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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) A22: 316N151_4 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2004/02/20 Kappa, J. DOC Doc Update Yes New PDF and Text docs ready to go online

Detailed Notes
The following are new crise reports that need to go on the web. We'll work
on them next week.


Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/04/17 Anderson, S. CFCs Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
Merged DELC14, C14ERR and DELC13 and remerged updated CFC-11 and CFC-12 into online file. Put file online, made new exchange file.

a22 merge notes:

April 17, 2003

Line a22, EXPOCODE 316N151_4

Merged DELC14 and C14ERR from file 20030109_a22_c14_key.csv found in original/20030109_A22_C14_KEY into online file 20020204WHPOSIODM.

Merged updated CFC-11 and CFC-12 from file 20020416.093438_LEBEL_A22_a22.dat found in original/20020416.093438_LEBEL_A22.

Merged DELC13 from file 20020401.071631_GERLACH_A22_whpo_a22.txt found in 20020401.071631_GERLACH_A22.

Sarilee Anderson

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/04/17 Anderson, S. DELC13 Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
*See CFCS entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/04/17 Anderson, S. DELC14 Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
*See CFCS entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/03/21 Diggs, S. DELC14 Data Update Yes Key data checked, decoded and placed in appropriate directory

Detailed Notes
Data from Key in email message checked/decoded and placed in appropriate directory in "original" data area.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/02/24 Anderson, S. SUM Website Updated Yes Incorrect station 4 corrected

Detailed Notes
Position for sta. 4 EN in .sum file re JaneDunworth was incorrect. Had long. of 65 00.00W, should be 66 00.00W. I changed it, made new exchange file and sent notes to Jerry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/01/09 Key, R. DELC14 Submitted No Submitted

Detailed Notes
The A20 and A22 C14 results are attached. I have QC'ed the data and each file contains flag values.

I just got these a couple of days ago, but they can go public as soon as NOSAMS releases the printed data report which should be very soon.

It'll take me about 2 weeks to get my "final" report to you.

The electronic version of the data I received from NOSAMS did not include C13, but they (Ann McNichol) should have those numbers."

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/04/16 Lebel, D. CFC Submitted Yes Final CFC data submitted

Detailed Notes
This is information regarding line: A22
ExpoCode: 316N151_4
Cruise Date: 1997/08/16 - 1997/09/02
Email address:
Institution: LDEO
Country: US

The file: a22.dat - 313793 bytes
has been saved as: 20020416.093438_LEBEL_A22_a22.dat
in the directory: 20020416.093438_LEBEL_A22

The data disposition is:

The file format is:
Plain Text (ASCII)

The archive type is:
NONE - Individual File

The data type(s) is:
Other: Final CFC data

The file contains these water sample identifiers:
Cast Number (CASTNO)
Station Number (STATNO)
Bottle Number (BTLNBR)
Sample Number (SAMPNO)

LEBEL, DEBORAH would like the following action(s) taken on the data:
Merge Data
Place Data Online
Update Parameters

Any additional notes are:

This is the finalized CFC data for A22.  It includes the QUALT2 word.  Scale  is SIO98, units 
are pmol/kg.  This is the  same format used by John Bullister in  submitting the finalized Nor
th Pacific   CFC data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/04/01 Buck, H. DELC13 Data moved from incoming Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Moved data from /usr/export/html-public/cgi/SUBMIT/INCOMING/20020401.103431_GERLACH_A22 to /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/atlantic/a22/original/20020401.103431_GERLACH_A22. Data contains a readme file from the data submission page and a file called 20020401.103431_GERLACH_A22_a22_desc.txt. This file lists the individual flags for the replicate values, it is a detailed listing of those stations which have c13 flags.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/04/01 Buck, H. DELC13 Data moved from incoming Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Moved data from /usr/export/html-public/cgi/SUBMIT/INCOMING/20020401.071631_GERLACH_A22 to /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/atlantic/a22/original/20020401.071631_GERLACH_A22. Data contains a readme file from the data submission page, and a file containing delc13 data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/02/05 Muus, D. CO2 Website Updated Yes tcarbn, alkali, pco2, ph, qualt2 merged into BTL, new CSV file added

Detailed Notes
Merged new TCARBN, ALKALI and PCO2 into current web bottle file and added PH data.

Notes on A22 merging Feb 5, 2002 D.Muus

1. Merged TCARBN, ALKALI, PCO2 and PH from:
into A22 bottle file from web (20011018WHPOSIOSCD)

2. Used QUALT1 codes for QUALT2.

3. Changed EXPOCODE in bottle file from 316N151/4 to 316N151_4.

4. Made new exchange file for Bottle data.

5. Checked new bottle file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/26 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/17 Hajrasuliha, A. CTD/BTL Internal DQE completed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes and Files located in cruise directory.

No problems found in these files.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/10/18 Diggs, S. CFCs Website Updated Yes Status Changed to Public

Detailed Notes
Bottle File CFCs unmasked and put online.
SUMfile Blank line (format error) on line 250 of SUMfile removed and file updated.
In response to request by T. Haines for CFCs which are now public.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/27 Swift, J. He/Tr Data Request n/a HE/TR data requested by J Swift

Detailed Notes
WHPO records indicate he/tr data not yet submitted. Request for earliest possible submission sent to Bill Jenkins.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/07/30 Smethie, W. CFCs Data are Public Yes

Detailed Notes
It should be public.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/28 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD were converted to exchange format and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/21 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes BTL CSV file modified

Detailed Notes
The exchange bottle file name in directory and index file was modified to lower case.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/20 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle file in exchange format has been linked to website.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/04 Kozyr, A. ALKALI Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO Yes also C02, ph, PCO2

Detailed Notes
I have put the final CO2-related data files for the N. Atlantic Ocean WOCE Sections A20, A22, and A24 to the WHPO ftp INCOMING area. There are 4 CO2 parameters: Total CO2, Total Alkalinity, pH, and pCO2 (with pCO2 temp) with quality flags. Note, that these data are different from those you have in your data base for these cruises on WHPO web site. Please confirm the data submission.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/04 Kozyr, A. TCARBN Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO Yes also C02, ph, PC02

Detailed Notes
I have put the final CO2-related data files for the N. Atlantic Ocean WOCE Sections A20, A22, and A24 to the WHPO ftp INCOMING area. There are 4 CO2 parameters: Total CO2, Total Alkalinity, pH, and pCO2 (with pCO2 temp) with quality flags. Note, that these data are different from those you have in your data base for these cruises on WHPO web site. Please confirm the data submission.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/06 Bartolacci, D. SUM Website Updated Yes Reformatted SUM file online

Detailed Notes
Replaced current sumfile with newly reformatted sumfile completed by S. Anderson. Old file renamed and moved to original subdirectory. All references have been updated to reflect this change.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/12 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf version compressed for quicker downloading

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/01 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes Data are Public excluding CFCs

Detailed Notes
I have released/decrypted the CTD files and all available bottle parameters for A22 (316N151_4) *except* the CFCs.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/02/25 Joyce, T. CTD Data are Public Yes

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/06/08 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted for DQE No See note:

Detailed Notes
I have placed all of the data that you(?) sent me for A22 (316N151_4) on the web. New sumfile, new bottle data file and new CTD zip archive of files. If you check our website, you'll see that all of the tables are updated accordingly.

Thanks also for the bathymetry and CSL files.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/05/27 Dunworth-Baker, J. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted Yes

Detailed Notes
BTL parameters:


Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/11 Smethie, W. CTD/BTL No Data Submitted n/a will submit data by 8/99

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/03/07 Joyce, T. North Atlantic PI

Detailed Notes