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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) A13: 35A3CITHER3_2 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/12/03 Mercier, H. DOC Doc Update n/a Volume I never produced

Detailed Notes
editor's note: As with this cruise, CITHER 1 and CITHER 2 cruise reports were published in 3-4 volume sets. Volume 1, CITHER 1 covers En route Measurements, ADCP and PEGASUS. VOLUME 1. CITHER 2 covers En route Measurements, ADCP, Meteorological Parameters and Bathymetry. These subjects are missing from the CITHER 3 report and would, presumably, have been covered in a Volume 1.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/10 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes New PDF doc online

Detailed Notes
New PDF doc online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/06/19 Klein, B. TRITUM Submitted Yes new file contains tritium & neon & updated QUALT 2 words

Detailed Notes
The whpo file was basically fine, but compared to our file 22 tritium values and 56 neon values were missing. I therefore included the tritium and neon values in the file I am sending you. The quality flags in byte 2 are updated for the tracers. CFC data are from the french, they were notified about changes in quality flags.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/02/07 Muus, D. TCARBN Website Updated Yes TCARBN & ALKALI merged into BTL, new CSV file added

Detailed Notes
Merged TCO2, Alkalinity into web file. New woce format and exchange files on-line.

Notes on A13 merging Feb 7, 2002 D.Muus

1. Merged TCARBN, ALKALI and PH from:
into A13 bottle file from web (20020123WHPOSIOSA)

2. Used QUALT1 codes for QUALT2.

3. PH listed in both old bottle file and new co2 file but with all data values = -9.000 and quality code 9s. DOC file indicates pH taken by same group as alkalinity.

4. Made new exchange file for Bottle data.

5. Checked new bottle file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/31 Kozyr, A. TCARBN Data Update Yes Final data rcvd at WHPO

Detailed Notes
I have put 3 data files in WHPO ftp INCOMING area. These files are the final CO2-related data and quality flags for WOCE sections A14 (L'ATALANTE 35A3CITHER3/1), A13 (L'ATALANTE 35A3CITHER3/2), and SR03/S04 (P12, 09AR9404_1).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/25 Bartolacci, D. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added, see note:

Detailed Notes
The newly created Exchange file for this cruise has been linked to the website. Index page has been edited to reflect the Q1 flag correction and A. Kozyr has been notified that these files are now available.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/24 Anderson, S. BTL Data Reformatted Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
As noted by Alex Kozyr the QUALT1 flags were not correct. Went back to the original data file ...a13/original/FROM_FRANCE and reformatted putting the QUALT1 flags with their correct, I hope, parameters.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/24 Anderson, S. BTL Data Update Yes CSV File Created

Detailed Notes
Created exchange file for a13 bottle data. File is in ...atlantic/a13 and needs to be linked to the web page.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/19 Tibbetts, R. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf, txt versions online

Detailed Notes
New English text and pdf files online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/11/29 Millard, R. CTD DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO n/a See Note:

Detailed Notes
I hope it's possible to get an extension on my DQE contract. The current funds didn't arrive until late June 2001. I've finished or nearly finished checking over & writing up 3 of the 5 datasets we talked about QCing- (A13 (submitted) , A14, & A23). Cruise A17 is 2 legs with 235 stations & will take more time. Between X-mas holidays & a vacation in mid-Jan., I probably can not finish A17 until sometime in late Feb. 2002. Are there any more datasets to be QCed? I may have a little time available for DQEing one more cruise with money remaining.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/07/31 Diggs, S. CFCs Update Needed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Will have to get back to you in a few about A12, but A13 we're well aware of. I was just working on it yesterday.

Alex Kozyr alerted me to the problem with the flags for the Carbon params and I couldn't come to any clear resolution about their origins. He thinks that perhaps they came came from Parilla, but not for sure. In any case, we're remerging the CFCs with the original bottle file and re-checking the flags carefully. Then, this file goes off to Alex to aid in the analysis of the TCARBN (and cousins). Once we get Alex's data back, we'll have a new file.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/07/30 Diggs, S. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Exchange file for bottle data produced and placed online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/27 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD exchange files were put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/01/16 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes All data have been decrypted and made public on our website.

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/01/15 Swift, J. CTD/BTL Data are Public Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Michel Arhan reminds me (in an email which I will forward separately) that we are overdue in making these data public on our web site. I presume we will make it so.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/01/10 Arhan, M. CTD/BTL Data are Public Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
A few days ago, I received this message from B. Klein, who apparently could not read the A13+14 data on the WHPO CD rom, version 2. I have not checked myself, but this is surprising, as I wrote you last spring that they could be made available in version 2 (mail exchange of May 12th). Being public on the CD rom, they can naturally also be made available on the WHPO webb site.

I would be grateful if you could check that these data are now public at the WHPO.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/21 Uribe, K. SUM Submitted Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sumfiles.
Received 1997 August 15th.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/16 Memery, L. CFCs Data are Public Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
I would like that the CFC data of the A13 and A14 (as well as the A17, which, from what I have been told, are still not available !!) cruises were entirely open to any user interested.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/07/10 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf, txt versions updated, online in French

Detailed Notes
Both pdf and text docs have been updated and are online. (doc is in french, additional report is in english)

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/07/05 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes txt version online

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/12 Arhan, M. CTD/BTL Future Release Date No See Note:

Detailed Notes
This message is about the inclusion of the A13 and A14 data (CTD and BTL) in the WOCE Version 2.0 CD-ROM, for which you recently contacted H. Mercier (A14) and myself (A13).

Our intention was to release these data in a few months (next September). We therefore agree to have them included in the CD-ROM, as this will probably not be distributed before the end of the summer. Can we ask you, however, to keep the status of the data as non public on the WHPO server in the mean time? We thank you for sending us confirmation that this is possible.

Our keeping these data non public until next september has not been related to the progression of the WHPO work that you mention in your last message: It has been rather dictated by the slower-than-planned progression of our own scientific analyses!

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/11/15 Buck, H. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf version online

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/08/11 Jennings-Jr., J. NUTs/OXY DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO No

Detailed Notes
2000.08.23 KJU
Moved A13-q2._hy2 from /usr/export/ftp-incoming.2000.14.02/
Data was received on August 11, 1999.
Time stamp in file is 19980630SA. Same date is on the online data.
No relevant email was found.
Path is atlantic/a13/original/1998.06.30_HY2_SA.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/05/18 Arhan, M. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted for DQE No

Detailed Notes