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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) S04: 90KDIOFFE6_1 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/11/13 Anderson, S. CFCs Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
Mark Warner submitted a file with updated cfc data. I merged the CFC-11 and CFC-12 from file s04p_cfc_whpo_dat into the online file.

Online file only had QUALT1 flags. Since the cfc file sent by Warner had both Q1 and Q2 flags, I copied the Q1 flags to the Q2 in the online file before I merged the cfc's.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/11/12 Warner, M. CFCs Final Data Submitted Yes

Detailed Notes
I ended up sending a tar of all the cruises for which we did the DQC process. In general, the CFC PI agreed with our evaluation and changed their QUALT1 flag to agree with our suggested QUALT2 flag. Please feel free to ask questions. (Fortunately, we had sent all of this data to Alex
Orsi over a year ago, so the atlas is made with this data.)

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/05/26 Anderson, S. SUM/Nitrite Website Updated Yes Nitrate values edited, SUM reformatted

Detailed Notes
I have changed the three nitrite values for S04P station 716, bottles 4, 5, and 6 to 0.01 per Jim's e-mail. I also reformatted the .sum file. Usual shifting, adding, deleting columns. I did change the EXPOCODE in the .sum file from 90KDIOFFE6/1 to RUKDIOFFE6_1 to conform with what is used on the web site and in the .sea file (I assume this means we are using RU for Russia instead of 90 which was used for the Soviet Union).

I have put the files on whpo in /usr/export/ftp/pub/WHPO/S_ANDERSON/S04P.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/05/22 Anderson, S. DELC13 Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file, new CSV file online

Detailed Notes
Merged DELC13 data into online file s04phy.txt (20010810WHPOSIODM). DELC13 data were retrieved from Bob Key's ftp site in May of 2001.

Bottle file had a sta. 694 cast 3, but the sum file did not have a cast 3 for sta. 694 (this was noted by Dave Muus (2001/08/07). Dave deleted the cast from the bottle file since it only contained CTD data. Subsequently a new bottle file was put online (2001/08/13) which had the same problem. Cannot create exchange format with this problem, so I deleted sta. 694, cast 3. This problem needs to be resolved.

I created a new exchange file and put it online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/08 Hajrasuliha, A. CTD Internal DQE completed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
created *check.txt file for the cruise. created *.ps files for this cruise.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/26 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/20 Uribe, K. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf version online

Detailed Notes
PDF documentation for this cruise has been put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/13 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL/SUM/C14 Website Updated Yes Data Update, see note:

Detailed Notes
14C was added and made public. ODF updated CTD files and CTD values for bottle files have been added to the website. Sumfile from ODF added to wesbite as well. All files re-linked and checked out.

Documentation from ODF still needs to be added to online files.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/07 Muus, D. BTL Website Updated Yes CFCs, TCARBN, He/Tr/Ne merged, new CSV file online, see note:

Detailed Notes
1. Merged CFC-11, CFC-12, TCARBN, PC02, PCO2TMP, DELHE3, DELHER, HELIUM, HELIER, TRITUM, TRITER, NEON, and NEONER from 20000105WHPOSIOSRA bottle file into ODF bottle file revised July 5, 2001, to correct a minor ITS-90 calculation error.

2. Tritium header changed from TRITIUM to TRITUM.

3. C-14 data from: /usr/export/html-public/data/onetime/southern/s04/s04p/original/ 2000.04.20_C14_HE_TR_KEY/S4P.C14 also merged into bottle file on being determined to be public data.

4. New ODF summary file, dated May 24, 2001, was used to make exchange file with new bottle file.

5. New ODF sea file has Station 694 Cast 3 containing CTD data only but new ODF summary has no 694 Cast 3.

Original ODF stacst has:
1 694 1250292 ROS67 0.4S 77 1.7W1319 3755CTD #1, 24 Bottles 12
1 694 2250292 TOW6659. S 77 2. W Net Tow
1 694 3250292 ROS6655.8S 7711.8W2219 CTD #1, 300m for Biology only
1 695 1260292 ROS6659.9S 7818.8W0244 3906CTD #1, 24 Bottles 14

Sta 694 Cast 3 not on WHPO web site. Cast 1 only. Deleted Cast 3 from new s04phy.txt. Notified ODF.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/07/05 Sandborn, K. BTL Final Data Available by ftp No See note for instructions

Detailed Notes
FINAL WHP-Format Bottle Data Release for WOCE s4p

Your ftp session should proceed as follows:
> ftp
> Name: anonymous
> passwd: (your internet address)
ftp> cd pub/HydroData/woce/s4p
ftp> bin
ftp> prompt off
ftp> mget s4pREADME.hyd s4phyd.tar.gz
ftp> bye

The file s4phyd.tar.gz contains a compressed (GNU) tar archive of the WOCE s4p final bottle data.

To install:
gtar xzvf s4phyd.tar.gz
The uncompressed file will go into the subdirectory you are currently on (under a new directory: s4phyd). If you have trouble using this tar file, let us know.

The file named "" was created with the UNIX zip utility for the benefit of PC users. The data can be expanded into the directory "./s4phyd" using "unzip" or "pkunzip" utilities.
Note that pkunzip 2.04g/unzip 5.0p1 (or later versions) must be used to extract files produced by pkzip 2.04 or zip 2.0.1. Earlier versions are not compatible.

The files listed below comprise the distribution:
------- ----------- ------------- ------------------------------------------------
83913 Apr 8 1996 90KDIOFFE6_1.doc Data collection, analysis & processing methods
342633 Jul 5 2001 90KDIOFFE6_1.sea Bottle data report, WOCE format
57517 May 24 2001 90KDIOFFE6_1.sum Station Summary File
116482 Jul 5 2001 s4pdoc.pdf Adobe Acrobat Reader version of 90KDIOFFE6_1.doc

The pdf documentation files must be accessed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software is available free of charge from An ASCII text version of the documentation has also been provided in the file 90KDIOFFE6_1.doc. The ASCII file is intended to be printed out at 80 lines per page with a minimum 94-character page width - typically elite print. The lines do not begin with any white space at the request of several P.I.s. Note that figures in the text can only be printed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader version of the documentation. This s4pREADME.hyd file also resides on the above named directory, s4p.

These data may not be released without permission from the Chief Scientist/PI:
Dr. Jim G. Richman
Oregon State University
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
104 Ocean Admin. Bldg.
Corvallis, OR 97331-5503

(541) 737-3328

Dr. Mikhail N. Koshlyakov
P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
Academy of Sciences
Krasikova 23
Moscow, 117218


Dr. James H. Swift
University of California, San Diego
Shipboard Technical Support/Oceanographic Data Facility (STS/ODF)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0214
La Jolla, CA 92093-0214

(858) 534-3387

A minor revision should be made to the documentation. In the table that summarizes the WHP Quality Codes applied to the data, the line containing the CTD Oxy should be changed. The table should read:
| Rosette Samples Stations 682-794 |
| Reported WHP Quality Codes |
| levels 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 |
| Bottle || 2612 | 0 2500 30 71 0 0 11 |
| CTD Salt || 2590 | 0 2565 24 1 0 0 22 |
| CTD Oxy || 2099 | 0 2040 59 0 24 0 489 |
| Salinity || 2565 | 0 2493 35 37 0 0 47 |
| Oxygen || 2553 | 0 2515 9 29 9 0 50 |
| Silicate || 2561 | 0 2533 6 22 3 0 48 |
| Nitrate || 2561 | 0 2484 56 21 3 0 48 |
| Nitrite || 2561 | 0 2538 2 21 3 0 48 |
| Phosphate || 2560 | 0 2532 7 21 4 0 48 |

Questions regarding the Bottle data should be directed to:
Kristin M. Sanborn
University of California, San Diego
Shipboard Technical Support
Oceanographic Data Facility
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0214
La Jolla, CA 92093-0214

phone: (858) 534-1903
fax: (858) 534-7383

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/28 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD were converted to exchange format and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/21 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle exchange file was put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/20 Johnson, M. CTD Data Update Yes Processing error corrected, revised data available by ftp

Detailed Notes
ODF has discovered a small error in the algorithm used to convert ITS90 temperature calibration data to IPTS68. This error affects reported Mark III CTD temperature data for most cruises that occurred in 1992-1999. A complete list of affected data sets appears below.

ODF temperature calibrations are reported on the ITS90 temperature scale. ODF internally maintains these calibrations for CTD data processing on the IPTS68 scale. The error involved converting ITS90 calibrations to IPTS68. The amount of error is close to linear with temperature: approximately -0.00024 degC/degC, with a -0.00036 degC offset at 0 degC. Previously reported data were low by 0.00756 degC at 30 degC, decreasing to 0.00036 degC low at 0 degC. Data reported as ITS90 were also affected by a similar amount. CTD conductivity calibrations have been recalculated to account for the temperature change. Reported CTD salinity and oxygen data were not significantly affected.

Revised final data sets have been prepared and will be available soon from ODF ( The data will eventually be updated on the website as well.

IPTS68 temperatures are reported for PCM11 and Antarktis X/5, as originally submitted to their chief scientists. ITS90 temperatures are reported for all other cruises.
Changes in the final data vs. previous release (other than temperature and negligible differences in salinity/oxygen):

S04P: 694/03 CTD data were not reported, but CTD values were reported with the bottle data. No conductivity correction was applied to these values in the original .sea file. This release uses the same conductivity correction as the two nearest casts to correct salinity.

AO94: Eight CTD casts were fit for ctdoxy (previously uncalibrated) and resubmitted to the P.I. since the original release. The WHP-format bottle file was not regenerated. The CTDOXY for the following stations should be significantly different than the original .sea file values:
009/01 013/02 017/01 018/01 026/04 033/01 036/01 036/02

I09N: The 243/01 original CTD data file was not rewritten after updating the ctdoxy fit. This release uses the correct ctdoxy data for the .ctd file. The original .sea file was written after the update occurred, so the ctdoxy values reported with bottle data should be minimally different.


WOCE Section ID P.I. Cruise Dates
S04P (Koshlyakov/Richman) Feb.-Apr. 1992
P14C (Roemmich) Sept. 1992
PCM11 (Rudnick) Sept. 1992
P16A/P17A (JUNO1) (Reid) Oct.-Nov. 1992
P17E/P19S (JUNO2) (Swift) Dec. 1992 - Jan. 1993
P19C (Talley) Feb.-Apr. 1993
P17N (Musgrave) May-June 1993
P14N (Roden) July-Aug. 1993
P31 (Roemmich) Jan.-Feb. 1994
A15/AR15 (Smethie) Apr.-May 1994
I09N (Gordon) Jan.-Mar. 1995
I08N/I05E (Talley) Mar.-Apr. 1995
I03 (Nowlin) Apr.-June 1995
I04/I05W/I07C (Toole) June-July 1995
I07N (Olson) July-Aug. 1995
I10 (Bray/Sprintall) Nov. 1995
ICM03 (Whitworth) Jan.-Feb. 1997


Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates
Antarktis X/5 (Peterson) Aug.-Sept. 1992
Arctic Ocean 94 (Swift) July-Sept. 1994


Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates
WOCE-S04I (Whitworth) May-July 1996
Arctic Ocean 97 (Swift) Sept.-Oct. 1997
HNRO7 (Talley) June-July 1999
KH36 (Talley) July-Sept. 1999
"Final" Data from cruise dates prior to 1992, or cruises which did not

post-1991 Preliminary Data NOT AFFECTED:

Cruise Name P.I. Cruise Dates
Arctic Ocean 96 (Swift) July-Sept. 1996
WOCE-A24 (ACCE) (Talley) May-July 1997
XP99 (Talley) Aug.-Sept. 1999
KH38 (Talley) Feb.-Mar. 2000
XP00 (Talley) June-July 2000

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/19 Swift, J. CTDTMP Update Needed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
An oceanographically-insignificant error in CTDTMP data for this cruise has been found (ca. -0.00024*T - 0.00036 degC). A data update is forthcoming. In the interim the corrected data files can be obtained from:

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/02/26 Schlosser, P. He/Tr/Ne Website Updated Yes Status Changed to Public

Detailed Notes
following up on bill jenkins's message, i would like to ask you to make public all ldeo woce tritium/he data that have been submitted to you. because the tritium/he community has not yet finished the final calibration of the data, i might have to apply minor corrections to these data once the intercal. effort has been completed. our acce work was funded over a 5-year period that ended in 2000. consequently, this data set is further behind in quality control before submission, but i expect that we will get these data ready soon.

SR3 was never funded in a 'regular' fashion, but i used noaa corc funds to keep the measurements of this sample set moving. i expect to finish the analyses this summer and submit them in fall.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/11 Uribe, K. DOC Submitted Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
2000.12.11 KJU
File contained here is a CRUISE SUMMARY and NOT sumfile. Documentation is online.

2000.10.11 KJU
Files were found in incoming directory under whp_reports. This directory was zipped, files were separated and placed under proper cruise. All of them are sum files.
Received 1997 August 15th.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/10/05 Anfuso, S. He/Tr/Ne Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
Merged DelHe3, Helium, Tritium, and Neon from Hohmann into hyd file. Updated hyd file is on line. Merging notes in original subdir 2000.03.10_S04P_HE_NE_HOHMANN. EXPO codes in sum and hyd file do not match. Notes per S. Anderson (1999.09.23) suggest EXPO code in sum file should be changed. Read-only permission on this file. Please see 00_README notes in original subdir regarding EXPO code.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/21 Key, R. DOC Submitted Yes text file submitted

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/20 Key, R. DELC14/DOC Submitted No The official release date for this data is 9/16/2000

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/19 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL/SUM Update Needed Yes Please change "RU" to "90" on Russian cruises

Detailed Notes
Please change all designations of "RU" to "90" for the Russian cruises. We agreed on this a long time ago.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/19 Bartolacci, D. DELC14 Data Update n/a Can't locate data, see note:

Detailed Notes
S04P Neither myself nor Jerry could find any documentation that these data came in, nor the data file itself. I will ask Steve about this one ASAP.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/22 Bartolacci, D. CO2 Website Updated Yes Data Merged into OnLine File

Detailed Notes
Merging notes for CO2 merging into S04P:
-Data sent from Alex Kozyr on 2000.02.14. Stripped header info from file.
-S04P bottle file obtained from WHPO website.
-Used mrgsea (DMN) to merge: TCARBN, PCO2, PCO2TMP.
-Missing values in co2 file sent by Kozyr was -999.9. This was changed to WOCE format -9.0 in edited version of data prior to merging.
-Changed expocode in WHPO bottle file from: 90KDIOFFE6/1 to 90KDIOFFE6_1.
-Changed cruise date in WHPO bottle file from: Feb. 14-April 6 to 021492-040692.
-Ran wocecvt, only detected errors were in sumfile.
-Ran read_hyd, no errors.
-Ran maskhyd to add date/name stamp.
-Output file called s04phy_mrg.txt

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/22 Bartolacci, D. CO2 Website Updated Yes Data merged into online file

Detailed Notes
Hi All- I have merged Alex Kozyr's CO2 data into the WHP S04P bottle file. Merged were total carbon, pco2 and pco2 tmp. Old bottle file has been moved to the original directory and replaced
with the new merged file. All tables and entries have been updated to reflect this change. No errors were detected.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/03/10 Hohmann, R. He/Tr Submitted for DQE No

Detailed Notes
I just submitted the He, Ne and Tr data from the WHPO lines S4P and P16A/P17A. Please let me know if you can successfully read the data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/02/15 Hohmann, R. He/Tr Almost ready to submit n/a See note:

Detailed Notes
Peter Schlosser asked me to start with submitting our helium and tritium
data sets that are ready. - I am about to send you the S4P, P16 and P17
data, but want to compare them with John Lupton's data first.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/02/04 Kozyr, A. TCARBN/PCO2 Final Data Rcvd @ WHPO Yes DQE Complete

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/09/23 Anderson, S. NUTs Data Update Yes changed nitrate values, See note:

Detailed Notes
I have changed the three nitrite values for S04P station 716, bottles 4, 5, and 6 to 0.01 per Jim's e-mail. I also reformatted the .sum file. Usual shifting, adding, deleting columns. I did change the EXPOCODE in the .sum file from 90KDIOFFE6/1 to RUKDIOFFE6_1 to conform with what is used on the web site and in the .sea file (I assume this means we are using RU for Russia instead of 90 which was used for the Soviet Union).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/29 Quay, P. DELC13 Data Requested by dmb n/a Data and/or Status info

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/03/25 Diggs, S. S/O, NUTs, CFCs Website Updated Yes status changed to public

Detailed Notes
We're finally getting caught up here and we'll be putting out the AMS C14 data for S04P (90KDIOFFE6_1: Feb 1992). NOSAMS date was 9/16/2000, and I'm pretty sure that you've laready OK'd this, but one can't be too sure.

Simple confirmation is all that is required. I hope that all is well on your end. BTW, I'm still working on translating A12 data from you and straightening out the A13/A14 flag weirdness.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/14 Diggs, S. BTL Website Updated Yes New BTL file online

Detailed Notes
I have placed the new bottle data file on the website from the WHOI Pacific Atlas. Mark Warner pointed out to me that he had indeed given the CFCs to Terry Joyce right before the conference. In any case, this file also has TCARBN values and is public.

All tables have been updated to reflect these changes.

-sd 1999.01.14

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/14 Warner, M. CFCs/TCARBN DQE Issues Resolved Yes

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/14 Talley, L. SUM Data Update Yes

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1995/03/30 Jennings-Jr., J. NUTs DQE Report sent to PI no

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1995/03/14 Morozov, E. CTD/S/O DQE Report rcvd @ WHPO No

Detailed Notes