CTD Measurements during 06AQANTXV/4 Instruments: Falmouth Scientific ICTD, Sn: 1360 and Sn: 1347 Fallmouth Scientific Reference Grade Platinum Resistance Thermometer range : -2 - 32 deg C accuracy : +/- 0.003 deg C stability : +/- 0.0005 deg C/month resolution : 0.0001 deg C Falmouth Scientific Thermistor Sensor range : -2 - 32 deg C accuracy : +/- 0.010 deg C stability : +/- 0.001 deg C / month resolution : 0.0001 deg C Falmouth Scientific Titanium Pressure Sensor range : 0 - 7000 dbar accuracy : +/- 2.1 dbar stability : +/- 0.7 dbar/month resolution : 0.08 dbar Falmouth Scientific Inductive Conductivity Sensor range : 0 - 65 mmho/cm accuracy : +/- 0.003 mmho/cm stability : +/- 0.0005 mmho/cm/month resolution : 0.0002 mmho/cm Each CTD has two Platinum Resistance Thermometer Software : FSI Software for data aquisition CTD postprocessing in analogy to Version 1.12 Time lag : 0.10 s ICTD-SN 1347; Cal_date: AUG.98 Calibration: post-cruise no pre-cruise calibration used #PT1 a1 = 0.00179275 a2 = 0.000367769 a3 = 5.98102E-06 a4 =-1.73705E-06 a5 = 3.92021E-08 #PT2 a1 =-0.00296646 a2 = 0.000105862 a3 = 1.00638E-05 a4 =-1.12480E-06 a5 = 2.20040E-08 temperature post-cruise calibration the temperature data are used only from PT2 T(corrected) = T(reading) + dT with dT = a1 +a2*T +a3*T**2 +a4*T**3 +a5*T**4 ai : T(calibrated)-T(reading) #PRES a1 = 1.6215 a2 = 0.000766727 a3 =-2.36597E-07 a4 =-5.02071E-11 a5 = 8.88206E-15 #UNLOAD PRES 0.0 pressure post-cruise calibration p(corrected) = p(reading) + dp with dp = a1 +a2*p +a3*p**2 +a4*p**3 +a5*p**4 ai : p(calibrated)-p(reading) ICTD-SN 1360; Cal_date: AUG.98 Calibration: post-cruise no pre-cruise calibration used #PT1 a1 = 0.00448876 a2 =-4.55829E-05 a3 = 3.83954E-05 a4 =-2.45250E-06 a5 = 4.40105E-08 #PT2 a1 =-0.00332538 a2 =-0.000208227 a3 = 3.21668E-05 a4 =-1.67948E-06 a5 = 2.77787E-08 temperature post-cruise calibration the temperature data are used only from PT2 T(corrected) = T(reading) + dT with dT = a1 +a2*T +a3*T**2 +a4*T**3 +a5*T**4 ai : T(calibrated)-T(reading) #PRES a1 =-0.641264 a2 =-0.000848878 a3 = 3.51877E-07 a4 =-7.04156E-11 a5 = 4.47779E-15 #UNLOAD PRES 0.0 Pressure post-cruise calibration p(corrected) = p(reading) + dp with dp = a1 +a2*p +a3*p**2 +a4*p**3 +a5*p**4 ai : p(calibrated)-p(reading) after calibration the platinum temperature is summed with the fast thermistor as follows: F(t) = F(t-dt)*W2+Fi(t)*(1-W2) filtered fast thermistor F'(t) = Fi(t)-F(t) high pass filtered fast temperature T(t) = Ti(t)+F'(t) summed platinum and fast thermistor with W2= exp(-dt/TtauF) dt is the CTD observations intervall in seconds dt = 48ms TtauF is the Platinum thermometer time constant in seconds relative to the fast thermistor TtauF = 400 ms Ti is the unfiltered platinum temperature = T(corrected) Fi is the unfiltered fast thermistor The CTD-temperature is IPTS-68 Correction of the CTD-conductivity data with the bottle-samples COND(corrected) = COND(CTD) - COND(delta) with COND(delta)= average(COND(CTD)-COND(WATERSAMPLE)) Station/Cast COND(delta) 00101 to 00601 -0.0149 00703 -0.0138 00801 to 00901 -0.0136 01001 -0.0130 01102 to 01106 -0.0129 01201 -0.0131 01301 -0.0130 01401 -0.0133 01501 to 01502 -0.0129 01601 -0.0131 01701 -0.0132 01801 -0.0128 01901 -0.0134 02001 to 02002 -0.0135 02101 -0.0136 02201 to 02801 -0.0134 02901 -0.0138 03001 to 03101 -0.0140 03201 -0.0135 03301 to 03401 -0.0134 03501 -0.0135 03601 -0.0134 03701 -0.0130 03801 -0.0128 03901 -0.0127 04001 -0.0126 04101 -0.0129 04201 -0.0124 04301 -0.0121 04401 -0.0130 04501 -0.0127 04601 -0.0133 04701 to 04702 -0.0117 04801 -0.0116 04901 -0.0113 05001 -0.0115 05101 -0.0120 05201 to 05301 -0.0121 05401 -0.0119 05501 -0,0168 05601 to 05701 -0.0158 05801 -0.0145 05901 -0.0140 06001 -0.0137 06101 -0.0140 06201 -0.0141 06301 -0.0143 06501 -0.0141 06601 -0.0144 06701 to 06802 -0.0140 06901 -0.0139 07001 to 07101 -0.0142 07201 to 07301 -0.0144 07401 -0.0142 07501 -0.0144 07601 -0.0145 07701 to 07702 -0.0146 07802 to 07804 -0.0147 07901 -0.0149 08001 -0.0148 08101 -0.0150 08201 -0.0149 08301 -0.0151 08401 -0.0149 08501 -0.0150 08601 -0.0153 08701 to 08901 -0.0149 09001 -0.0147 09101 -0.0145 09201 -0.0143 09301 -0.0150 09401 to 09601 -0.0151 09701 -0.0153 09801 -0.0152 09902 to 09905 -0.0150 10001 -0.0151 10101 -0.0153 10201 -0.0150 10301 -0.0148 10401 -0.0150 10501 to 10601 -0.0151 10702 to 10704 -0.0150 10801 -0.0152 10901 -0.0150 11001 -0.0151 11101 -0.0150 11201 -0.0149 11301 -0.0150 11402 to 11404 -0.0148 11501 -0.0149 11601 to 11701 -0.0150 11801 -0.0148 11901 -0.0142 12001 to 12101 -0.0144 12201 to 12202 -0.0148 12301 to 12401 -0.0140 12501 to 12601 -0.0147 12701 -0.0148 12801 -0.0146 12901 -0.0144 13001 -0.0141 13101 -0.0144 13201 -0.0145 13301 to 13401 -0.0149 13501 -0.0154 13601 -0.0147 CTD Files column 5 : transmissiometer raw data range between 0 and 5 Volt these data are not controlled