Submerged Rosette
  Atlantic Repeat Changes 07/2003 - 10/2003 WHPO Home   
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
AR03 90KDAI08 8/4/03 CTD Yes Yes Exchange and netCDF files created, cruise will link. Not linked to Web.
AR03 90KDAI08 7/21/03 CTD Yes No Data reformatted, not linked to Web
AR03 90KDAI08 7/21/03 BTL Yes No Data reformatted, not linked to Web
AR03 90KDAI08 7/21/03 SUM Yes No Data reformatted, not linked to Web
AR04EW 316N142_4 7/21/03 CTD Yes Yes Files formatted to contain oxygen in correct WOCE units
AR07E 06AZ144 10/17/03 CTD Yes Yes CTD reformatted, netCDF and Exchange created
AR07E 06MT39_5 10/10/03 CTD Yes Yes CTD files remade, pages all link together
AR07E 06MT39_5 10/8/03 CTD Yes Yes -9 added to NUMBER OBS. column
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
AR07E 06MT39_5 10/2/03 SUM/CTD Yes Yes CTD files formatted, SUM expocode corrected
AR09 74DI202 10/22/03 CTD Yes Yes CTD files reformatted, file names edited
AR09 74DI202 10/17/03 CTD/DOC Yes Yes Oxygen converted from ml/l to umol/kg
AR12 06MT39_2 10/22/03 BTL Yes Yes Reformatted BTL file linked to Web
AR13 06AZ172 10/29/03 SUM/BTL Yes Yes Data reformatted; files unencrypted on website
AR15 35A3ROMANCHE_2 10/16/03 CTD Yes Yes SUM converted to WOCE, CTD converted to Exchange, netCDF online
AR24 316N147_2 7/11/03 BTL Yes Yes New BTL file with correct alkalinity and carbon parameters
AR24 316N147_2 7/1/03 CTDOXY Yes Yes Q1 flags removed
AR24 316N147_2 7/1/03 CTDSAL Yes Yes Q1 flags removed
AR25 06MT45_4 9/5/03 SUM/CTD/BTL Yes No Data reformatted, needs to be placed online