Submerged Rosette
  Indian Onetime Changes 10/2002 - 06/2003 WHPO Home   
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
IR01W 06MT32_1 3/26/03 CTD, BTL Yes Yes Files unencrypted, edited
IR01W 06MT32_1 3/20/03 CTD, BTL Yes Yes Data are public
IR01W 06MT32_1 10/3/02 SUM, CTD Yes Yes CTD converted to exchange, casts changed to match SUM
IR03, a 318MSOJOURN4 2/28/03 DOC Yes Yes New text and docs online
IR03, a 318MSOJOURN4 2/10/03 Cruise ID Yes Yes Changed line # from icm03 to ir03
ISS02 06MT32_6 4/2/03 BTL Yes Yes BTL replaced; edits made to new file, all data are public
ISS02 06MT32_6 3/27/03 BTL Yes Yes Data are public, BTL has incorrect QUALT1
ISS02 06MT32_6 3/27/03 CTD Yes Yes Data are public, BTL has incorrect QUALT1
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
ISS02 06MT32_6 3/20/03 BTL Yes Yes Data are public
ISS02 06MT32_6 3/20/03 BTL Yes Yes Data are public
ISS03 09FA0695 11/26/02 SAMPNO Yes Yes BTL converted to WOCE, no quality flags, SAMPNO added
ISS03 09FA0695 11/26/02 BTL Yes Yes BTL converted to WOCE, no quality flags, SAMPNO added
ISS03 09FA0695 11/8/02 SUM Yes Yes SUM created from BTL, not WOCE format
ISS03 09FA9606 12/4/02 SAMPNO Yes Yes BTL converted to WOCE, SAMPNO added as sequentially increasing values
ISSO3 09FA9606 11/14/02 BTL Yes Yes BTL converted to WOCE, SAMPNO added as sequentially increasing values
ISS03 09FA9606/td> 11/14/02 SUM Yes Yes SUM created from BTL, depth col. doesn't reflect whether data is corrected or no