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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) A07: 35A3CITHER1_1 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/08/19 Anderson, S. DELHE3 Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
The DELHE3, HELIUM, and TRITIUM were merged into the file with the Q2 flage for CFCs sent by Birgit Klein re Steve's e-mail. Made new exchange file.

Merging Notes:

Aug. 19, 2002

Started with a06/original/TRACERS_19990311/WOCE_A6A7.dat and in a06 & a07 (in original) under 2002_KLEINA6hy.txt & A7hy.txt

Merged ( using mrgsea ) delhe3, helium, and tritum into EACH of the existing files A6hy.txt and A7hy.txt sent by Birgit Klein that contained the changes in the quality flags mentioned in e-mail below.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/08/19 Anderson, S. HELIUM Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
*See DELHE3 entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/08/19 Anderson, S. TRITUM Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
*See DELHE3 entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/08/16 Diggs, S. BTL Update Needed Yes BTL files identical, discrepancies with other data, see note:

Detailed Notes
HE/TR (A06/A07):

He/Tr file is in: a06/original/TRACERS_19990311/WOCE_A6A7.dat and it's a CSV file.

CFC: in a06 & a07 (in original) under 2002_KLEIN A6hy.txt & A7hy.txt

Here's what Birgit had to say about these data:

a6: the bottle data files we used and the one at your side are identical. The CFC data (F11,F12) are from a french group, we have notified them for minor changes we made to the quality flags. The quality byte 2 now contains the revised quality flags for f11 and f12. We also controlled the tritium and helium data set for this cruise. But it seems they have not been submitted to you yet. I will write to Jean-Baptiste and ask him, if he wants to submit the data. The helium data for this cruise turned out to be very poor quality and we have flaged them 3 for the entire data set anyway.

a7: the same comments as for a6. the bottle data files we used and the one at your side are identical. The CFC data (F11,F12) are from a french group, we have notified them for minor changes we made to the quality flags. The quality byte 2 now contains the revised quality flags for f11 and f12. We also controlled the tritium and helium data set for this cruise. But it seems they have not been submitted to you yet. I will write to Jean-Baptiste and ask him, if he wants to submit the data. The helium data for this cruise turned out to be very poor quality and we have flaged them 3 for the entire data set anyway.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/02/07 Muus, D. ALKALI Website Updated Yes TCARBN & ALKALI merged into BTL file, new CSV file added

Detailed Notes
Merged TCO2, Alkalinity and pH into web file. New woce format and exchange files on-line.

Notes on A14 merging Feb 7, 2002 D.Muus

1. Merged TCARBN, ALKALI and PH from:
into A14 bottle file from web (20020123WHPOSIOSA)
[a14/original linked to a13/original]

2. Used QUALT1 codes for QUALT2.

3. Made new exchange file for Bottle data.

4. Checked new bottle file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/31 Kozyr, A. ALKALI Data Update Yes Final data rec'd @WHPO

Detailed Notes
I have put 3 data files in WHPO ftp INCOMING area. These files are the final CO2-related data and quality flags for WOCE sections A14 (L'ATALANTE 35A3CITHER3/1), A13 (L'ATALANTE 35A3CITHER3/2), and SR03/S04 (P12, 09AR9404_1).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/21 Hajrasuliha, A. CTD Internal DQE completed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
created *check.txt file for the cruise. create .ps files.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/21 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/09/05 Uribe, K. CTD Update Needed Yes CTD files have bad OXYGEN values, see note:

Detailed Notes
Email from Andreas Thurnherr indicates 5 CTD files of the WOCE A07 section have ranges of erroneous oxygen values. In those files (stations 000, 007, 068, 069, 075) some or all oxygen data appear to be replaced by (rounded) temperature data. Both the original and the exchange formats are affected. This problem has not been addressed at this time.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/07/19 Thurnherr, A. CTD Update Needed Yes Incorrect pressure values

Detailed Notes
I have noticed that the CTD files of the WOCE A07 section have erroneous pressure values of 2222dbar instead of 2220dbar. E.g. station 007 contains the following records

press temp salin O2 nobs qual
2219.0 3.2740 34.9430 244.3 1 2222
2222.0 3.2730 34.9430 244.2 1 2222
2221.0 3.2710 34.9430 244.2 1 2222
2222.0 3.2680 34.9420 244.5 1 2222
2223.0 3.2650 34.9420 244.7 1 2222

All stations therefore have double records at 2222dbar with the exception of the following list

000 002 004 006 037 075 081 091 093
001 003 005 027 054 079 090 092 115

Both the original and the the exchange format are affected.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/21 Uribe, K. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes CTD CSV File Added, BTL CSV file modified

Detailed Notes
The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case.
CTD exchange files were put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/20 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/11/16 Bartolacci, D. SUM Data Update Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
As per Dave's notes below, I have corrected the A07 sumfile, time/date stamped it and placed it back out on the web. As far as I know, these two errors in hemisphere were the only things in question.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/11/16 Muus, D. SUM Data Update Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
The A07 summary file problem brought to our attention by the US Coast Guard Academy is two typographic errors in the original French data:

Stations 51 and 72 EN longitudes should be "W" instead of "E".

The BE and BO longitudes for these stations are correct ("W").

The web site should be corrected and this could be added to any errata that may be planned for CDROMs.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/10/14 Anderson, S. SUM Data Update Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Record 284, sta. 93 had the time as 15 8, changed to 1508.
Record 298 sta. 97 had the date as 200193 changed to 020193.
Stations 63 and 64 at CODE BO had E longitude, changed to W to conform with the other longitudes.