WFP Ref.: I10
Update: 	 October 15, 1990

PROJECT:         JADE Cruise

Location:        Indian Ocean
Dates:           30 July - 9 September, 1989
Chief Scientist: Michele Fieux 
Funding:   in cooperation with Indonesia
Sampling:  Total 67 CTD stations between Colombo-Colombo,Sri Lanka
	      19 stations AUSTRALIA-BALI with Neil Brown CTD
             	 5 of which with 36 sampling levels
		10 of which with 24 sampling levels 
	      20 stations between Bali and South Timor Strait
         	 2 current meter moorings for one year
	      3 sections across the JAVA and Sumatra current 
	      8 stations on the equator on way back to Colombo
Parameters:   freons, nutrients, tritium, helium, C14, CO2
Primary WOCE dataset for each cruise:

Jan. 8, 90. Agreement with Indonesia is required before the data are released. 

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