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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) A21: 06MT11_5 WHPO Home   
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Line Number:
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/11/13 Anderson, S. CFCs Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
Merged new CFC-11 and CFC-12 data sent by Mark Warner. Made new exchange file. Put files online sent notes to Jerry. Netcdf file needs to be made.

Merge notes for a21 06MT11_5:

Nov. 13, 2003

Mark Warner submitted a file with updated cfc data. I merged the CFC-11 and CFC-12 from file a21_cfc_whpo_dat into the online file.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/11/12 Warner, M. CFCs Submitted Yes Final Data Submitted, DQE complete

Detailed Notes
I ended up sending a tar of all the cruises for which we did the DQC process. In general, the CFC PI agreed with our evaluation and changed their QUALT1 flag to agree with our suggested QUALT2 flag. Please fell free to ask questions. (Fortunately, we had sent all of this data to Alex Orsi over a year ago, so the atlas is made with this data.)


On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, WHPO Website wrote:

This is information regarding line: A21 ExpoCode:
Cruise Date: 1992/05/?? - ????/??/??
Email address:
Institution: U.
Country: USA

The file: final_cfc_data.tar - 1618432 bytes has been saved as: 20031112.171702_WARNER_A21_final_cfc_data.tar in the directory: 20031112.171702_WARNER_A21

The data disposition is: Public
The file format is: Plain Text (ASCII)
The archive type is: NONE - Individual File
The data type(s) is: Other: Final DQC
The file contains these water sample identifiers:

WARNER, MARK would like the following action(s) taken on the data:
Merge Data
Update Parameters
Any additional notes are:
Miscommunication between myself and Dong-Ha Min   have resulted in this delay. I will upload a file of the data with itsassigned (and agreed upon with the PI)   Qualt2 (q2) and revised q1 characters.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/10 Anderson, S. CFCs Website Updated Yes Upside-down station profiles fixed

Detailed Notes
On Feb. 18, 2002, B. Klein noted that there were 4 stations that had profiles that were "upside-down" for TRITUM, TRITER, HELIUM, HELIER, CFC-11, CFC-12, DELHE3, DELHER, NEON, and NEONER. In her original file she had the bottle (sample) numbers reversed. I corrected these stations and remerged those parameters. I copied Q1 flags to Q2 flags and changed the Q2 flags that Arnold Mantyla had indicated in his DQE report. Put file online, made new exchange file, sent notes to Jerry.

Reformatting notes:

Oct 10, 2003

On Feb. 18, 2002, B. Klein noted that there were 4 stations that had "...profiles that were upside-down...". The parameters that were incorrect were TRITIUM, TRITER, HELIUM, HELIER, CFC-11, CFC-12, DELHE3, DELHER, NEON, and NEONER.

In B. Klein's file:

stas. 106 and 113 B. Klein's file had the bottle (sample) numbers in the reverse order from the online file.

sta. 116 had cast 1 instead of cast 2.

sta. 173 had cast 1 and 2 intermingled, but the incorrect bottle (sample) numbers for cast 1.

I changed those four stations in her file to match the online file, and remerged the above mentioned parameters.

Lynne Talley requested that the Q2 flags be added to the file. I copied the Q1 flags to the Q2 flags, and then changed the Q2 flags that Arnold Mantyla had indicated in his DQE report. I did not change any other Q2 flags since the DQE had been done in 1991 and updated data had been submitted in 1999.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/10 Anderson, S. DELHE3 Website Updated Yes Upside-down station profiles fixed

Detailed Notes
*See CFCs entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/10 Anderson, S. HELIUM Website Updated Yes Upside-down station profiles fixed

Detailed Notes
*See CFCs entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/10 Anderson, S. NEON Website Updated Yes Upside-down station profiles fixed

Detailed Notes
*See CFCs entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/10 Anderson, S. TRITUM Website Updated Yes Upside-down station profiles fixed

Detailed Notes
*See CFCs entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/03/19 Muus, D. LVS Website Updated Yes Quality flags updated

Detailed Notes
Notes on A21 LVS Mar 19, 2003 D. Muus

1. Created LVS woce format file named a21lv.txt from:


2. Both QUALT1 and QUALT2 set to QF value given in original data file
except for DELC13 where QUALT2 flag was changed to 3 per Bob Key
message in data history 2002/05/22.

3. Changed all quality flag "0"s to "2"s.

4. Checked new file with wocecvt.

5. Checked new file with Java Ocean Atlas by making a temporary file
with REVPRS replaced by CTDPRS to allow creation of an exchange file.

Following temperatures look odd. (No quality flags)

Sta Ca Btl Pres Temp-offset
119 3 81 3862 0.8 low
129 3 85 2982 0.19 high

Several C14 appear odd but QUALT1 flag was already set to 3.

C13 has much scatter as described in Bob Key 2002/05/22 message.

Other parameters look ok.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/02/24 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes New PDF and text docs online

Detailed Notes
New PDF and text docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/02/05 Kappa, J. DELC14 Requested documentation Emailed Bob Key, delc14 PI

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/02/05 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes New PDF and text docs online

Detailed Notes
New PDF and text docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/02/04 Kappa, J. NUTs Requested documentation Yes E-mailed J. Swift, oxy/NUTS PI

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/02/04 Kappa, J. OXYGEN Requested documentation Yes Emailed J. Swift, OXY/NUTs PI

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/06/21 Wanninkhof, R. BTL Update Needed Yes BTL stations need updating

Detailed Notes
Note: WOCE WHPO (Stephen/Danielle), we are working with Bob Key, Alex Kozyr, Chris Sabine and many others on the Global Carbon synthesis. The following notes are for the synthesis group but some might be of relevance to you as well.

Betty has been doing a last check of our carbon synthesis product for the Atlantic and the "WOCE bottle data" and "WOCE bottle data in exchange format". Unfortunately the data in these files are not always the same. [note, perhaps clearly indicate last updates in each of the

We made the following changes to our data files which were originally obtained from Alex via CDIAC. The following are the notes from Betty and will be reflected in our version 11 data.

Alex please note the unresolved issues for A01W and AO2. Alex, could you please determine if the WOCE files have the latest carbon data. Because of differences in sample # between the original file you sent and the WOCE file we cannot merge data from one file to the other
for A01W and A02

A21 - In the WOCE file the last station is 120 while our file has A21 ending at station 121. Otherwise, the files are the same. This is an issue of where A21 ends and A12 starts. that is in our file A12 starts with station A122 and the WOCE file starts with A120.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/05/22 Key, R. LVS Submitted Yes LV data submitted, see note:

Detailed Notes
I have attached my version of the LV data file for Meteor 11/5. In this case, the "my" is important. This file was assembled from various partial files obtained over a period of years. Simply stated, the merging process was a nightmare. At the very least, there are bound to be some errors in the flags (except for C14). The file contains C13 data, which I have not checked at all. My guess is that all these C13 data should be flagged 3 as is the case for all the LV U.S. C13 data. The low quality of the C13 is a result of the old technique (LV C13 data were only measured in order to correct C14 measurements for fractionation during

Regardless, this is probably the most complete and correct version of the LV data for that cruise which exists (at least electronically). I have also attached a copy of my summary README which gives a small portion of the history of various data components. I have far more info when/if needed.

In the attached file I intentionally deleted all calculated parameters (theta, sigmaX, aou, etc.) except for depth in case the official WHP software differs from mine. The file format is
very similar to the WHP "exchange" format with "," separators and with QUALT1 burst to single digit integers. I don't think you'll have any problem reading it. Units are all WOCE standard.

After taking a look at these 2 files, let me know what additional info is needed - hopefully I can provide it.

All the above specifically EXCLUDES H-3/He-3 info, details, etc. I have never been on the "inside" with respect to these data streams.


Initialized README file cruise
Meteor cruise 11/5 composing WOCE sections A12 and A21; EXPOCODE 06MT11_5
Ushuaia, Argentina to Capetown, South Africa
January 23, 1990 to March 8, 1990
78 stations with 24 place Rosette; 18 LV stations for C14, K85, Ar39, Ra
W. Roether, Ch. Sci.

Hydro: Who - G. Rohardt, E. Fahrbach; Status - final; S Plus - up to date

Nuts/O2: Who - SIO; Status - final; S Plus - up to date

TCO2: Who - D. Chipman & T. Takahashi; Status - Final; S Plus - Up to date
Notes: prior to CRM, coulometer analysis with estimated precision of 1umol/kg. Calibration against high purity CO2 gas Also measured on LV samples NDP 045

TA: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -

pCO2: Who - D. Chipman & T. Takahashi; Status - Final; S Plus - Up to date
Notes: measured at 20C via fid GC on 500ml samples

pH25: Who - ; Status - not measured; S Plus -

CFC: Who - W. roether; Status - final?; S Plus - up to date
Notes: data from Smethie 5/10/93

C-14: Who - P. Schlosser; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: AMS + LV collected. All existing results in LV files

C-13: Who - P. Schlosser; Status - final; S Plus - up to date
Notes: AMS + LV collected. All existing results in LV files

H-3/He-3: Who - W. Roether; Status - ?; S Plus - no data

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/02/18 Klein, B. CFC/He/Tr/Ne/DEL3HE BTL file resubmitted Yes Traced data updated, will be remerged

Detailed Notes
Steve Diggs wrote

To be on the safe side, we will re-merge your file for the parameters listed with our own online version and re-check the values. This should happen over the course of the next two weeks.

Take another look at our online files, just to be sure, sometime around the first week in April. Sorry for the delays in processing your revised information. We are slowly finalizing the onetime cruises.

Birgit Klein wrote:
When I last submitted the final helium/tritium data for the cruise and and updated version of the cfc data, I noted a problem in the merged data file later on due to an inconsitency of the basic hydrography data. It resulted in profiles that were upside-down (in CFC, helium, delta-3he, neon and Tritium) fo st. 106 and 113. Sta. 173 had different bottle numbers in our file and therefore the CFC data for this profile had not been remerged. And station 116 had a different cast number so data from that statin were also not remerged. I have written to you about it in the past but somehow the wrong profiles never got changed. Since we have been working on a data quality assessment for the tracer data of the south Atlantic we also examined the consistency of the tracer data and gave new quality flags. Especially for the CFCs we have added a larger number of data questionable. I changed our hydrography data to be the same as yours and merged all tracer data and new quality flags to your a21hy.txt file. The file I am sending now is correct in all tracer values, has unchanged data for stat, cast, sample, bottle, pres, temp, ctdsal, ctdoxy, theta, sal, oxy, silicate, nitrate, nitrit, phosphate and has an update of tracer quality flags. You don't have to merge it again by your side, just check for yourself against your old file that I only altered the above mentioned problematic tracer profiles and changed tracer quality bits and then please replace it on your webside.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/02/18 Bartolacci, D. DOC Update Needed Yes change line numbrsin doc to A21 and S04, SR02.

Detailed Notes
06MT11_5 occurred during a time when PI's were not using current WOCE line naming conventions. Various segments of this cruise were given multiple basin line designations according to the PI's discretion. Since that time, the WHOI WHPO has renamed parts of the cruises line designations in an attempt to make the lines conform to recognized WOCE lines.

The original cruise track for 06MT11_5 was divided into 2 sections: S01/A21 and S02/A12. After the completion of the cruise the S02/A12 designation was dropped and that section was divided into S04 and SR02.

The sum file now has line A21, S04 and SR02 as line numbers covered by this cruise. However the DOC file still lists the old line designations of S01/A21, S02/A12 as well as the new designation of A21/S04/SR02. This cruise is currently on the WHPO public table under
the lines A21 and S04, SR02.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/21 Hajrasuliha, A. CTD Internal DQE completed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
created *check.txt file for this cruise. Created .ps files for this cruise.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/20 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/27 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD exchange files were put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/21 Uribe, K. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes CTD CSV File Added, BTL CSV file modified

Detailed Notes
The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case.
CTD exchange files were put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/20 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/07/10 Bartolacci, D. BTL Website Updated Yes newly merged file online

Detailed Notes
Bottle: (cfc-11, cfc-12, tritum, helium, delhe3, neon, triter, helier, delher, neoner, qualt1, qualt2)

I have replaced the current botlte file with the newly merged file containing cfc's he, trit, delhe3, neon, and associated errors, merged by D. Newton

Merge notes for a21 06MT11/5 :

Merged file: Mar 9 1999 a21_bklein_cfc_tr-hr-ne_FIXED.dat
directory: ..../a21/original/TRACERS_1999.03
.sea file: Feb 27 1998 a21hy.txt (no WHPO datestamp)

Data status notes say DQE found nuts/oxy/sal not up to WOCE standards, but there is no explanation in cruise docs.



Changed stn116 cast1 to cast2.

New values from stn173 cast1 had unmatched sampno's. No way to reconcile and merge into a21hy.txt. 12 samples not merged.

New values from stn140 cast2 sampno1->4 had no counterparts in a21hy.txt.

New values from stn164 cast2 sampno 2,4,6,8,10,12 had no counterparts in a21hy.txt - can't tell if something's amiss here.

In a21hy.txt changed HELIUM and HELIER from 8.3 to 8.4, changed DELHE3 missing code from -9. to -999.

New a21hy.txt datestamp: 20000626WHPOSIODMN

-David Newton

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/12 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes line designations changed in pdf, txt versions

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/18 Kappa, J. Cruise ID Data Update Yes s01 designation changed to a21

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/10 Holliday, N. Cruise ID Website Update Yes A20 NOT included in this cruise

Detailed Notes
A21/S04/SR02 (Roether) you also have this under S01 but the cruise clearly isnt on S01 so that entry should be removed.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/02/14 Kozyr, A. TCARBN/PCO2 Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO Yes DQE Complete

Detailed Notes
I've just put a total of 13 files [carbon data measured in Indian (6 files) and Atlantic (7 files) oceans] to the WHPO ftp area. Please let me know if you get data okay.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/08/03 Diggs, S. He/Tr/cfc/ Data are Final Yes questions resolved

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/03/10 Klein, B. He/Tr/cfc/ Data Update Requested by scd Yes see note:

Detailed Notes
After careful inspection of the data file that you sent, I have concluded that there are some potential problems that we need to resolve before I merge your A21/S04 data (Helium, Neon, Tritium, CFCs) with the rest of the bottle data.

Your data file has some minor problems with the header, but the serious issues are those with the precision of the CFC, and NEON values. The WOCE specification of these fields is F8.3, yet you report your values are F8.4. I had reformatted your files earlier and noticed that my software caused your values to be rounded (not truncated). It may seem like a lot of
trouble, but I don't think that the WHPO should be in the business of reproducing data values from the originator's file. Therefore, would you be so kind as to re-send the data? If not, I *could* use the values that I have. I would need some official statement from you. I could even send
you my program that I wrote to reformat your files (it is written in Perl 5).

In addition, I have included two short files, which are the first 16 lines of your original file and my reformatter file. These are attachments.

Please let me know what you decide.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/03/09 Newton, D. CFCs Data Update Yes cfc hel trit delhe neon merged into btl file

Detailed Notes
data status notes say DQE found nuts/oxy/sal not up to WOCE standards, but there is no explanation in cruise docs.
Changed stn116 cast1 to cast2.
New values from stn173 cast1 had unmatched sampno's. No way to reconcile and merge into a21hy.txt. 12 samples not merged.
New values from stn140 cast2 sampno1->4 had no counterparts in a21hy.txt.
New values from stn164 cast2 sampno 2,4,6,8,10,12 had no counterparts in a21hy.txt - can't tell if something's amiss here.
In a21hy.txt changed HELIUM and HELIER from 8.3 to 8.4, changed DELHE3 missing code from -9. to -999.
new a21hy.txt datestamp: 20000626WHPOSIODMN

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/03/09 Klein, B. He/Tr/cfc/ Submitted for DQE Yes also neon

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1994/12/09 Kozyr, A. CO2 Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO Yes

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/07/15 Witte, H. CTD Submitted Calibration Report No DQE Issues Unresolved

Detailed Notes
The following is a description of the pressure averaging used at AWI for preparing the 2-decibar CTD data. (see cruise report, "CTD calibration report 06MT11_5")

It is difficult to explain the difference between CTD salinity and water sample salinity in the station number 154, since the CTD salinity data used in the plot are not the data from the 2-decibar CTD profile.

Nothing points to a defect in the CTD during stations 175, 176, 178 and 179. It may be that the questionable data are an indication of the extreme variability of the survey region.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/05/06 Millard, R. CTD DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1991/07/12 Jennings-Jr., J. NUTs/O DQE Complete No "Data appears overall to be of high quality"

Detailed Notes
See cruise report for Jennings' full DQE report and suggested flags.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1991/04/23 Mantyla, A. NUTs/O DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO no does not meet WOCE standards

Detailed Notes
See cruise report for Mantyla's full DQE report and suggested flags.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1991/03/08 Mantyla, A. NUTs/O DQE Begun no Problems w/ nuts data

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1991/03/04 Van Woy, F. CFCs DQE Begun no needs more info* to continue (never provided)

Detailed Notes
See cruise report for Van Woy's full DQE report and suggested flags.