006 3 1 -0.002 3 1 0.003 3 7 -0.008 3 7 -0.004 3 13 0.003 3 13 -0.001 3 25 0.009 3 25 0.010 3 31 0.010 3 31 0.006 4 18 0.104 4 18 0.105 4 19 0.220 4 19 0.214 4 25 1.529 4 25 1.623 4 25 1.595 4 31 1.462 4 31 1.457 7 6 0.006 7 6 0.008 7 23 1.392 7 23 1.363 9 14 0.283 9 14 0.281 9 17 1.562 9 17 1.547 11 19 1.620 11 19 1.672 12 15 1.071 12 15 1.049 13 9 0.007 13 9 0.021 13 21 1.641 13 21 1.677 15 14 0.798 15 14 0.810 16 10 0.005 16 10 0.003 16 15 1.153 16 15 1.142 16 21 1.816 16 21 1.783 16 21 1.842 17 6 0.015 17 6 -0.002 17 23 1.689 17 23 1.689 18 13 0.577 18 13 0.606 18 14 0.811 18 14 0.763 19 15 1.158 19 15 1.156 19 21 1.816 19 21 1.730 21 15 1.416 21 15 1.418 21 17 1.855 21 17 1.834 22 13 0.439 22 13 0.444 22 17 1.906 22 17 1.842 22 21 1.823 22 21 1.827 24 7 0.019 24 7 0.029 24 23 1.772 24 23 1.761 24 23 1.781 29 15 0.965 29 15 0.954 29 18 1.770 29 18 1.732 30 21 0.646 30 21 0.658 34 22 0.889 34 22 0.895 34 30 2.133 34 30 2.200 35 28 1.901 35 28 1.898 37 34 2.271 37 34 2.151 40 24 1.182 40 24 1.197 40 27 1.734 40 27 1.744 41 2 0.053 41 2 0.058 44 1 0.153 44 1 0.154 44 32 2.254 44 32 2.244 46 27 1.206 46 27 1.224 50 2 0.276 50 2 0.283 55 3 0.307 55 3 0.297 55 32 2.671 55 32 2.674 56 19 0.076 56 19 0.083 56 29 1.287 56 29 1.299 62 7 0.259 62 7 0.268 62 33 2.909 62 33 2.866 75 9 0.034 75 9 0.038 79 34 3.188 79 34 3.099 82 31 0.683 82 31 0.681 85 2 0.682 85 2 0.665 85 21 0.149 85 21 0.151 85 35 2.872 85 35 2.884 87 9 0.229 87 9 0.228 87 29 1.282 87 29 1.278 92 5 0.351 92 5 0.350 92 33 2.981 92 33 2.949 94 2 0.592 94 2 0.567 94 33 3.142 94 33 3.167 97 34 2.999 97 34 3.021 99 8 0.127 99 8 0.123 99 16 0.066 99 16 0.064 100 12 0.265 100 12 0.262 100 16 2.329 100 16 2.353 101 6 0.116 101 6 0.108 101 22 2.817 101 22 2.871 103 14 0.031 103 14 0.032 105 5 0.164 105 5 0.169 105 28 1.442 105 28 1.421 105 34 2.705 105 34 2.701 107 35 2.716 107 35 2.748 111 16 0.034 111 16 0.035 111 29 1.117 111 29 1.170 114 6 0.027 114 6 0.029 116 6 0.019 116 6 0.020 116 32 2.343 116 32 2.356 120 14 0.119 120 14 0.116 120 35 2.079 120 35 2.105 122 31 1.896 122 31 1.880 122 33 1.993 122 33 1.987 124 18 0.729 124 18 0.728 124 21 1.038 124 21 1.034 124 33 1.933 124 33 1.898 126 6 0.027 126 6 0.028 126 34 1.873 126 34 1.911 127 32 1.912 127 32 1.903 129 2 0.049 129 2 0.038 129 2 0.017 129 33 1.892 129 33 1.852 130 1 0.043 130 1 0.043 130 2 0.045 130 2 0.042 130 2 0.038 130 2 0.039 131 5 0.043 131 5 0.043 131 28 1.889 131 28 1.854 133 6 0.026 133 6 0.032 133 34 1.784 133 34 1.795 135 26 1.715 135 26 1.705 135 33 1.664 135 33 1.671 137 21 0.757 137 21 0.783 137 32 1.728 137 32 1.794 137 33 1.700 137 33 1.701 139 34 1.673 139 34 1.692 141 30 1.681 141 30 1.656 141 32 1.625 141 32 1.649 144 10 0.015 144 10 0.017 144 33 1.333 144 33 1.304 Table 2. i8si9s CFC Air Measurements: Leg 1 Time F11 F12 Date (hhmm) Latitude Longitude PPT PPT ----------------------------------------------------------- 5 Dec 94 0258 30 40.7 S 099 46.5 E -9.0 513.7 5 Dec 94 0307 30 40.7 S 099 46.5 E -9.0 513.0 5 Dec 94 0316 30 40.7 S 099 46.5 E -9.0 514.3 5 Dec 94 0325 30 40.7 S 099 46.5 E -9.0 514.1 5 Dec 94 0335 30 40.7 S 099 46.5 E -9.0 514.4 7 Dec 94 2020 33 06.2 S 094 57.8 E -9.0 515.4 7 Dec 94 2029 33 06.2 S 094 57.8 E -9.0 515.5 7 Dec 94 2038 33 06.2 S 094 57.8 E -9.0 512.3 9 Dec 94 2247 36 50.7 S 095 00.5 E 260.1 516.1 9 Dec 94 2256 36 50.7 S 095 00.5 E 259.3 513.5 9 Dec 94 2305 36 50.7 S 095 00.5 E 259.7 513.6 10 Dec 94 1908 38 10.7 S 095 00.7 E 259.5 513.2 10 Dec 94 1917 38 10.7 S 095 00.7 E 259.7 511.7 10 Dec 94 1926 38 10.7 S 095 00.7 E 259.9 510.1 13 Dec 94 1323 43 23.4 S 095 01.0 E 260.5 512.0 13 Dec 94 1332 43 23.4 S 095 01.0 E 260.1 513.7 13 Dec 94 1341 43 23.4 S 095 01.0 E 260.3 509.4 18 Dec 94 1143 50 34.0 S 090 02.0 E 262.4 515.7 18 Dec 94 1152 50 34.0 S 090 02.0 E 260.9 510.8 18 Dec 94 1201 50 34.0 S 090 02.0 E 260.8 513.2 22 Dec 94 1528 55 26.8 S 085 22.8 E 260.5 510.7 22 Dec 94 1537 55 26.8 S 085 22.8 E 261.1 514.6 22 Dec 94 1546 55 26.8 S 085 22.8 E 261.5 512.8 26 Dec 94 1839 61 58.5 S 082 01.0 E 261.0 514.6 26 Dec 94 1847 61 58.5 S 082 01.0 E 259.9 515.0 26 Dec 94 1856 61 58.5 S 082 01.0 E 260.0 514.9 Leg 2 Time F11 F12 Date (hhmm) Latitude Longitude PPT PPT ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 Jan 95 0445 64 51.1 S 110 49.2 E 260.1 513.4 2 Jan 95 0454 64 51.1 S 110 49.2 E 260.4 512.2 2 Jan 95 0503 64 51.1 S 110 49.2 E 260.4 513.2 2 Jan 95 0514 64 51.1 S 110 49.2 E 261.0 513.8 5 Jan 95 1925 58 07.5 S 115 00.1 E 260.3 512.3 5 Jan 95 1934 58 07.5 S 115 00.1 E 261.1 512.8 5 Jan 95 1952 58 07.5 S 115 00.1 E 260.6 514.2 5 Jan 95 2001 58 07.5 S 115 00.1 E 261.4 512.7 7 Jan 95 1529 55 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 260.5 514.7 7 Jan 95 1538 55 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 259.5 513.2 7 Jan 95 1548 55 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 260.5 512.2 8 Jan 95 1929 52 36.4 S 114 59.1 E 260.6 513.3 8 Jan 95 1938 52 36.4 S 114 59.1 E 260.3 514.5 8 Jan 95 1946 52 36.4 S 114 59.1 E 259.7 514.7 10 Jan 95 1645 49 00.1 S 115 00.2 E 260.7 514.6 10 Jan 95 1653 49 00.1 S 115 00.2 E 259.5 511.9 10 Jan 95 1702 49 00.1 S 115 00.2 E 260.9 516.3 14 Jan 95 1351 41 30.4 S 114 59.8 E 260.4 513.4 14 Jan 95 1400 41 30.4 S 114 59.8 E 259.7 512.0 14 Jan 95 1408 41 30.4 S 114 59.8 E 258.8 511.7 Table 3. i8si9s CFC Air values (interpolated to station locations) STATION F11 F12 NUMBER Latitude Longitude Date PPT PPT ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 31 29.3 S 110 13.5 E 2 Dec 94 259.6 513.6 2 31 13.3 S 106 17.0 E 3 Dec 94 259.6 513.6 3 30 57.2 S 102 44.7 E 4 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 4 30 18.0 S 095 00.0 E 5 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 5 31 18.0 S 095 00.0 E 6 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 6 32 00.5 S 095 00.3 E 6 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 7 32 00.2 S 095 00.3 E 7 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 8 32 30.0 S 095 00.0 E 7 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 9 33 00.0 S 094 59.7 E 7 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 10 33 30.0 S 095 00.0 E 7 Dec 94 259.7 513.6 11 34 00.0 S 095 00.0 E 8 Dec 94 259.7 513.5 12 34 30.0 S 095 00.0 E 8 Dec 94 259.7 513.5 13 34 59.7 S 095 00.0 E 8 Dec 94 259.7 513.5 14 35 29.8 S 095 00.0 E 9 Dec 94 259.7 513.5 15 35 59.7 S 095 00.2 E 9 Dec 94 259.7 513.5 16 36 30.0 S 095 00.0 E 9 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 17 36 59.8 S 095 00.2 E 9 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 18 37 30.0 S 095 00.0 E 10 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 19 37 59.8 S 095 00.0 E 10 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 20 38 29.3 S 095 01.2 E 11 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 21 38 59.5 S 095 00.2 E 11 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 22 39 29.8 S 095 00.2 E 11 Dec 94 259.7 513.0 23 40 00.0 S 094 59.8 E 11 Dec 94 259.9 512.6 24 40 30.0 S 095 00.0 E 12 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 25 41 00.3 S 095 00.5 E 12 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 26 41 30.2 S 094 59.8 E 12 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 27 41 59.8 S 095 00.0 E 12 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 28 42 30.2 S 095 00.3 E 13 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 29 43 00.0 S 095 00.2 E 13 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 30 43 30.0 S 094 59.8 E 13 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 31 43 45.0 S 095 00.0 E 13 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 32 44 00.0 S 095 00.0 E 13 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 33 44 15.0 S 095 00.0 E 14 Dec 94 260.0 511.7 34 44 29.8 S 095 01.0 E 14 Dec 94 260.5 512.2 35 44 59.5 S 095 00.2 E 14 Dec 94 260.5 512.2 36 45 25.7 S 094 38.3 E 14 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 37 45 50.2 S 094 16.8 E 15 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 38 46 16.7 S 093 53.0 E 15 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 39 46 42.8 S 093 31.5 E 15 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 40 47 08.8 S 093 09.5 E 16 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 41 47 33.7 S 092 45.2 E 16 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 42 47 59.7 S 092 22.2 E 16 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 43 48 25.3 S 091 59.7 E 17 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 44 48 51.0 S 091 36.2 E 17 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 45 49 16.7 S 091 13.0 E 17 Dec 94 260.8 512.5 46 49 42.0 S 090 49.0 E 17 Dec 94 260.9 512.5 47 50 07.8 S 090 25.2 E 18 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 48 50 33.5 S 090 02.3 E 18 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 49 50 59.2 S 089 36.5 E 19 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 50 51 25.2 S 089 12.2 E 19 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 51 51 37.7 S 088 59.5 E 19 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 52 51 50.2 S 088 45.8 E 19 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 53 52 15.5 S 088 19.8 E 20 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 54 52 41.2 S 087 53.7 E 20 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 55 53 06.3 S 087 27.8 E 20 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 56 53 31.5 S 087 01.0 E 21 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 57 53 57.2 S 086 34.0 E 21 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 58 54 22.3 S 086 07.0 E 22 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 59 54 47.7 S 085 39.5 E 22 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 60 55 12.7 S 085 11.3 E 22 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 61 55 38.2 S 084 43.7 E 23 Dec 94 261.2 513.0 62 56 03.7 S 084 14.8 E 23 Dec 94 260.9 513.6 63 56 29.0 S 083 46.3 E 23 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 64 56 54.2 S 083 17.8 E 24 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 65 57 19.7 S 082 47.7 E 24 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 66 57 30.8 S 082 32.3 E 24 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 67 57 36.8 S 082 24.3 E 24 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 68 57 55.2 S 082 14.0 E 24 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 69 58 13.0 S 082 00.0 E 25 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 70 58 36.7 S 082 00.2 E 25 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 71 59 00.0 S 082 00.2 E 25 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 72 59 30.0 S 082 00.0 E 25 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 73 60 00.0 S 082 00.2 E 25 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 74 60 28.8 S 082 00.2 E 26 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 75 61 00.0 S 082 00.0 E 26 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 76 61 29.5 S 082 00.3 E 26 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 77 61 58.5 S 082 00.7 E 26 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 78 62 30.3 S 082 00.3 E 26 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 79 63 00.2 S 082 00.2 E 27 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 80 63 30.8 S 081 59.5 E 27 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 82 64 09.0 S 081 53.5 E 27 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 83 63 50.5 S 081 54.8 E 28 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 84 63 15.5 S 082 00.2 E 28 Dec 94 260.7 513.8 85 64 30.7 S 111 23.8 E 1 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 86 64 51.8 S 110 49.5 E 2 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 87 64 05.8 S 112 05.3 E 2 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 88 63 40.8 S 112 35.7 E 2 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 89 63 15.8 S 113 12.8 E 2 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 90 62 51.0 S 113 47.2 E 3 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 91 62 24.8 S 114 25.7 E 3 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 92 62 00.2 S 115 00.0 E 3 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 93 61 30.0 S 115 00.3 E 3 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 94 61 00.0 S 114 59.8 E 4 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 95 60 23.8 S 115 00.2 E 4 Jan 95 260.7 513.1 96 59 47.5 S 115 01.5 E 4 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 97 59 11.8 S 115 00.0 E 5 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 98 58 36.0 S 115 00.0 E 5 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 99 58 00.0 S 115 00.3 E 5 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 100 58 00.0 S 115 00.3 E 6 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 101 57 23.8 S 114 59.7 E 6 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 102 56 48.0 S 115 00.2 E 6 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 103 56 11.7 S 115 00.2 E 6 Jan 95 260.6 513.2 104 55 36.0 S 115 00.2 E 7 Jan 95 260.5 513.5 105 55 00.2 S 115 00.3 E 7 Jan 95 260.2 513.8 106 54 24.0 S 115 00.3 E 7 Jan 95 260.2 513.8 107 53 48.0 S 115 00.0 E 8 Jan 95 260.2 513.8 108 53 12.2 S 115 00.8 E 8 Jan 95 260.2 513.8 109 52 36.0 S 115 00.0 E 8 Jan 95 260.2 513.8 110 52 00.2 S 115 00.3 E 8 Jan 95 260.2 513.8 111 51 30.0 S 115 00.3 E 9 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 112 51 00.2 S 115 00.3 E 9 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 113 50 30.0 S 115 00.5 E 9 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 114 50 00.0 S 115 00.3 E 10 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 115 49 30.0 S 115 00.2 E 10 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 116 49 00.0 S 115 00.3 E 10 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 117 48 29.7 S 115 00.3 E 10 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 118 48 00.0 S 115 00.3 E 11 Jan 95 260.3 514.2 119 47 30.0 S 115 00.0 E 11 Jan 95 260.1 513.6 120 47 00.2 S 115 00.0 E 11 Jan 95 260.1 513.6 121 46 30.0 S 115 00.2 E 11 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 122 45 59.8 S 115 00.7 E 12 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 123 45 29.8 S 115 00.3 E 12 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 124 45 00.0 S 114 59.8 E 12 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 125 44 29.8 S 115 00.2 E 12 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 126 43 59.8 S 115 00.2 E 13 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 127 43 29.8 S 115 00.2 E 13 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 128 43 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 13 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 129 42 29.7 S 115 00.2 E 14 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 130 42 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 14 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 131 41 30.3 S 114 59.8 E 14 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 132 40 53.7 S 115 00.2 E 14 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 133 40 18.0 S 115 00.0 E 15 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 134 39 41.8 S 115 00.0 E 15 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 135 39 05.8 S 115 00.0 E 15 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 136 38 29.8 S 115 00.0 E 15 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 137 38 00.0 S 114 59.8 E 16 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 138 37 29.8 S 115 00.0 E 16 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 139 37 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 16 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 140 36 29.8 S 115 00.0 E 17 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 141 36 00.0 S 115 00.0 E 17 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 142 35 39.0 S 114 59.7 E 17 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 143 35 38.8 S 115 00.7 E 17 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 144 35 31.0 S 114 59.7 E 17 Jan 95 260.0 513.3 145 35 12.0 S 115 00.0 E 18 Jan 95 260.0 513.4 146 34 57.8 S 115 00.2 E 18 Jan 95 260.0 513.4 147 34 49.2 S 114 59.8 E 18 Jan 95 260.0 513.4 DATA PROCESSING NOTES: 1998.02.23 Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 11:52:27 -0500 (EST) From: Alexander Kozyr 1000 ms6335 40390 alex@utpel033.prg.utk.edu> Reply-to: Alexander Kozyr 1000 ms6335 40390 alex@utpel033.prg.utk.edu> Subject: I8S/I9S CO2 data To: whpo@ucsd.edu Cc: wallace@bnl.gov, akozyr@utk.edu Dear Steve and Jim, I have recently looked at the PUBLIC data files for the WOCE I8S/I9S Sections that are currently posted through WHPO WEB site. I discovered that the TCO2 and Alkalinity are completely deferent from those I have from BNL PIs Ken Johnson and Doug Wallace. I thing the TCO2 and TALK data you have are from the Chief Scientist and are the row data from the cruise records. These data have to be removed from the final data set on the WEB. I am currently preparing WOCE formatted CO2 data files for this and other Indian Ocean cruises, and will send them to you as soon as I finish. I wish you the best, > Alex. 1998.02.23 Subject: Re: I8S/I9S CO2 data Date: Mon, 23 Feb 1998 12:19:29 +0000 From: "Douglas Wallace" To: whpo@ucsd.edu, Alexander Kozyr 1000 ms6335 40390 CC: wallace@bnl.gov, akozyr@utk.edu, mike.riches@oer.doe.gov Dear Steve and Jim: further to Alex' message I just want to mention that there is a strong possibility that this type of situation will continue to occur. In many cases there is quite little interaction between the WOCE and JGOFS(CO2) PIs after a cruise and there is therefore an ever-present risk that old, preliminary CO2 data get carried through in the WOCE reporting stream and end up being submitted to the WHPO. The easiest way to deal with this risk is to make use of Alex as a central resource for checking and signing off on any CO2-related parameter that comes into the WHPO. This is strictly true only for the CO2-data collected by investigators, however note that US CO2 PIs have participated in several foreign cruises (mainly German ones). Alex has a complete list of all the cruises that the US CO2 PIs have participated in, and has the most up-to-date data holdings for CO2-related parameters originating from those PIs. So he should be able to help out on this and this should take some of the workload off the WHPO. Please feel free to make use of Alex to check/verify any CO2-related data that come into the WHPO: that's (in part) what he is there for.... It may be worth adding "check with Alex" as an action item prior to making a data set public at the WHPO. I know that he will be very cooperative. With best regards, Doug 1998.12.01: CFCs removed (masked) from bottle files and decrypted for public consumption per McCartney's instructions. Also removed ALKALI and TCARBN as well as replacing the string "FC02" (with a zero) with the string "FCO2" (with an 'o') in both the i09s and i08s bottle files. 1998.12.23WHPOSIODM i08s.note i08ssu.txt - Original first header line is "R/V KNORR, KA45, I8SI9S, LEG 5" Used CR. "145" as indicated in EXPOCODE. Changed WOCT SECT from "I8" to "I08S" and "I9" to "I09S". - Stations 23, 118, 124 & 136 Casts 2 (TYPE "FLT") have parameters "23,24" (Total Carbon & Total Alkalinity). Probably accidentally duplicated from Cast 1 (ROS). Left unchanged. - THIS IS THE EXAMPLE SUM in the General Information section of the WOCE web page done by SA Feb 6, 1998. Has Sarilee already done the Indian Ocean SUM reformatting? I didn't notice this until I'd finished and was doing my final check. The current web Indian Ocean summary files have not been reformatted. EXPOCODES not yet changed. 1999.02.03 Steve and Jerry - I made a small change to the first header line of the i08shy.txt and i09shy.txt files - they are from the same cruise and neither of them had the right expocode. Expocode was changed to 316N145_5 in both files. Lynne 1999.06.16 From: sdiggs (Steve Diggs) Subject: Re: I08S I09S bottle data To: pmele@ldeo.columbia.edu (phil mele) Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 11:36:11 -0700 (PDT) MIME-Version: 1.0 Phil, Somehow, I may not have replied to this message before. If I have not, please excuse the delay. You are correct, the values were in ml/l and the CTD files were in a non-WOCE format. I have rectified this situation by replacing both the CTD zipfile and the hydro file with newer versions that are in WOCE format (CTD) and a newer hydro file with the correct units for Oxygen. -sd > Stephen - I downloaded the data for I08S and I09S today, 26 May. > I compared the water sample data to data I had retrieved in April > 1995 from the Indian Ocean preliminary data site at WHOI available > to Indian Ocean PIs (I work for Arnold Gordon). The data from > your WHPO site has less resolution than the data from 1995. The > oxygens in the hydro files have a resolution of only one decimal > place, compared to three in 1995. Phosphate has two compared to > three. The difference seems to be more than a rounding error, as > the 1995 data rounded to one decimal place does not result in the > value I retrieved. I suppose if the data were updated and then > rounded, this could account for the difference. > Also, I see in the data description that the CTD data was > reformatted by WHPO. The data downloaded is still in the original > WHOI format, dated Aug 1995. Is there a final version? > > Thanks, > Phil Mele > 2000.02.08 Subject: Please merge I08S CFC and CO2 data Date: Tue, 8 Feb 100 14:51:20 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Diggs To: dbartolacci@ucsd.edu (Danielle Bartolacci), dnewton@ucsd.edu CC: jswift@ucsd.edu (Dr. James Swift (WHPO)), sdiggs@ucsd.edu (Steve Diggs), jkappa@ucsd.edu (Jerry Kappa (WHPO)) Danie and David, I have reformatted John Bullister's CFC data received 1999/12/16 into WOCE format (that's what David's program needs, eh?) Could one of you use the code to merge in the new CFCs -AND- a file call i8s.co2 (Kozyr's Co2 data) into the existing bottle data file? All files are in the 'original' directory under I08s. thanks, -sd 2000.02.09 Subject: I08S/I09S updated (CFC, CARBON) Date: Wed, 9 Feb 100 16:06:24 -0800 (PST) From: Steve Diggs To: jkappa@ucsd.edu (Jerry Kappa (WHPO)), johnb@pmel.noaa.gov CC: whpo@ucsd.edu, alex@utpel033.prg.utk.edu Jerry, David Newton and I have done some work on I08S/I09S bottle data. The CFCs have been updated with values from J. Bullister's 12/1999 data submission and Alex Kozyr's carbon values. The carbon values on-line have been masked out pending public release from Alex. All tables and files have been updated accordingly. -sd 2000.04.25 i08si09s Nutrients were labeled UMOL/KG but were really UMOL/L. Converted mislabeled nutrients from UMOL/L to UMOL/KG. Subtracted NITRIT from NO2+NO3 to get NITRAT. Sarilee Anderson 2000.07.05_HLB Moved 2000.02.14_CO2_KOZYR_i8si9sdat.txt from /usr/export/ftp-incoming.2000.02.14/2000.02.14_CO2_KOZYR. Data has not been merged, ALKALI and TCARBN need to be merged. Email is as follows: Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 13:30:56 -0500 (EST) Reply-To: Alexander Kozyr 1000 ms6335 40390 Subject: Atlantic and Indian Oceans carbon data To: whpo@ucsd.edu Content-MD5: O9MPzmWSf/MOhb5+PFq4mQ== Hi Steve, I've just put a total of 13 files [carbon data measured in Indian (6 files) and Atlantic (7 files) oceans] to the WHPO ftp area. Please let me know if you get data okay. Thank you, Alex.