Processed Hydrology Data Format

The standard Hydrology file has a maximum of 80 columns per line.
Here is an example record:

 FR8505  000002P8510-16146 1-OCT-85 7: 8: 0-16 37.40 146 16. 0   92  82  9

                                    7:22: 0-16 37.40 146 16.00

                                    8: 8: 0-16 36.83 146 14.86

 59   2.10P         024.97335.184216.40 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.020   0.250

 58  13.30P        11      35.182225.44 0.210  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.290

 57  23.00P        1024.96435.173216.10 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.280  20.29

 56  32.20P         9      35.183216.40 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.290

 55  42.20P         024.96735.185215.81 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.290  44.08

 54  51.10P         7      35.183216.69 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.270

 53  61.80P         6      35.183217.86 0.190  0.00   0.2   0.030   0.270

 23  71.20P         5      35.183216.69 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.270

 15  82.40P         1      35.208216.69 0.210  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.280

The first three lines represent the header section, as follows:

Column Number (position)


 FR8505  000002P8510-16146 1-OCT-85 7: 8: 0-16 37.40 146 16. 0   92  82  9

                                    7:22: 0-16 37.40 146 16.00

                                    8: 8: 0-16 36.83 146 14.86

First Row
1 Blank
2-3 Vessel Code
4-5 Year - last 2 digits of year
6-9 Cruise Code
10-15 Station number
16 P=Primary, S=Secondary
17-18 Year - last 2 digits of year
19-20 Month
21-23 Latitude - south is negative (degrees only)
24-26 Longitude (degrees only)
27-35 Date format xx-mon-xx (mon=first three letters of month)
36-43 Start time hh:mm:ss
44-62 Start position xxx xx.xx xxx xx.xx (-ve for south; west longitude is 360-longitude)
63 Blank
64-67 Sonic depth at bottom in metres
68-71 Maximum sample pressure (dbars)
72-74 Number of detail records
75-80 Blank
Second Row
1-35 Blank
36-43 Bottom time
44-62 Bottom position
63-80 Blank
Third Row
1-35 Blank
36-43 End time
44-62 End position
63-80 Blank

The remaining lines represent the detailed section record, as follows:

Column Number (position)


 59   2.10P         024.97335.184216.40 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.020   0.250

 58  13.30P        11      35.182225.44 0.210  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.290

 57  23.00P        1024.96435.173216.10 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.280  20.29

 56  32.20P         9      35.183216.40 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.290

 55  42.20P         024.96735.185215.81 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.290  44.08

 54  51.10P         7      35.183216.69 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.270

 53  61.80P         6      35.183217.86 0.190  0.00   0.2   0.030   0.270

 23  71.20P         5      35.183216.69 0.190  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.270

 15  82.40P         1      35.208216.69 0.210  0.00   0.0   0.030   0.280

1-3 Niskin Bottle Number
4-10 Pressure, 2 decimal places in dbars - (Note: for coastal stations, this may be replaced by sampling depth in metres, which is effectively exactly equivalent)
11 P/S (primary, secondary)
12-19 Blank
20-21 Rosette position
22-27 Temperature (degrees C) from reversing thermometres - blank where no thermos
28-33 Salinity (psu)
34-39 Oxygen (micromole/litre)
40-45 Phosphate (micromole/litre)
46-51 Nitrate (micromole/litre) See Warning below
52-57 Silicate (micromole/litre)
58-65 Nitrite (micromole/litre)
66-73 Ammonia (micromole/litre)
74-80 Thermometric depth (metres)

For methods used to determine the varous chemical parameters refer to the following:

  1. Salinity - Divison of Fisheries and Oceanography Report No. 51 - Laboratory Techniques in Marine Chemistry YEOKAL - Inductively Coupled Salinometer Operating Instructions.
    There is an excellent description of PSU (Practical Salinity Units) at
  2. Dissolved Oxygen - Division of Fisheries and Oceanography report No. 51 - Laboratory techniques in Marine Chemistry
  3. Nutrients - CSIRO Marine Laboratories Report No. 166 - Automated Analysis of Nutrients in Seawater

      Warning Note: Some nutrient data from Maria Island collected in 1960 and 1961 have the Nitrate data expressed in milligrams per litre instead of the standard micro-molar (14 times higer than standard).

      This page last modified: 14 Dec 1999 (Terry Byrne)