2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) AR04: 32IC244_10 |
Data History & Updates
Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2003/02/10 |
Bartolacci, D. |
Update Needed |
Yes |
lat/lon inconsistent, need cruise report |
Detailed Notes |
For some time now we have been trying to clean up the last of the repeat cruises and incorporating current meter cruise data has fallen into this category. We were forwarded CTD data and two email correspondences by Jim Crease for the KN04 cruise.
I am working on formatting these CTD files into a WOCE CTD format and a summary file. I am having some difficulties with the inconsistant lat/lon values recorded in the files. The values in the files that we obtained are are of differring precision and in some cases exceed any possible lat/lon value.
Can you please help? We have no cruise or data documentation for these files and presently do not even know who the Chief Scientist was on cruise! Could you please forward a data contact with whom I might correspond to regarding these matters? We would like to button this up as soon as possible and any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated.
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2002/04/29 |
Bartolacci, F. |
Bottle, Sum, DOC |
Data Request |
Data was requested from PI on 03.08.20, no response to this date. |
Detailed Notes |
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2002/03/08 |
Bartolacci, D. |
Clarification Request |
Yes |
asked Lineburger for more data/doc |
Detailed Notes |
I work with the WOCE Hydrographic Program Office, managing the WOCE repeat cruise data. We work closely with Jim Crease and some time ago inheirited some current meter data that I was hoping you could help me out with. The emails Jim forwarded on to our office were correspondences between the two of you regarding these CTD data.
We have the 1992 Iselin and 1994 Knorr cruises' CTD data. From the files we've gleened that the dates were Sep 20 - Oct 01 1992 for the Iselin cruise and May 30 - Jun 07 1994 for the Knorr.
However, that's all the information we have at the moment. Can you tell us where we might find any information about: the Chief Scientist and sponsor Institution and country; whether or not a cruise documentation file exists; if there is a station navigation summary file; and finally any data contact PI's. I see from a later email to Jim that bottle samples were for calibration purposes only, so we're assuming that no bottle file is available. Can you confirm this for us?
Any information you may have on these cruises would be greatly appreciated.
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2002/03/08 |
Uribe, K. |
files moved to new directory |
Yes |
files moved to new directory |
Detailed Notes |
CTD data for this cruise was moved from:
/home/whpo/karla/NON_WHP/CM_HYDRO_2001.03.09_JCREASE/CURRENT_METER_WOCE_CRUISES/AR04E_ACM10/32IC244_10. Expocode for this cruise is: 32IC244_10. According to the CTD files the dates for this cruise are Sept 20, 1992-Oct 01, 1992. This cruise has been placed in position ar04_c. Changes were made accordingly:
ar04_d was moved to e,
ar04_c was moved to d.