Submerged Rosette
  Line :: AR13/AR19/AR22 WHPO Home   

General Information
WOCE Line Number: AR13/AR19/AR22
Click to Enlarge
Expocode: 18HU93039_1
Dates: Nov 05 - Dec 16, 1993
Ship/Country: HUDSON/CAN
Chief Scientist: Clarke
Detailed Information: Data History & Updates

Data Files
  • SUM
  • - ASCII station/cast information
  • BOT
  • - ASCII bottle data without station information
  • CTD
  • - ASCII CTD data without station information

  • BOT
  • - ASCII .csv bottle data with station information
  • CTD
  • - ZIP archive of ASCII .csv CTD data with station information

  • BOT
  • - Binary bottle data with station information
  • CTD
  • - ZIP archive of binary CTD data with station information

  • TEXT
  • - ASCII cruise and data documentation
  • PDF
  • - .pdf cruise and data documentation