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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) A17: 3230CITHER2_1 and 3230CITHER2_2 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2004/02/24 Kappa, J. DOC Doc Update Yes New PDF and text docs ready to go online

Detailed Notes
Here are two new docs to go online:


Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/06/30 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes New PDF and text docs online

Detailed Notes
New PDF and text docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/16 Diggs, S. BTL Website Updated Yes NetCDF updated from Sarilee's BTL file

Detailed Notes
Updated NetCDF from Sarilee's WHP-Exchange Bottle file. Placed file on website.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/15 Newton, B. HELIUM Update Needed Yes H4 numbers should be stored at WOCE as HELIUM

Detailed Notes
Bob Newton wrote:

The He4 numbers should be stored at WOCE as Helium.

There are only two forms of helium, He3 and He4. He4 is about 99.9999 % of the helium, and we only report it to 2 or 3 significant digits ... so to this accuracy, ALL the helium is He4.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/15 Anderson, S. HELIUM Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
Merged helium data into online file. Made new exchange file, sent notes to Jerry.

May 15, 2003

A17 3230CITHER2_1

Found files WHP-A17_He.xls in a17/original/2000.03.21.A17_HE.TR. Converted to .csv files.

This file only had station numbers and pressure to use for merging. A comparison of the pressures indicated that they were the same for this file and the online file.

The helium file had a parameter He4 (10-8 cc/g). Jim Swift suggested I contact Peter Schlosser to find out how to convert, units, etc. Bob Newton responded and converted the he4 values to their proper units.

There were no flags associated with these values, so I set the flags to 2, re J. Swift.

Merged helium into online file.

Sarilee Anderson

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/14 Newton, B. HELIUM Data Update Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
The units are "ccSTP/g", i.e.: cubic centimeters of disolved helium gas per gram of seawater at standard temperature and pressure. That is what we work with here at the lab. There are two isotopes of helium, helium 3 and helium 4. Since helium 3 is on the order of 1 part per million of the total helium, the He4 measurement is (to the accuracy of the numbers reported) the total amount of helium gas in the water. Since there is VERY little helium disolved in the water, we multiply the values by 100,000,000, so that the numbers in the file are actually in units of
>>cc/g divided by 100,000,000, or E-8 cc/g.

The standard WOCE units for disolved helium gas are NMOL/KG (nanomols per kilogram). To convert from 10-8 ccSTP/g to NMOL/kg, one has to multiply by:


We would like the data posted in the public area of the WHPO website.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/09 Anderson, S. CFCs Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
*See DELHE3 entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/09 Anderson, S. DELHE3 Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
Merged helium and tritium into online file, corrected reversed cfcs. Put new file online, made new exchange file, sent notes to Jerry.

Found files WHP-A17_He.xls and WHP-A17_TU.xls in a17/original/ 2000.03.21.A17_HE.TR. Converted to .csv files. The file with tritium had MANY instances where a comma was entered instead of a period. Corrected that and reconverted to .csv file.

These files only had station numbers and pressure to use for merging. A comparison of the pressures indicated that they were the same for these files and the online file.

The helium file had a parameter He4 (10-8 cc/g). I don't know what that is, so I didn't merge it.

Merged the DELHE3 and TRITUM into online file 20010529WHPOSIODM. There were no QUALT1 flags so I set the flag to 2 everywhere there was a data value.

The tritium file had data for the shallow part of station 130, but the online file has no shallow depths for this station so the values listed below were not merged.

Sta. Press Trit. Q1
130 1. 0.63 2
130 52. 0.65 2
130 126. 0.67 2
130 201. 0.63 2
130 302. 0.39 2
130 401. 0.17 2
130 600. 0.06 2
130 701. 0.02 2
130 1001. 0.01 2
130 1201. 0.02 2

The data history indicates that on Feb. 1, 2001 J. Karstensen noted that the cfc11 and cfc12 data appeared to be reversed. This was also noted by S. C. Sutherland on March 14, 2002 in an email. Both J. Swift and B. Smethie agreed that they were incorrect and should be reversed.

I copied the CFC12 values and flag into the CFC11 columns and the CFC11 values and flag into the CFC12 columns.

Sarilee Anderson

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/09 Anderson, S. TRITUM Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
*See DELHE3 entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/06/21 Wanninkhof, R. BTL Update Needed Yes Five samples missing

Detailed Notes
WOCE WHPO (Stephen/Danielle), we are working with Bob Key, Alex Kozyr, Chris Sabine and many others on the Global Carbon synthesis. The following notes are for the synthesis group but some might be of relevance to you as well.

Betty has been doing a last check of our carbon synthesis product for the Atlantic and the "WOCE bottle data" and "WOCE bottle data in exchange format". Unfortunately the data in these files are not always the same. [note, perhaps clearly indicate last updates in each of the

We made the following changes to our data files which were originally obtained from Alex via CDIAC. The following are the notes from Betty and will be reflected in our version 11 data.

Alex please note the unresolved issues for A01W and AO2. Alex, couldyou please determine if the WOCE files have the latest carbon data.Because of differences in sample # between the original file you sent and the WOCE file we cannot merge data from one file to the other
for A01W and A02

A17 - There were five more samples in the WOCE file. These were all trips where there were no bottle data The five missing samples into our file to keep the right sample numbers.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/03/08 Millard, R. CTD/S/O DQE Complete: Report Submitted Yes A17C: CTD/S/O DQE report submitted to WHPO

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/02 Millard, R. CTD/S/O DQE Complete: Report Submitted Yes A17C: CTD/S/O DQE reposrt submitted to WHPO

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/20 Hajrasuliha, A. CTD Internal DQE completed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
*check.txt file created for this cruise. sal and oxy .ps files created for this cruise

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/20 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added, see note:

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online. CTD file A17N0174.WCT contains data for station 174, however there is a typo in the file indicating that it is 173, the file for 173 is not identical to this one, to which I concluded that it was a simple error and changed it to 174 for the purpose of the conversion.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/11/29 Millard, R. CTD DQE Begun n/a Estimated Completion: 2/02

Detailed Notes
I hope it's possible to get an extension on my DQE contract. The current funds didn't arrive until late June 2001. I've finished or nearly finished checking over & writing up 3 of the 5 datasets we talked about QCing- (A13 (submitted) , A14, & A23). Cruise A17 is 2 legs with 235 stations & will take more time. Between X-mas holidays & a vacation in mid-Jan., I probably can not finish A17 until sometime in late Feb. 2002. Are there any more datasets to be QCed? I may have a little time available for DQEing one more cruise with money remaining.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/02 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes WOCE nad Exchange BTL files updated

Detailed Notes
WOCE bottle and Exchange bottle were updated on website. These new files were retrieved from dave/SDIGGS/A17.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/02 Swift, J. BTL Update Needed Yes CSV file needs updating

Detailed Notes
problems arose trying to use online csv file. It should be removed and a new one made. Jim

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/21 Uribe, K. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes CTD CSV File Added, BTL CSV file modified

Detailed Notes
The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case.
CTD exchange files were put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/20 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/12 Muus, D. CTDPRS Data Reformatted No See Note:

Detailed Notes
Steve, The A17 reformatted bottle file, exchange file and notes file are in ~dave/SDIGGS/A17.
The notes file is shown below for easy reference:

a17.notes 010612/dm
1. CTD data (CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL & CTDOXY) from /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/atlantic/a17/original/
2001.05.31_A17_CTDTMP-CTDSAL/output.dat merged into Bottle data file from web (20001107WHPOSIOSRA).

2. a) Following data values are in output.dat file but not in web file:
16 Station "0" values. Not used.
Sta-1 Cast-1 Smp-26 Btl-26 Added to new .SEA file.
Sta-1 Cast-1 Smp-28 Btl-28 Added to new .SEA file.
Sta-1 Cast-1 Smp-29 Btl-29 Added to new .SEA file.
Sta-159 Cast-1 Smp-2 Btl-2 Added to new .SEA file.
Sta-199 Cast-1 Smp-1 Btl-1 Added to new .SEA file.

b) Following data values are in web file but not in output.dat:
Sta-1 Cast-1 Smp-17 Btl-17 Left in new web file.
Sta-1 Cast-1 Smp-20 Btl-20 Left in new web file.
Sta-1 Cast-1 Smp-22 Btl-22 Left in new web file.

3. Changed first 3 QUALT1 values from "555" to "222" (BOTTLE, CTDSAL & CTDOXY)

4. SUMMARY file has EXPOCODEs 3230CITHER2_1 (A17C)
& 3230CITHER2_2 (A17N)
while .SEA file has only 3230CITHER2_1 so wocecvt gives EXPOCODE error.
Left as is for now.

Exchange conversion and wocecvt ran successfully.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/12 Muus, D. CTDTMP Data Reformatted n/a See Note:

Detailed Notes
*See CTDPRS entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/12 Muus, D. S/O Data Reformatted No See Note:

Detailed Notes
*See CTDPRS note.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/31 Arhan, M. CTDTMP Submitted No CTDTMP, CTDSAL and CTDOXY submitted See Note:

Detailed Notes
L. Memery forwarded on to me your message about the CTD A17 data (see below), as we were in charge of these measurements on the cruise. I thought the parameters you indicate had been sent to you in the bottle files, but, anyway, here attached you will find an ascii file in which you can find them. In this file, the codes tmps, sals, and oxys stand for CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY, respectively. The file format is otherwise autodescriptive. Alternatively, these informations can of course also be extracted from the full CTD profiles.

-------- Original Message --------
l'objet: A17 data problem
la date: Wed, 30 May 2001 14:11:22 -0700
De: (James H. Swift)

The bottle data file for WHP Line A17 has the documented problem that there are no data for CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY. The lack of CTDTMP is the most severe problem for many oceanographers, although CTDSAL would be nice to have.

The question is, has the Atlantic Atlas group (Koltermann) or others access to a file with the CTD parameters at bottle trips, or with back-calculated temperatures (from the potential temperatures, which are reported)?

The ancillary question is, should we ask Sarilee to back-calculate CTDTMP from CTDPRS, THETA, and SALNTY?

Alex Kozyr needs CTDTMP soon for the CO2 data work-up.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/31 Arhan, M. OXYGEN Submitted No CTDMP, CTDSAL and CTDOXY submitted, see note:

Detailed Notes
L. Memery forwarded on to me your message about the CTD A17 data (see below), as we were in charge of these measurements on the cruise. I thought the parameters you indicate had been sent to you in the bottle files, but, anyway, here attached you will find an ascii file in which you can find them. In this file, the codes tmps, sals, and oxys stand for CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY, respectively. The file format is otherwise autodescriptive. Alternatively, these informations can of course also be extracted from the full CTD profiles.

-------- Original Message --------
l'objet: A17 data problem
la date: Wed, 30 May 2001 14:11:22 -0700
De: (James H. Swift)

The bottle data file for WHP Line A17 has the documented problem that there are no data for CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY. The lack of CTDTMP is the most severe problem for many oceanographers, although CTDSAL would be nice to have.

The question is, has the Atlantic Atlas group (Koltermann) or others access to a file with the CTD parameters at bottle trips, or with back-calculated temperatures (from the potential temperatures, which are reported)?

The ancillary question is, should we ask Sarilee to back-calculate CTDTMP from CTDPRS, THETA, and SALNTY?

Alex Kozyr needs CTDTMP soon for the CO2 data work-up.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/31 Arhan, M. SALNTY Submitted No CTDMP, CTDSK and CTDOXY submitted, see note:

Detailed Notes
L. Memery forwarded on to me your message about the CTD A17 data (see below), as we were in charge of these measurements on the cruise. I thought the parameters you indicate had been sent to you in the bottle files, but, anyway, here attached you will find an ascii file in which you can find them. In this file, the codes tmps, sals, and oxys stand for CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY, respectively. The file format is otherwise autodescriptive. Alternatively, these informations can of course also be extracted from the full CTD profiles.

-------- Original Message --------
l'objet: A17 data problem
la date: Wed, 30 May 2001 14:11:22 -0700
De: (James H. Swift)

The bottle data file for WHP Line A17 has the documented problem that there are no data for CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY. The lack of CTDTMP is the most severe problem for many oceanographers, although CTDSAL would be nice to have.

The question is, has the Atlantic Atlas group (Koltermann) or others access to a file with the CTD parameters at bottle trips, or with back-calculated temperatures (from the potential temperatures, which are reported)?

The ancillary question is, should we ask Sarilee to back-calculate CTDTMP from CTDPRS, THETA, and SALNTY?

Alex Kozyr needs CTDTMP soon for the CO2 data work-up.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/02/01 Karstensen, J. CFCs Update Needed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Downloading A17 I found out that F11 and F12 values are mixed up in the hydrographic file... However, great job WOCE the data server.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/20 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf, txt versions online updated w/ NUTs/Oxy dqe report

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/11 Uribe, K. DOC Submitted Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
2000.12.11 KJU

File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.

2000.10.11 KJU
Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
Received 1997 August 15th.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/04 Jennings-Jr., J. NUTs/O DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
I think we've finished the A17 section. I'm attaching a short WORD document describing the section and listing the bottles we considered questionable. The other file "A17-Q2.out" is the renamed .HYD file with flags as noted. We've set the remaining Q2 flags for the nutrients and dissolved oxygen to "2".

Note that at station 77 there is an obviously incorrect theta value at the surface. Hopefully the originating PI could fix that easily.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/17 Jennings-Jr., J. NUTs/S/O DQE Begun Yes

Detailed Notes
We still have the A17 data. I can start on that next unless there is another, higher priority.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/09 Anfuso, S. TCO2/ALK/Ph Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
Merged TCARBN/ALKALI/pH data from Kozyr into hyd file. Merging notes in original subdir 2000.09.06.A17_CARB_KOZYR. Previous version of hyd file did not have SAMPNO or BTLNBR. Wrote script to merge SAMPNO and BTLNBR from Kozyr's data file into hyd data file - matched STA CAST PRESSURE from both data files to correctly update SAMPNO and BTLNBR in hyd file. Reformatted the updated hyd file to correct floating pt. precision format (per WHPO specs.) of several previously merged parameters. Updated hyd file is on-line and lookin' good.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/09/06 Bartolacci, D. CO2 Data Update Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Bottle: (tcarbn, alkali, ph)

I have placed the carbon/alk/ph data sent by Alex Kozyr into the original directory under the sub-directory called 2000.09.06.A17_CARB_KOZYR. Data are in woce format, public, and need merging into bottle file.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/09/01 Kozyr, A. CO2 Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO Yes Total CO2, Total Alkalinity, and pH

Detailed Notes
I have put the final/public CO2-related data file for the Atlantic Ocean WOCE Section A17 to the WHPO ftp INCOMING area. There are three CO2 parameters in the file: Total CO2, Total Alkalinity, and pH with quality flags. Please note that these data are different from the carbon data that shown in the a17hy.txt file in WHPO data base and should be replaced.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/18 Diggs, S. HELIUM Update Needed No See note to Dr. Jean-Baptiste

Detailed Notes
Before we merge these data values in with the rest of the A17 values, we need flags (or quality numbers) on each of the delh3 and he4 values. In addition, would it be possible for you to convert the helium values from 10-8 cc/g to NMOL/KG?

Finally, could you please explain to me the difference in the values that you report as He4 and the He2 values described in the WOCE manual (WHP 90-1, Chapter 4).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/31 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf, txt versions online

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/21 Diggs, S. He/Tr Update Needed No missing STNNBR CASTNO SAMPNO BTLNBR

Detailed Notes
Thank you very much for your MS Excel file data submissions of Helium and
Tritium for A17 (Expocode: 3230CITHER2_1). While we can usually merge data
in any format, these files need the following numbers applied to each data
point in order to merge them with our bottle data file:

STNNBR CASTNO SAMPNO BTLNBR (any three of these four)

In this special case, there are no valid bottle or sample numbers for A17,
so you need only send the CAST and STATION number, along with the depths.
Depths, being a measured parameter (when the instrument is re-calibrated,
the depths change, but the bottle numbers, cast and station numbers are
always constant) is an unreliable number for data merging purposes, but in
this case, we will merge based on STATION, CASTNO and CTDPRS. If we have
these numbers from you for each data point, we should be able to
successfully include your data in our files.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/21 Jean-Baptiste, P. He/Tr Submitted No

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/10/15 Diggs, S. BTL Data Update n/a requested missing station/btl numbers

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/09/01 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL/CFCs Website Updated Yes Status changed to Public

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/08/31 Memery, L. BTL/CFCs Website Updated Yes Status changed to Public

Detailed Notes
(regarding public release) I was talking of all the tracers (including CFCs for which I am responsible, but also nutrients and others : you may contact the responsibles if you want to check, but as the A17 chief scientist, I can assure you that there is no problem). Nevertheless, I do not think you have received the He/Tr data, as they were not measured at the time the data were sent. The responsible is Philippe Jean Baptiste (

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/08/30 Memery, L. Tracer Website Updated Yes Status changed to Public

Detailed Notes
Dear Dr Swift,

I just come back from vacation, and, following Michel Arhan for the A17 CTD-O2 data, I inform you that the tracer data of the A17 section can be released to the public domain.

Best regards,

Laurent Memery.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/08/12 Arhan, M. CTDOXY Website Updated Yes Status changed to Public

Detailed Notes
This message is to inform you that we are releasing the CTD-O2 data of the WHP section A17 to the public domain.

I could not contact Dr L. Memery (LODYC/Paris) about the release of the tracer data of the same section (he may be on vacation), and suggested him to contact you directly on his return for what concerns the tracer data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/07/13 Memery, L. doc Please send E-doc file n/a

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/07/10 Memery, L. see sum. No Data Submitted n/a CTDTMP/CTDSAL/CTDOXY/BTLNMR/SAMPNO

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/04/14 Arhan, M. CTD/BTL Submitted for DQE No

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/04/09 Anderson, S. BTL Website Updated Yes Data Reformatted

Detailed Notes
The bottle data for A17C and A17N is as complete as possible at this time. Things that are missing are the BTLNBR, SAMPNO, CTDTMP, CTDSAL, and CTDOXY. THETA is reported, so temperature could be back calculated since we don't know from where the THETA value came.

I have made the QUALT1 flags all 2's, assuming that the originator would not have reported the info if it were not good (I know, not necessarily a good assumption, but the best I could do with no more information). Where there was missing data here and there I set the flag to 5, but if a parameter was missing for the whole station I set the flag to 9, assuming it was not
sampled at that station. Someone should probably check these flags.

The .sum and .hyd files have both been run on sumchk and wocecvt with no errors.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/04/09 Muus, D. CTD Reformatted by WHPO No

Detailed Notes