1995 Cruises: MB95-02, MB95-04, MB95-07
Hydrographic Data
Amy Ffield*
Christiane Fleurant+
Bob Molinari+
Doug Wilson+
Technical Report
January 1998


1995 Cruises: MB95-02, MB95-04, MB95-07
Hydrographic Data

A. Cruise narrative

1. Highlights  
WHP Lines
Chief Scientist
Ports of Call
Amy Ffield
Durban, South Africa
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Bob Molinari
Muscat, Oman
Male, the Maldives
Male, the Maldives
Mahe, the Seychelles
Rik Wanninkhof
Freemantle, Australia
Male, the Maldives
Bob Molinari
  2. Cruise summary information The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) is a global oceanographic program combining in situ measurements of high quality and coverage with satellite observations and modeling. The Indian Ocean expedition is one part of the WOCE field endeavor, with other expeditions covering the Pacific, Atlantic, and Southern Oceans. Focusing on 1995, the Indian Ocean was intensively sampled by the international oceanographic community using a fleet of oceanographic research vessels and relying on the cooperation and resources of many countries. In technique and scope the expedition surpasses the last great coordinated Indian Ocean effort, the International Indian Ocean Expedition of the 1960s [Wyrtki, 1971]. An overall goal of WOCE is to understand the general circulation of the global ocean well enough to be able to model its present state and predict its evolution in relation to long-term changes in the atmosphere [WCRP, 1986; U.S. WOCE Science Steering Committee, 1996].

In 1995, the NOAA Ship MALCOLM BALDRIGE carried out three WOCE Indian Ocean cruises. As its primary WOCE objective, the BALDRIGE revisited lines occupied for the one-time survey, also in 1995. The reoccupations were designed to capture the large seasonal variability in the basins related to the reversing monsoon winds. Together, the repeat and one-time WHP surveys are used to estimate monsoon variations of the thermohaline overturning, meridional and zonal flows, and heat and freshwater fluxes. These processes have been selected as fundamental to increasing the understanding of the Indian Ocean's role in climate.

U.S. WOCE Science Steering Committee, U.S. WOCE Synthesis Plan, 18 pp., U.S. WOCE Planning Report Number 16, U.S. WOCE Office, College Station, TX, 1996.

WCRP, Scientific plan for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, 83 pp., WCRP Publication Series No. 6, WMO/TD-No. 122, 1986.

Wyrtki, K., Oceanographic atlas of the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 531 pp., Nat. Sci. Found., Washington, D.C., 1971.

3. List of Cruise Participants

Dr. A. Ffield UM/CIMAS Dr. R. Molinari AOML/PhOD Dr. R. Wanninkhof AOML/OCD
Mr. D. Anderson AOML/PhOD Mr. D. Bitterman AOML/PhOD Mr. G. Thomas AOML/PhOD
Mr. S. Larkin UW Mr. G. Berberian AOML/OCD Ms. P. Gilbert UM/RSMAS
Mr. B. Roddy AOML/PhOD Mr. G. Thomas AOML/PhOD Mr. D. Anderson AOML/PhOD
Mr. G. Thomas AOML/PhOD Mr. R. Smith AOML/META Mr. T. Lantry AOML/OCD
Mr. D. Wilson AOML/PhOD Lt. S. Tosini AOML/PhOD Mr. R. Castle AOML/PhOD
Mr. R. Smith AOML/META Ms. C. Fleurant UM/CIMAS Mr. D. Greeley PMEL/OCRD
Mr. D. Ho UM/CIMAS Mr. L. Moore AOML/OCD Mr. K. Lee UM/RSMAS
Ms. H. Anderson UW Mr. T. Lantry AOML/OCD Ms J. Goen UM/RSMAS
Mr. P. Kelley UM Mr. X. Chen AOML/OCD Mr. K. Buck MBARI
Mr. K. Rhoads UM Dr. L. Ballance NMFS/SWFC Mr. F. Menzia PMEL/OCRD
Dr. L. Ballance NMFS/SWFC Mr. R. Pitman NMFS/SWFC Mr. T. Waterhouse Ber Bio Sta
Mr. R. Pitman NMFS/SWFC Mr. M. Force NMFS/SWFC Dr. J-Z Zhang UM/CIMAS
Mr. M. Force NMFS/SWFC Mr. Wijeratne Sri Lanka
Mrs. M. S. Bhuvendralingam Sri Lanka Dr. R. Molinari AOML/PhOD
Mr. K. Arulananthan Sri Lanka Mr. R. Smith AOML/META
AOML: Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory Mr. D. Fratantoni UM/RSMAS
4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami FL 33149 Mr. R. Roddy AOML/PhOD
PhOD: PhOD: Physical Oceanography Division Mr. H. Chen UM/CIMAS
OCD OCD: Ocean Chemistry Division Mrs. M. Roberts PMEL/OCRD
META:  Maria Elena Torano Associates Inc. Dr. A. Dickson SIO
1000 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131 Ms. M. Roche UM/RSMAS
UM: University of Miami Mr. F. Millero UM/RSMAS
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami FL 33149 Mr. M. Kelly MBARI
CIMAS:  Cooperative Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Science Ms. A. Huston UW
RSMAS: Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Ms. S. Becker Ber Bio Sta
UM: University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Dr. C. Mordy UW/JISAO
UW: University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195
JISAO: University of Washington
SIO: Scripps Institution of Oceanography
MBARI: Monterey Bay Aquarium and Research Institute
160 Central Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Ber Bio Sta: Bermuda Biological Station for Research Inc.
17 Biological Lane, Ferry Reach, St. George, GE01, Bermuda
NMFS: National Marine Fisheries Service
SWFC: Southwest Fisheries Science Center
8604 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla CA 92037
  4. Acknowledgments The hydrographic data acquisition for this program was carried out by NOAA/AOML/PhOD, with the support of the officers and crew of the NOAA Ship MALCOLM BALDRIGE. The outstanding performance of all parties is gratefully acknowledged. Funding for the data collection effort was provided by NOAA's Office of Global Programs. Funding for this report was provided by NOAA grant NA66GP0267, principle investigator A. Ffield.

B. Description of Measurement Techniques and Calibrations

1. CTD/O2 Technique Hydrographic stations were obtained with a Seabird 911plus CTD, deck unit, and rosette pylon. The CTD included 2 temperature sensors, 2 conductivity sensors, 1 Beckman oxygen sensor, 1 Paroscientific pressure transducer, and 2 pumps. Twenty-four 10 liter PVC AOML bottles were mounted on the AOML frame, along with the CTD, pinger, LADCP, and LADCP external battery pack. Seabird software was used to acquire, plot, and process the CTD data on PC's. Raw data was stored on VHS tapes, PC hard drives, and SyQuest drives. Typically each cast sampled to within 10 meters of the sea floor as indicated by the pinger signal. A small subset of MB95-07 stations sampled to 3000 db, rather than the full water column. The CTD/O2 data were processed and calibrated following Seabird recommendations (CTD Data Acquisition Software and Technical Notes, Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc., 1808 - 136th Place NE, Bellevue, Washington 98005). Exceptional items are noted below.

The pressure sensor was calibrated by using the pre cruise laboratory calibration with a linear offset drift of approximately 0.5 db/year. The linear offset drift was determined by analyzing CTD pressure measurements at the sea surface.

Pre and post cruise laboratory calibrations were obtained for the temperature sensors. The temperature sensors were calibrated using both pre and post cruise laboratory calibrations with a linear offset drift over time determined from the laboratory calibrations. The reported temperature is an average of the two independently calibrated temperature sensors used on each cast.

Pre and post cruise laboratory calibrations were obtained for the conductivity sensors. The conductivity sensors were calibrated using both pre and post cruise laboratory calibrations, with slope and offset drifts determined from the rosette bottle salinity measurements and the uptrace conductivity sensor measurements. To determine slope and offset drifts, all good bottles below 300 db and within + and - 5 days of each station were used. The nominal Seabird temperature and pressure corrections for the conductivity sensors were used. The calculated drifts were smoothed by a 5 station running mean (Figures 1a and 1b). The reported salinity is an average of the salinities calculated from the two calibrated conductivity-temperature sensor pairs used on each cast. A small temperature dependency in the surface values and a small pressure dependency in the deep values remain in the final data. However, the above procedure produced the best overall fit to the rosette bottle salinity measurements. In a minority of stations there was a problem with one of the conductivity sensors. In these cases, the reported salinity values are only determined from the optimally performing conductivity sensor. The most significant case was the failure of the "c1" conductivity sensor between stations 268 and 291.

The oxygen sensor was calibrated by using the pre cruise laboratory calibration, with slope and offset drifts determined from the rosette oxygen measurements and the uptrace oxygen sensor measurements. A better overall fit was obtained when using the uptrace oxygen sensor measurements, rather than the downtrace measurements as is often the procedure for the oxygen calibration. To determine slope and offset drifts, all good bottles within + and - 5 days (usually) of each station were used. Rather than using the Seabird nominal temperature and pressure corrections for the oxygen sensor, the values were adjusted slightly for each sensor. The calculated slopes and drifts were smoothed by a 5 station (usually) running mean (Figure 2).

Pressure plots and histograms of the differences between the calibrated CTD/O2 sensors and the rosette bottle measurements are shown for all stations for salinity (Figure 3) and for oxygen (Figure 4).

The 2 db reported temperature, salinity, and oxygen profiles are uptrace values, not the more typically reported downtrace values. This resulted in a better overall calibration for the oxygen profiles, and the uptrace surface values are not affected by a slow pump turn on as is the case for the downtrace surface values. In addition, a few of the stations had intervals of spurious values on the downtraces, but not on the uptraces. However, the profiles and bottle sensor values of station 292 are all downtrace values, as the uptrace data was lost. Finally, station 222 is filtered by a 25 m running mean, as there seems to have been inadequate water flow past the sensors during this cast.

2. Current Technique A hull-mounted RD Instruments 150 kHz narrowband acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) operated continuously during the cruise. Velocity data, averaged in earth coordinates using gyrocompass heading, were logged in three-minute (approximately 180 pings) ensembles using RDI Data Acquisition Software (DAS) version 2.48. Vertical bin size was 8 meters. Range varied from 200 to 400 meters, depending primarily on sea state. A user exit program (UE4, provided by Eric Firing, U. Hawaii) was used to interface navigation and heading equipment. Position was logged at the beginning and end of each ensemble from a Trimble Centurion P-code GPS receiver (estimated position accuracy of 5 - 10 meters). Mean gyrocompass corrections for each ensemble were recorded from an Ashtech 3DF GPS attitude determination system; 3DF array orientation was calibrated using P-code GPS and ADCP bottom track comparison. These data are used in post-processing to calculate mean ship velocity to reference ensemble means, and to compensate for dynamic gyrocompass errors. Estimated errors for an ensemble are 1-2 cm/s for relative velocity and 3-4 cm/s for ship speed errors due to position inaccuracy; errors induced by heading inaccuracies are reduced to less than 1 cm/s using GPS heading data. This total error of 4-6 cm/s over a three minute ensemble is reduced further by averaging during postprocessing; fifteen minute averages commonly used represent an average over five kilometers at cruising speed, and should be accurate to 1-3 cm/s.

On-station velocity profiles were obtained using a RDI 150 kHz Broadband ADCP (Lowered or LADCP) mounted looking downward from the CTD frame. This technique measures and records velocity shear profiles extending 150 to 350 meters below the instrument approximately once per second. In post-processing, the individual shear profiles are averaged by depth to produce a full-depth shear profile, which is integrated to estimate the depth dependent (baroclinic) component of the velocity field. The depth-independent (barotropic) component of velocity can be recovered if positions at the start and end of the cast are known; positions were logged on this cruise using a Trimble Centurion P-code GPS receiver, accurate to 5 - 10 meters. Readers are advised to refer to Fischer and Visbeck (1993) for a full explanation of methods and standard processing procedures. Errors appear to be somewhat dependent on deep ocean acoustic scattering conditions, but past comparisons with concurrent Pegasus dropsonde profiles [P. Hacker, et al., unpublished] have shown that LADCP estimates of barotropic velocity are commonly accurate to better than 1 cm/s. Based on the same comparisons, baroclinic velocity is estimated have rms (calculated over an entire profile) errors of less than 5 cm/s.

A more complete description of the ADCP and LADCP data is reported separately.

Fischer, J., and M. Visbeck, Deep Velocity Profiling with Self-contained ADCP's, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 10, 764-773, 1993.

Hacker, P., E. Firing, W. D. Wilson, and R. Molinari, Direct observations of the current structure east of the Bahamas, Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 1127-1130, 1996.

3. Salinity Technique A Guildline 8400B autosal was used for the salinity analysis with P125 standard water. The autosal van was maintained at 22 oC, and the autosal was set at 24 oC. 4. Oxygen Technique An automatic Winkler titration system was used for the oxygen analysis with the Carpenter modification of the Winkler method in a photometric determination described by Friederich and Codispoti (1991). Reagents for the Carpenter method titration were mixed by George Berberian's AOML/OCD Group as specified in Friederich's MBARI Technical Report #91-6. 5. Reported Data The 310 CTD/O2/LADCP stations and associated water sample salinity and oxygen data are reported in section C, pages C-1 through C-310. The station numbers begin with 13 and end with 322. The reported bottom depths in the station headers are uncorrected values obtained from the PDR.

The following are the abbreviations used in the water sample table: PR = pressure (db), TE = temperature (oC), SA = salinity, RS = rosette salinity, OX = oxygen (umol/kg), RO = rosette oxygen (umol/kg), QC = quality control, NK = niskin bottle.

The first QC flag is for the water sample: 1 = bottle information unavailable, 2 = no problems noted, 3 = leaking, 4 = did not trip correctly, 5 = not reported, 6 is not applicable here, 7 = unknown problem, 8 is not applicable here, and 9 = samples not drawn.

The second QC flag is for the rosette salinity, and the third QC flag is for the rosette oxygen: 1 = sample drawn, but analysis not received, 2 = acceptable measurement, 3 = questionable measurement, 4 = bad measurement, 5 = not reported, 6 = mean of replicate measurements, 7 is not applicable here, 8 is not applicable here, 9 = sample not drawn. Rosette salinity and oxygen measurements falling within 3 standard deviations of the mean CTD/O2-bottle differences are flagged with a 2. Rosette salinity and oxygen measurements falling between 3 and 6 standard deviations from the mean CTD/O2-bottle differences are flagged with a 3. Rosette salinity and oxygen measurements falling outside 6 standard deviations of the mean CTD/O2-bottle differences are flagged with a 4. Note that this standard deviation criteria assigns all error flags to the rosette measurements, and never to the CTD/O2 measurements.





C. Reported Data