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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) P16: 31DSCGC91_1 and 31DSCGC91_2 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/06/24 Key, R. PH Data Update Yes 2-decimal, "spreadsheet friendly" format will be used

Detailed Notes
By "spreadsheet friendly" I was referring to the 'WHP Exchange' files and as you said, that will be the format in the future. My comment regarding the reliability of these files relative to the original hyd files is biased by history and the way in which the exchange format developed. It could well be that the opposite is true with the files currently on the web site. I would still argue that CDIAC is the preferred site for carbon data; even if the numbers are identical, access to the carbon metadata is easier there. For WOCE era data, one must know whether or not the values reported were adjusted to standards and this is only given in the NDP reports. The GLODAP community will shortly be publishing tables of corrections at CDIAC so that users can get the calibration information without having to read the entire NDP. So far as I know, there is no equivalent situation for any other common WOCE measurement.

I agree that the best procedure is to NOT pad with zeros for the reason you gave (My physics prof hammered the same message). I think that most FORTRAN compilers will zero pad when less than the proper number of decimals is given, so it is understandable if this happens.

In the case of spectroscopic pH measurements, these last 2 decimal places are quite significant
relative to the measurement precision. Including the "25" in the header when needed (i.e. pH25 vs pH) is also important. Here it really depends on which is correct since they are not synonymous. An error in this pH header is roughly equivalent to heading a nutrient as umol/kg when it is actually umol/l. These details begin to make a real difference when pH + some other carbon parameter are converted into a third carbon parameter (i.e. alk, TCO2, pCO2), especially for deep water.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/06/24 Key, R. PH Data Update Yes PH should be reported with 4 decimal places

Detailed Notes
According to WOCE specs (WHP90-1, Appendix G), pH should be reported with F8.4 (4 decimal places). In cases where a PI reports fewer digits, they are supposed to append 0s for the less significant decimal places.

I just checked the WOCE site and the "Official" bottle file for P16N has 4 decimals for pH while the "shreadsheet friendly" file has only 2. This is clearly a problem with the latter. The official P14N bottle file has pH-25 with 3 decimals while the spreadsheet file has only 2 and the header gives no indication of the 25degree scale. At CDIAC P14N reports pH25 to 3 decimals in the .dat file while P16N is reported as pH with 4 decimals. I would guess that the PI only reported P14N with 3 decimals, perhaps because the values were either temperature adjusted or temperature equilibrated and that uncertainty was included. At any rate, in this case, WHP got their values from CDIAC.

I never use the spreadsheet format and recomment that others don't since these files are provided as a courtesy and can have errors or be out of date. Regardless, a note to WHP pointing out the problem with the latter file(s) will result in a correction.

WHP invested a significant effort including carbon system measurements in their records. These data were not WOCE parameters (except for C14), however. The best policy in my opinion is to get hydrography from WHP and carbon data from CDIAC whenever possible. Some of the NOAA cruises exist only at CDIAC and some of the Japanese files are only at WHP, but these are exceptions. Regardless of whether the files are from CDIAC or WHP, they will never contain the GLODAP corrections, which as you know, are sometimes significant.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/08 Muus, D. SUM Website Updated Yes Quality flags and expocode corrected

Detailed Notes
Corrected quality flags for TRITUM, HELIUM and DELHE3. Data values remain unchanged. Corrected EXPOCODE.

Notes on P16N merging:

1. Sarilee Anderson found errors in quality flags for TRITUM. Apparently my previous TRITUM and HELIUM merging put quality flags one space to the right.

2. Changed all quality flag "1"s to "9"s

3. Remerged Tritum values from: (2002.03.14)

and Helium & DelHe3 from: (2002.03.18)

into bottle file (20021016WHPOSIODM)

4. Edited all quality flag "2"s originally belonging to TRITUM to "9"s for all HELIUM with missing values.

5. Also found Lupton HELIUM merged 20000831SIOWHPOSRA has QUALT1 "9" instead of "2"s. Both HELIUM and DELHE3 QUALT1 flags appear to be one space too far to right.

Remerged Lupton HELIUM from:


and Lupton Helium from:


6. Used QUALT1 for QUALT2 for all newly merged data

7. Checked that all TRITUM, HELIUM, DELHE3, NEON & DELC14 with missing values having quality flag "9" using an awk procedure.

8. Found EXPOCODEs for both bottle and summary files since 20000609 entered as 31DICGC91_1 and 31DICGC91_2 instead of 31DSCGC91_1 and 31DSCGC91_2. Changed EXPOCODEs back to 31DSCGC91_1 and 31DSCGC91_2.

9. Checked new exchange file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/25 Muus, D. DELC13 Website Updated Yes Format changed from F8.1 to F8.2 for WOCE and exchange

Detailed Notes
Changed DELC13 from F8.1 format to F8.2 for woce format and exchange format bottle files. Checked exchange file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Bottle NETCDF and inventory files updated.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/16 Muus, D. DELC13 Data Reformatted Yes Data remerged with decimal point change

Detailed Notes
I remerged the P16N C13 to 2 decimal places per Lynne's request but uses only 1 decimal place for the exchange bottle file. I'll wait until the program is modified before putting the 2 dec C13 files on-line to avoid yet another replacement cycle.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/15 Muus, D. BTL Website Updated Yes Converted to Exchange Format

Detailed Notes
Merged DELC13 Details in notes file sent to Jerry Kappa

Notes on P16N merging:

1. Merged DelC13 values from: Bob Key email Oct 14, 2002, 06:30AM into bottle file (20021008WHPOSIODM)

2. Note from Bob Key: These samples were run at NOSAMS very early in their history and are not as good as they run now (that is, they were run before Ann's modification to the procedure). The attached "quick and dirty" section implies, however, that the values are at least "ok".

3. Checked new exchange file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/15 Muus, D. DELC13 Website Updated Yes Converted to exchange format

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/14 Key, R. DELC13 Submitted Yes Minimal listing of C13 attached

Detailed Notes
I do have C13 for P16N. I have attached a minimal listing in which the first column is sta*1000+cast*100+bottle.

These samples were run at NOSAMS very early in their history and are not as good as they run now (that is, they were run beforeAnn's modification to the procedure). The attached "quick and
dirty" section implies, however, that the values are at least "ok".

These data are public.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/10 Muus, D. BTL Website Updated Yes Data merged into BTL file

Detailed Notes
Bottle: (cfc-11, cfc-12, tritum, helium, delhe3, delc14, neon, tcarbn, ph, triter, helier, delher, c14err, neoner)

Merged Jenkins tritium, helium and neon.
Merged cdiac C14 and CO2s.
Merged revised CFCs from Wisegarver.

Notes on P16N merging:

1. Replaced QUALT2 word with QUALT1 on web bottle file (20000913WHPOSIOSRA).
John Bullister said May 31, 2000, all DQE recommendations in QUALT1.
Lupton helium data merged Sept 13, 2000, had only QUALT1 flags.

2. Merged Tritium values from: (2002.03.14) and Helium &DelHe3 from: (2002.03.18) into bottle file (20000913WHPOSIOSRA)

3. Station 31 Cast 2, Sample 4624 has second DelHe3 value of -1.27 in addition to -1.15. Above three items done for temporary file given to Lynne Talley March 20, 2002.

4. Merged DELC14, C14ERR, TCARBN, ALKALI and PH from CDIAC website to correct quality flag errors per Alex Kozyr:

No alkalinity data found. CDIAC website and original P.I. bottle file have ALKALI columns with all missing value indicators. DOC lists alkalinity P.I. as: R. Feely PMEL but TCO2 and pH only mentioned in text. No data found from M. Roberts per March 11, 2002, note in Data History. Note said original DIC data to be reentered maintaining quality flags (3?) Kozyr cdiac data appears to have quality flags "3" associated with missing data changed to quality flag "9"s.

5. Merged NEON and NEONER from:

6. Merged revised CFCs from: /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/pacific/p16/p16n/original/2001.07.09_P16N_CFC_UPDT_WISEGARVER/20010709.174557_WISEGARVER_P16N_p16n_CFC_DQE.dat

7 Missing values for DELHE3 and DELC14 changed from -9.0(0) to -999.0(0).

8. Station 15 Cast 1 has two levels with same bottle number:

397.8db Sample 2411 Bottle 1038
920.5db 2402 1038

Edited bottle file to match CFCs to correct level per CFC file.

9. DELC13 not merged. Has column in bottle file received from Chief Scientist and mentioned in DOC but unable to locate any data.

10. Checked new exchange file with Java Ocean Atlas.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/10 Muus, D. CFCs Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/10 Muus, D. TRITUM Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/09/12 Anderson, S. * Update Needed Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked

Detailed Notes
Found file p16n_lvs.txt in p16n/original directory. Checked format, corrected first header, added date, whp-id, and time stamp. Sharon Escher noted that the flags for DELC14 were all 0s. I checked the original file and there were many wrong flags. Changed flags to the best of my ability. Put file in p16n directory. Needs to be linked.

Notes on the p16n LVS file:

Found file p16n_lvs.txt in /pacific/p16/p16n/original
Checked format, corrected first header, added date, whp-id, and time stamp

Sharon Escher brought to my attention that the flags for DELC14 were incorrect, they were all 0.

I checked the original file p16n_lvs.txt found in ...pacific/p16/p16n/original and discovered that it also had 0's for DELc14, and many other incorrect flags, ie 2's where the value was -9.0, 0 where the value was -9.0, and 9 where there was a value.

I changed all the BTLNBR flags to 2, all the SALNTY flags to 2, the NITRAT and NITRIT flags to 9, if there was a value for SILCAT I changed the flag to 2, if the SILCAT was -9.0 I changed it to 9, all the PHSPHT flags were 0, changed to 9 since all the values were -9.0, changed the DELC14 flags from 0 to 2 where there was a value and to 9 where there was a -9.0.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/09/12 Bartolacci, D. BTL Update Needed Yes LVS samples linked, see note:

Detailed Notes
I have linked the lvs samples into the (old) website index.htm page. New index page will need to incorporate the file.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/08/21 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes New PDF and text docs online

Detailed Notes
Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 14:31:28 -0700 (PDT)
New text and PDF docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/03/11 Roberts, M. TCARBN Update Needed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
All - I will merge the DIC data back into the file, maintaining the revised QC flags. This will reinsert the values into the cells where Slansky replaced them with -9's, therefore reporting all data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/03/08 Bullister, J. CFCs Clarification Request Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
In 1996, The original DIC QC people (see below) inserted '-9' as the DIC value for some samples assigned QC flag '3'. There are about 52 of these samples in my file. Does the final DQE'ed data set for this cruise report the actual values? If so, I think that the actual values should used, instead on -9.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/03/08 Kozyr, A. TCARBN/C14 Update Needed Yes Flag numbers need updating, see note:

Detailed Notes
I have been working with the final data from WOCE P16N (NOAA CGC91) cruise and found some problems with the quality flags for TCARBN and deltaC14 measurements in the WHPO data file. In many cases there are flags "3" for missing TCARBN data and flags "2" for missing deltaC14 data. Also, I found that WHPO CFC numbers are different from those at John's ftp site for this cruise. You can copy the correct data file from: (I did not update the CFC data in my file though).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/22 Hajrasuliha, A. CTD Internal DQE completed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Created *check.txt file only.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/08 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/11/16 Bartolacci, D. CFCs Data ready to be merged Yes Updated CFC data ready to be merged

Detailed Notes
I have placed the updated CFC data file sent by Wisegarver into the P16n original directory in a subdirectory called 2001.07.09_P16N_CFC_UPDT_WISEGARVER
This directory contains data, documentation and readme files. data are ready for merging

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/09 Bartolacci, D. THETA Website Updated Yes THETA header realigned

Detailed Notes
realigned the THETA header. Edited file online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/22 Uribe, K. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD and Bottle files in exchange format have been put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/27 Uribe, K. DOC Submitted Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
2000.11.27 KJU
File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.

2000.10.11 KJU
Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
Received 1997 August 15th.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/08/31 Anfuso, S. HELIUM/DELHE3 Website Updated Yes Data merged into BTL file

Detailed Notes
Bottle: (helium, delhe3)

Merged %deltaHe3 and molal[He] data into BTL file. Merge comments are in original subdir 1999.10.08_P16N_HE_LUPTON-EVANS.

2000.08.31 SRA

Merged %deltaHe3 and molal[He] data into BTL file.

p16nhe_edt.dat: this is an edited version of p16nwoce.csv.txt. Substituted spaces
for ',' column delimiter; replaced missing [He] data with -9.0000
value (formerly white space) for sta/cst/btl:

Runtime format: %delHe3: a7, i6, 2x, a7, f10.2, i6
molal[He]: a7, i6, 2x, a7, 16x, f11.4, i6

original/p16nhy_rplcd_2000.08.31.txt: former p16nhy.txt file prior to helium data merge.

Ran wocecvt: Data is reported in reverse pressure order.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/08/07 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes txt file online

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/21 Bartolacci, D. helium/delhe3 Website Updated Yes not yet merged into btl file

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/09 Bartolacci, D. BTL/SUM/DOC Website Updated Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
I have replaced the sum, bottle and doc files for P16n 31DICGC91_1/2 sent from Bullister on 05/31. I have updated the tables to reflect the change.

Please note: the bottle file is not pressure sorted yet, and there are he/delhe3 data that still needs merging (there is a problem with the he file having NO documentation associated with it, and PI needs contacting).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/31 Bullister, J. BTL/SUM/DOC Submitted Yes Updated data files, see note:

Detailed Notes
I just re-sent P16N.sea, .sum and .doc files to the WHPO ftp site.

The file names are:

These files have a number of updates compared to the ones now posted at the WHPO web site. The .sea file includes tcarbn and pH data; the CFCs are reported on the SI093 calibration scale. The QUALT2 flags which were set by the DQEs for salnty, oxygen, phspht, silcat, nitrat and nitrit are unchanged. The QUALT1 flags for these parameters have been changed in response to the DQE recommendations. We did the DQE checking for the CFC data and have set the QUALT1 and QUALT2 flags for CFC-11 and CFC-12. There are columns for delhe3 data in the .sea file, but I don't have a copy of the delhe3 data files, so the values are reported as -9.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/10/08 Evans, L. HELIUM/DELHE3 Submitted Yes

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/29 Quay, P. DELC13 Data Requested by dmb n/a Data and/or Status info

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/16 Jenkins, W. He/Tr Projected Submission Date n/a 1999.05.15

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/15 Diggs, S. CTD Data Update Yes file fixed

Detailed Notes
I have managed to fix the CTD file for P16N over a SLOW line from England. I dug up an old version from the WHOI Pacific Atlas since they made the old file#1 a USTAR file. Station "0012a001.wct" has been replaced and all tables and associated files have been replaced.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/11 Bullister, J. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes Status Changed to Public

Detailed Notes
Tr/He data requested from Lupton/Jenkins

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/12/14 Key, R. DELC14 Website Updated Yes Status changed to Public

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/10/02 Talley, L. CTD Update Needed Yes see note

Detailed Notes
Steve and Jerry - I can't remember if I sent this message to you before and I can't check to see if the website data set has any changes. However, the first ctd file in the p16n dat set was corrupted - someone had tarred the whole set and all of the data had ended up tarred into a file with the name of the first station.

Do you have the original ctd data submission and can you fix the website data set?

Please send me email if you have already corrected it, or if not, then when it does get corrected. We need the first station.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/09/28 Johnson, G. BTL/CTD Make data PUBLIC Yes OKd by J. Bullister

Detailed Notes
John Bullister and I have discussed it and the other PMEL Pacific data, and have the following table for access (bottle and CTD):

DQE? Public Gouretski
P13 Yes No No
P14S No No Yes
P15S No No Yes
P16N Yes Yes Yes
P18 No Yes Yes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/02/21 Key, R. DELC14lvs Submitted Yes in directory

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/06/10 Bullister, J. CFCs DQE Report sent to PI no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/05/07 Van Woy, F. CFCs DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/05/03 Bullister, J. CTD/NUTs DQE Report sent to PI no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/04/16 Millard, R. CTD DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO No

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1993/03/30 Mantyla, A. NUTs/S/O DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1992/08/19 Van Woy, F. CFCs Data sent to DQE no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1992/08/19 Mantyla, A. NUTs/S/O DQE Begun no

Detailed Notes