2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) A20: 316N200309 |
Data History & Updates
Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2004/02/11 |
Delahoyd, F. |
Submitted |
Yes |
submitted data provided by the following PIs |
Detailed Notes |
These data were provided by:
----------------- ---- --------------
Chief Scientist John Toole-WHOI jtoole@whoi.edu
Co-Chief Scientist Alison McDonnald-WHOI amacdonald@whoi.edu
CTDO/S/O2/Nutrients James Swift-SIO jswift@ucsd.edu
DIC Dick Feely- PMEL feely@pmel.noaa.gov
CFC William Smethie-LDEO bsmeth@ldeo.columbia.edu
TALK Andrew Dickson-SIO adickson@ucsd.edu
CDOM, DOC, DON Craig Carlson-UCSB carlson@lifesci.ucsb.edu
He/Tr William Jenkins-WHOI wjenkins@whoi.edu
Surface C14 Ann McNichol-WHOI amcnichol@whoi.edu
Surface C14 Robert Key-Princeton key@princeton.edu
C13 profiles Paul Quay-UW pdquay@u.washington.edu
The data included in these files are preliminary, and are subject to final calibration and processing. They have been made available for public access as soon as possible following their collection. Users should maintain caution in their interpretation and use. Following American Geophysical Union recommendations, the data should be cited as: "data provider(s), cruise name or cruise ID, data file name(s), CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office, La Jolla, CA, USA, and data file date." For further information, please contact one of the parties listed above or whpo@ucsd.edu. Users are also requested to acknowledge the NSF/NOAA-funded U.S. Repeat Hydrography Program in publications resulting from their use.
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2004/02/11 |
Diggs, S. |
Data Update |
Yes |
CTD files Reformatted/SUM file probs preclude making exchange file |
Detailed Notes |
I have placed the A20 2003 data online with a webpage. Once we've
straightened out the datahist and table generation situation, we will
be able to place this page in the online tables for the Atlantic.
WOCE Formatted Files:
CTD files were format corrected to include the new WHPO generated
expocode as was the sumfile. the bottle file had incorrect NO_DATA
values and was reformatted as well. The new expocode was included in
the bottle file for consistency.
WHP-Exchange files:
The Sumfile from ODF has minor formatting issues which preclude the
translation of the bottle and CTD data into WHP-Exchange. I will
attend to these problems when I return on Tuesday, 2/17/04.
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2004/02/11 |
Diggs, S. |
Cruise ID |
Data File Relocated |
Yes |
Data File Relocated |
Detailed Notes |
The A20 data is formally online at a new location:
You'll notice that the expocode for the WHPO website is now 316N200309
(was 316N173/1). This is consistent with the way the WHPO/CCHDO now
keeps records and assigns expedition codes. Each cruise has an NODC
shipcode, then the 4-digit year and the 2-digit month taken from the
first date of the cruise. We realize that this may cause problems for
individuals who refer to A20 by the old expocode.
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2003/10/29 |
Delahoyd, F. |
Submitted |
Yes |
CTD files include the following headers |
Detailed Notes |
Format for A22 2db pressure-series downcast CTD data:
Pressure (decibars)
Temperature (ITS-90 Deg C)
Salinity (PSS-78)
Dissolved O2 (uM/kg)
Potential Temperature (ITS-90 Deg C)
Sigma Theta
Transmissometer (0-5Volts)