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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) AR13: 06AZ172 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/30 Bartolacci, D. CFCs Update Needed Yes BTL CFC data has more stations than SUM CFC data

Detailed Notes
Hi Ms. Lebel-

I work on the WOCE/CLIVAR data repeat cruise data and have come across a problem with the AR13 CFC data submitted by you on 2003.04.23. The file submitted contained CFC data for stations 14 thru 54 however the summary file of station navigation we have for this cruise only
contains stations 1 - 47. So, we have no navigation information for stations 48 - 54. These stations have been edited out of our exchange and netCDF files since these file formats contain navigation information along with bottle data.

If you have navigation information for the stations 48 - 54, could we obtain it from you at this time? Otherwise these stations' data will continue to be absent from our exchange and netCDF bottle files.

The cruise was on the Valdivia from 07.14 - 07.26 1998, expocode 06AZ172.

Thanks very much for your time.

Danie Kinkade

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/30 Kieke, D. SUM Submitted Yes Submitted

Detailed Notes
Enclosed you will find a station summary file (v172.sum) concerning the R/V Valdivia cruise V172 (expocode 06AZ172, AR13/AR27). The PI of this cruise was Monika Rhein. Would you please add this to the web page and exchange the station summary file?

Please note that the file is not formatted according to the WOCE format. In addition, station numbers and profile numbers are identical at some but not all stations. The bottle file at WHP contains station numbering while the corrupt station summary file (ar13_esu.txt) at the same location contains profile numbers and the corresponding positions etc. To adjust this, both station numbers and profile numbers are now included.

The columns in this file > v172.sum < are as follows:

- Station Number
- Profile Number
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Decimal Hour
- Latitude [deg]
- Longitude [deg]
- Water Depth [m]
- Maximum Pressure [dbar]

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/29 Bartolacci, D. BTL Data are Public Yes Data are Public, files unencrypted

Detailed Notes
In a reply by D. LeBel, it was stated that these data are public and therefore have been unencrypted. Formal release from Monika Rhein was recommended by Dr. LeBel. Email will be sent to this effect.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/29 Bartolacci, D. BTL

Detailed Notes
I have created exchange and netCDF bottle files for the bottle file reformatted by Sarilee. Bottle file stations 48-54 were not contained in the summary file and therefore were edited from the bottle file before creating exchange and netcdf files (since these file formats contain summary navigation data). An email was sent to the data contact D. Lebel requesting navigation data for these stations as well as updated public status.

Files were placed online and web pages regenerated. New files were encrypted as all data are still non-public at this time.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/22 Anderson, S. SUM/BTL Data Reformatted Yes SUM/BTL reformatted, not online due to station discrepancy

Detailed Notes
Formatted the .sea and .sum file. Sent notes to Jerry. Did not put online as there is a difference in the number of stations in the .sea and .sum file.

October 22, 2003

Formatted the .sea file. There is only pressure, temperature, salinity, cfc-11 and cfc-12. The original file had cfc-12 then cfc-11. I reversed them and their accompaning Q1 flags. I assumed the salinity was from the ctd.

The pressures were deep to shallow, I reversed them.

There was no cast number or sample number. I set the cast to 1 and the sample no to -9.

There were no QUALT1 flags for BTLNBR or CTDSAL.

Formatted the .sum file. Added the EXPOCODE, WOCE SECT, set the CASTNO to 1, set the CAST TYPE to ROS since the conversion program to exchange does not like UNK, set CODE to UN, converted decimal degrees for LAT and LON. to degrees and decimal minutes, set NAV to GPS.

Converted decimal hours to hours and minutes.

The .sum file has information for stations 1-47, but the bottle file has data for stations 14,15,17,19-30, 32, 34, 36-46, and 48-54. So there is not information for 48-54 in the .sum file.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/04/07 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes New PDF and text docs online

Detailed Notes
New PDF and text docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/04/03 Kappa, J. DOC Final PDF/TXT Reports Compiled Yes pdf includes cruise track & figs; both contain WHPO summary & dpns

Detailed Notes
doc previously online was a text version of the PI's pdf file. New pdf includes figs & whpo-generated cruise track.

Both new reports (text and pdf) include M. Rhein's cfc report (reformatted), whpo summary page, and these data processing notes.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/05/01 Bartolacci, D. BTL/SUM/DOC Reformatting Needed No btl: cfcs only; doc pdf

Detailed Notes
SUM needs rfmttng. BOT only contains CFCs needs rfmttng. No CTD. DOC not ascii/r

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/04/23 Lebel, D. CFCs Final Data Submitted No still not public

Detailed Notes
This is information regarding line: AR13
ExpoCode: 06AZ172
Cruise Date: 1998/07/14 - 1998/07/26
Email address:
Institution: LDEO
Country: US

The file: valdivia172.dat - 78048 bytes
has been saved as: 20020423.111843_LEBEL_AR13_valdivia172.dat
in the directory: 20020423.111843_LEBEL_AR13

The data disposition is:
Non-Public To Go Public?

The file format is:
Plain Text (ASCII)

The archive type is:
NONE-Individual File

The data type(s) is:
Other-final CFC data

The file contains these water sample identifiers:

LEBEL, DEBORAH would like the following action(s) taken on the data:

Any additional notes are:


Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/27 Buck, H. BTL/SUM/DOC Submitted No unformatted sum/btl/doc; btl encrypted

Detailed Notes
WHPO now has an unformatted sumfile, encrypted and unformatted BOT file, and unformatted DOC file. No PIs known for this cruise ... This data is nonpublic.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/22 Uribe, K. CFCs Date Encrypted No until further notice from Monica Rhein

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/02/14 Uribe, K. BTL Submitted No temperature, salinity, CFC11 and CFC12

Detailed Notes
Files from directory valdivia172 were moved from ftp-incoming.2000.02.14/
This cruise took place July 14th - July 30th 1998.
The data provided was temperature, salinity, CFC11 and CFC12.
The expocode is 06AZ172.
The doc file contained is M. Rhein's CFC report.
All of the files are unformatted.
Files were sent by Monica Rhein.
Directory ar13_e/ar27 was created for this data.
We have no records about who the Chi Sci for this cruise was.