Submerged Rosette
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Dear Investigator,

The CLIVAR and Carbon Hydrographic Data Office (CCHDO) at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography is the hydrographic Data Assembly Center for CLIVAR. The CCHDO is charged with providing a more nearly uniform assembled data set than has heretofore been possible for a large program. The CCHDO gathers, merges, and makes available data from the scientific community; improves the adherence of data to original WOCE format and content specifications; and assembles and provides relevant documentation.

The directories at this site contain data and documentation for the original WOCE One-Time Survey and Repeat Hydrography cruises, and for many time series stations. Organization of cruise data and documentation is hierarchical by program, ocean basin, original WHP line designator (if available), and cruise date.

The profile CTD and bottle data are in the ASCII "WOCE" and "Exchange" formats and NetCDF formats as described in documentation provided. Maximum station information is present in most of our data files. "Exchange" data files are easiest to read, and are the basis for the NetCDF data files.

Let us know what we can do to help you. In particular when you find data or format errors that you think we should fix, please email a description to Your suggestions and comments will help us do a better job.

Stephen C. Diggs, Data Manager
Jerry L. Kappa, Publications Manager
Danie B. Kinkade, Data Analyst
James H. Swift, Director
Lynne D. Talley, Advisor

The following Scripps Institution of Oceanography staff also have contributed to the WHP Office:
George Anderson, Sarilee Anderson, Heidi Buck, Lauren Coartney, Adel Hajrasuliha, Linda Hyunh, Kevin Lu, Brenden Mills, Dave Muus, David Newton, Betty Nguyen, Caroline Quaker, Lyle Tagawa, Rachel Tibbetts, Karla Uribe, Jeremy Ward, Jeremy Weir, Ted Wang and Ben Cohen.