WHP Ref. No.: IR1W Last updated: 27 July 1995 A. Cruise Narrative A.1 Highlights A.1.a WOCE designation IR1W A.1.b EXPOCODE 3175MB95/3 A.1.c Chief Scientist Robert Molinari Physical Oceanography Division Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 Internet: molinari@ocean.aoml.er1.gov Phone: 305-361-4344 Fax: 305-361-4449 A.1.d Ship R/V Malcolm Baldrige A.1.e Ports of call Depart Muscat, Oman Arrive Male, the Maldives Depart Male, the Maldives Arrive Mahe, the Seychelles A.1.f Cruise dates Depart 31 May 1995 Arrive 20 June 1995 Depart 21 June 1995 Arrive 30 June 1995 A.2 Cruise Summary Information A.2.a Geographic boundaries A.2.b Stations occupied CTD: 31 Stations Lowered ADCP: 92 stations taken concurrently with the CTD Observations Niskin Bottle water samples: Except for misfires, shallow stations and stations occupied towards the end of the leg, 24 bottles were tripped at each CTD station. XBT's: 31 stations Continous shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Continous thermosalinograph measurements Continous pCO2 underway measurement A.2.c Floats and drifters deployed NONE A.2.d Moorings deploued or recovered NONE A.3 List of Principal Investigators A.4 Scientific Programme and Methods Equipment and Operational summary: The new Sea-Bird CTD performed well throughout the cruise. There was a drift in the conductivity sensor to fresher values durin gthe curse of the curise (order of .003 to .004 psu). The oxygen sensor failed abut half way through the cruie and was replaced with no additional problems. The rosette also wored flawlessly as did the LADCP after some early battery problems. No difficulties were experienced with the oxygen analysis system. Operationally, we exceeded the project requirements in the number of stations occupied. We deleted three stations along I1n in the Arabian basin. At the time we were some two days behind schedule becasue of the weather and sea state slowing operations. However, east of the Maldives both moderated and on the flank of the Carlsberg Ridge and across the equator. Equally important to adding stations, was the fact that all stations produced high quality CTD and LADCP data. A.5 Major Problems and Goals not Achieved The only significant equipent problem experienced durng the cruise was with the two AUTOSALS (AMC's and AOML's). We began the cruise using the AOML unti. Typically, out of a 24 bottle cast there were 4 or 5 samples that produced salinities that were some .002 to .004 high, as indicated by comparison to the CTD and T-S plots. After many attempts to isolate the problem, checkin gbottle O-rings, valves, etc.; rearranging the order of bottle firing; julti-firing bottles at the same depth: etc., we switched to the AMC unti. However, the problem persisted. After leaving the maldives, Gregg Thomas noticed that the bath thermometer, which is not connected electricallt to the AUTOSAL, would jump at the same time as moisy AUTOSAL values occured (noisy defiend as an inability to get three stable AUTOSAL values). The jumps implied a bath temperature change that was not possible over the time of the observed noise. The ship's ET and Dave Bitterman checked the grounding of the problems found. The AUTOSAL was then connected to a separate UPS in an attempt to isolte it from other electronics. Unfortunately the problem continues. Suggestions from the laboratory and Guildline did not resolve this intermittent problem before the end of this cruise. We will ship the AOML AUTOSAL to England for mainternance and repairs in the Seychelles to insure a working unti for I8n. Fortunately, there are sufficient good bottle salinities to perform an accurate (i.e., to within WOCE specifications) calibration of the CTD conductivity sensor. In particular, the drift observed in the CTD salinity values can be corrected. A.6 Other Incidents of Note A.7 List of Cruise Participants Name Affiliation ---------------------------------------------------- Dr. R. Molinari Chief Scientist AOML/PhOD Mr. D. Bitterman AOML/PhOD Mr. G. Berberian AOML/OCD Mr. G. Thomas AOML/PhOD Mr. R. Smith AOML/META Lt. S. Tosini AOML/PhOD Ms. C. Walter UM/CIMAS Mr. L. Moore AOML/OCD Mr. T. Lantry AOML/OCD Mr. X. Chen AOML/OCD Dr. L. Ballance NMFS/SWFC Mr. R. Pitman NMFS/SWFC Mr. M. Force NMFS/SWFC --------------------------------------------------- AOML Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory PhOD Physical Oceanography Division OCD Ocean chemistry Division META Maria Elena Torano Associate Inc. 1000 Brickell Avenue Miami, FL 33131 UM University of Miami 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, FL 33149 CIMAS Cooperative Institue of Marine Atmospheric Science NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service SWFC Southwest Fisheries Science Center 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive La Jolla California 92307