Franklin Voyage FR 06/95 CTD Data

Short title : FR 06/95 CTD
MarLIN record number : 4741
Data Type
Observed Data - field
CMR Vessel Data: CTD
Custodian Organisation : CSIRO Division of Marine Research - Hobart

Contributors : CTD data processed by Neil White
Acknowledgements :
References : Franklin National Facility (1995). Cruise Summary, Cruise FR 06/95. Miscellaneous Publication. CSIRO Division of Oceanography [for] Franklin National Facility, 9 pp.
Publication date : Not Known

Abstract : This dataset contains the processed Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data collected on Franklin voyage FR 06/95. The voyage took place in the east Indian Ocean during 17 June - 9 July 1995. This dataset has been processed and is archived within the CSIRO Marine Research Data Centre in Hobart. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise report for this voyage and/or the data processing report (as available).

Data Links
Download dataset 7.2 / 1.4 Mb(authorisation required)
Documentation Links
Data Request Form
Processing report for this dataset (authorisation required)
CTD Data Format Description
Location Keywords
East Indian Ocean
Geographic Extent
30.0 S
102.0 E
115.5 E
34.0 S

Subject Categories and Search Word(s)

MarLIN Subject Categories
2144/1144. Descriptive oceanography and limnology - regional studies/expeditions/data reports
2146/1146. Water masses, circulation, temperature-salinity-depth studies
Depth Below Sea Surface
Sea Temperature
ANZLIC Search Words
CTDs (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Profilers)
Additional equipment information
Research Vessels
Taxonomic information

Originating Research Project

Project Name
Climate Change 1989-1997
Project Leader(s)
Stuart Godfrey - (Former) CSIRO Division of Oceanography - Hobart
Project Duration
1989 - 1997
Project Description

Research Platform, Site or Source

Research Voyage/Survey Details

Voyage/Survey Reference
FR 06/95
Voyage/Survey Leader(s)
T. McDougall (CSIRO)
Voyage/Survey Region
WA Basin and east Indian Ocean
Voyage/Survey Description
Cruise FR 06/95 was undertaken to study the flow of bottom, deep and intermediate waters into the Western Australian Basin of the Indian Ocean. Primary aim of this cruise was to deploy ten current meters between Cape Mentelle and Broken Plateau, this was done successfully. Survey methods included ADCPs, CTD casts (a total of 39, the first 28 of these were on the same line as that of a cruise of RRS Charles Darwin in 1987 and many of these 28 casts were designed to be at the same position as casts from that cruise), and underway instrumentation. Data and water samples were collected for on board and laboratory analyses.
Voyage Track
View voyage track

Beginning date : 17 Jun 1995
Ending date : 09 Jul 1995
Progress : Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency : Not Planned
Stored Data Format(s)
DIGITAL - Text Documents - ASCII
Stored Data Volume
7.2 Mb (1.4 Mb when compressed)
Specific Software Requirements

Stored Data Documentation
Format description available; see "Documentation Link"
Stored Data Location
c/o Divisional Data Centre, Hobart
Additional project level storage information for this dataset is available via the edit interface.
Available Format Type(s)
DIGITAL - Text Documents - ASCII
Access constraint
Datasets are embargoed except to the Principal Investigator (PI) for 2 years from date of processing.
For datasets out of embargo, contact the Divisional Data Centre for authorisation to access this dataset via the Data Link (see "Links" section).

Data Source, Processing and Quality Control Information
CTD unit number 8 (an EG&G Mk IIIC unit) was used for all stations. Refer to processing report for more details.
Positional accuracy
Refer to documentation
Parameter accuracy
Refer to documentation
Logical consistency report
The main instrumental problem on this cruise was with the Mk IIIC digitising circuitry for the multiplexed channels. This only affected the oxygen channels on this cruise. Refer to processing report for more details.
Position: Data Requests - Divisional Data Centre
CSIRO Division of Marine Research - Hobart
Person: Divisional Data Centre

Related Datasets
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Metadata Access
Metadata Entry Created
18-Nov-1998 by Angela Way
Metadata Last Updated
26-Mar-2001 by Terry Byrne

This record reflects the content of CSIRO Marine Laboratories Information Network as at 31 Mar 2001. It is provided for information purposes only and is subject to CSIRO's legal notice and disclaimer. Please notify any errors or omissions to