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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) AR21: 74DI233_1 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/05 Bartolacci, D. BTL Website Updated Yes BTL and CTD unencrypted, SUM formatting corrected

Detailed Notes
*See SUM entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/05 Bartolacci, D. CTD Website Updated Yes BTL and CTD unencrypted, SUM formatting corrected

Detailed Notes
*See SUM entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/05 Bartolacci, D. SUM Website Updated Yes BTL and CTD unencrypted, SUM formatting corrected

Detailed Notes
I have unencrypted the bottle and ctd data for this cruise. In the process of updating the web files, it was found that the sumfile contained incorrectly formatted dates. This was corrected, along with other minor reformatting edits. The bottle and ctd exchange files were re-created and NetCDF bottle and exchange files were created for the first time, all with corrected dates. xml and html files were re-created and station track images were generated as well. All data files are now public and updated web pages reflect current status of data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/02 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes BTL converted to exchange, SUM formatted, stations edited

Detailed Notes
Sumfile was formatted. The data contained BE BO and EN data on the same line for all stations, the lines were split into 3 and the appropriate modifications were made. CTD and Bottle were converted to exchange. However this data remains encrypted. NETCDF and Inventory files will not be made until data are public.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/02 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes BTL converted to exchange, SUM formatted, stations edited

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/10/02 Uribe, K. SUM Website Updated Yes BTL converted to exchange, SUM formatted, stations edited

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/05/01 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL Update Needed No Upcast and downcast problem with CTD/BTL. BOT CTD still nonpublic

Detailed Notes
E-mail ChiSci for pub status and help figuring out cast problem. Create exchange BOT CTD.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/05/01 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Update Needed n/a BOT SUM CTD all unformatted. BOT CTD NONPUB.

Detailed Notes
Rfmt all files. Email Smythe-Wright for PUB status. Create exchg

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/13 Smythe-Wright, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Data are NonPublic No See Note:

Detailed Notes
I think there has been a further misunderstanding as I understood from Peter that when he submitted the CFC data for me that he told WHPO that the CFC data couldn't be made public without checking with me first.

My problem is that I have a graduate student working on the CHAOS data and while I am more than happy for the data to be public when the CD is released I should like ALL the data to remain restricted until then if at all possible. Penny Holiday thought it was possible for the data to be included in the CD but remain restricted until it was cut. I hope this is possible - please let me know if there are problems.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/08 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Website Updated No New data submitted and online, needs reformatting

Detailed Notes
Replacement bottle, summary and CTD files have been obtained from the SOC ftp site as per M. Gould. Readme file in original subdirectory describes data edits and comments. this file will be emailed to meta-data manager. Sum file needs significant reformatting, bottle and CTD need minor reformatting. Files have replaced previously online data and index file has updated to reflect this change. No reformatting has been undertaken at this time.

Data Edits

Due to the contents of the BODC database and the WOCE data received the following comments are made:

Some changes were made to the dates and times from those received from the data originator's. The dates and times presented are correct and the date applies to the start time.

* SAMPNO -- this is not stored and is set to -9
* BTLNBR -- this is not stored and is set to -9 but it's flag is set to 2 if no problems were noted

CTD-bottles that fire within +/- 4db of each other are averaged and the resultant values stored at BODC. In these instances, the data from the individual bottles are not stored.

The bottle oxygen values for stations 13443 and 13444 are identical so both have been made suspect.

The individual 'duplicate' bottle oxygen values for station 13551 were okay except that the 'averages' were set to 2.0 (a flag value). BODC re-calculated the 'average' values from these.

CTD files
Data are upcast temperature and salinity, not downcast. The CTD oxygen within these files has been set null on the request of the data originators (since oxygen is downcast and T+S is upcast).

The sampling rate and number of observations are not stored and are set to -9.

Due to the suspect nature of the bottle oxygen data for stations 13443 and 13444, the calibration of the CTD oxygen for these 2 stations may also be suspect.

Due to the bottle oxygen values for statin 13551 being set to a flag value of 2.0, the CTD oxygen for this station should therefore be ignored.

BODC stores as /l and not /kg and so the CTD temperature and salinity are used for the conversion. If either of these are null then the bottle data are multiplied by the factor 0.973.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/07 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL Data Update Yes New data submitted

Detailed Notes
This data (AR21 74DI233) *is* up online already, but I have also obtained the new data described below from Gould's website. RCS will follow. These files will replace current online files, but will still need minor reformatting. -Danie


Dear Martin,
I will have to let Steve or Danie answer your question regarding whether they have grabbed your data and, if so, why the data are not yet up. (I don't know offhand whether Di233 is One Time [Steve] or Repeat [Danie], but they'll know.)

Since we are many moons away from the V.3 CDs, there should be no problem on that account.

You should hear soon from one of them.


I've just been speaking with Peter Saunders about Di233 CTD and bottle data. He was anxious that the data were not up on your web site but we do understand the pressure you are all under.

I made the data available on 04/04/2001, I'm not sure if you picked this stuff up. It's still on our anonymous ftp site but I've made a couple of small amendments, just ftp to and change directory to pub/bodc/demg/whpo

The only difference between these CTD files and those of 04/04/2001 is that I've made the oxygen null for you, ie -9.0 (since this is downcast and the T+S are upcast).

In his email to me today, Peter provided Di233 bottle CFC data and these are included, along with all other bottle parameters, in the .SEA file.

The file di233.readme has just a minor update regarding the CTD oxygen being made null.

I hope the data can make it onto version 3 of the CD-ROM. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
-Martin Gould

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/04/04 Kappa, J. DOC Update Needed No Add note below to doc files re: upcast/downcast measurements

Detailed Notes
Steve Diggs referred to me the matter referred to in the email(s) copied below. I can see that the problem you face is that the up cast CTD P/T/S data have been recommended as the primary processed CTD P/T/S data for the cruise in question, but the CTD down cast CTD O2 data are the valid processed CTD O2 data for the cruise.

I agree that your plan to also supply a set of files with down cast P/T/S/O2 is the only reasonable way to retain and archive the CTD O2 data for this cruise. This may create a small problem unless the up and down cast files are given distinctive names, but you have probably already thought about naming. If Steve finds the file names will fit well enough within WHP practice, or can be made to fit well enough, we are all set. Somehow we must flag the up cast data as the primary data set for CTD P/T/S, but we'll figure that out.

Jerry Kappa, who keeps track of WHP documentation, will want to be sure to retain and archive the relevant documentation for this issue. The explanation in the messages you and Penny Holliday sent looks good to me, so long as this is accompanied by a statement clarifying which file names are associated with the up casts and which are associated with the down

At 5:35 PM 4/4/01, Martin Gould wrote:

I visited the WHPO web site for AR21 and noticed that you received the data previously from Denise Smythe-Wright but not in WHPO format.

More importantly, the problem with the data was that there was a salinity hysteresis, see attached email.

The CTD files that I have provided you with have upcast temp and sal but downcast oxygen. We can't put both up and down cast temp and sal in WHPO format files here in BODC without a software re-write. It might be possible though to put down cast temp and sal with the oxygen in one set of data files, and then just up cast temp and sal in a separate set of files. Shall I do this for you?

On Wednesday, April 04, 2001 Martin Gould wrote:

I have Discovery 233 (WOCE section AR21) CTD profile and CTD bottle data for you. I have put them in our anonymous ftp area, just ftp to and change directory to pub/bodc/demg/whpo

On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 at 16:25:42 +0100 Penny Holiday Wrote:

This is to let you know that after much thought, plotting, investigation etc I have concluded that we should use the upcast CTD data from CHAOS for analysis, and not the downcast. The reason for this is that the CTD data suffers from a mismatch between the downcast and upcast data, which reveals itself most dramatically in deep T-S plots of the 1hz data. The problem came to light on D242 when I was able to make direct comparisons with another instrument. The offset in salinity amounts to approximately 0.003 psu in deep water (at constant T).

I believe the problem is not caused by pressure hysteresis, but most likely by a pressure or temperature effect on the temperature sensor or some electronic component of the CTD. It is less likely to be the conductivity cell because the problem persisted despite a change of cell on D242 (unless both were faulty). I've yet to discuss the implications of this with John Smithers, but obviously this needs to be addressed for future cruises.

The D233 upcast salinity data have been calibrated exactly to the water bottle samples and so have the most accurate salinity. Standard deviation of salinity residuals was low so I think we can have reasonable faith in this calibration. The upcast data has less vertical resolution because of the mixing by the motion of the package through the water, but for most of our purposes I believe this is not critical. For CTD oxygen, the downcast data are calibrated since the upcast data suffer from hysteresis - if you use these data you should stick to the .2db files.

I have created a new directory in /data/gdd/dtt1/d233 called ctd2up. This contains 2dbar averaged upcast files for each station (*.2up) - they are sorted on pressure so look the same as the .2db files (same variables etc) except they derive from the upcast. The permissions are set to be readable by the chaos group.

But please send the CTD, and bottle sals, oxys, nuts, chl, nav and tsg to WHPO for both Di223 and Di233.

The data are also in /working/gdd/dht3/nph/d233/ctd which you should have permission to read.

fluor and trans are worked up, because those calibs are done to the 1 second down-up files from which the 2dbar files are created.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/04/04 Kappa, J. DOC Update Needed Yes Add note below to doc files re: upcast/downcast measurements

Detailed Notes
Steve Diggs referred to me the matter referred to in the email(s) copied below. I can see that the problem you face is that the up cast CTD P/T/S data have been recommended as the primary processed CTD P/T/S data for the cruise in question, but the CTD down cast CTD O2 data are the valid processed CTD O2 data for the cruise.

I agree that your plan to also supply a set of files with down cast P/T/S/O2 is the only reasonable way to retain and archive the CTD O2 data for this cruise. This may create a small problem unless the up and down cast files are given distinctive names, but you have probably already thought about naming. If Steve finds the file names will fit well enough within WHP practice, or can be made to fit well enough, we are all set. Somehow we must flag the up cast data as the primary data set for CTD P/T/S, but we'll figure that out.

Jerry Kappa, who keeps track of WHP documentation, will want to be sure to retain and archive the relevant documentation for this issue. The explanation in the messages you and Penny Holliday sent looks good to me, so long as this is accompanied by a statement clarifying which file names are associated with the up casts and which are associated with the down

Jim Swift

At 5:35 PM 4/4/01, Martin Gould wrote:

I visited the WHPO web site for AR21 and noticedthat you received the data previously from Denise Smythe-Wright but not in WHPO format.

More importantly, the problem with the data was that there was a salinity hysteresis, see attached email.

The CTD files that I have provided you with have upcast temp and sal but downcast oxygen. We can't put both up and down cast temp and sal in WHPO format files here in BODC without a software re-write. It might be possible though to put down casttemp and sal with the oxygen in one set of data files, and then just up cast temp and sal in a separate set of files. Shall I do this for you?

from Martin Gould
April 2001

I have Discovery 233 (WOCE section AR21) CTD profile and CTD bottle data for you. I have put them in our anonymous ftp area, just ftp to and change directory to pub/bodc/demg/whpo

Please get back to me with any problems.

Wed, 1 Dec 1999
from Penny Holliday

This is to let you know that after much thought, plotting, investigation etc I have concluded that we should use the upcast CTD data from CHAOS for analysis, and not the downcast. The reason for this is that the CTD data suffers from a mismatch between the downcast and upcast data, which reveals itself most dramatically in deep T-S plots of the 1hz data. The problem came to light on D242 when I was able to make direct comparisons with another instrument. The offset in salinity amounts to approximately 0.003 psu in deep water (at constant T).

I believe the problem is not caused by pressure hysteresis, but most likely by a pressure or temperature effect on the temperature sensor or some electronic component of the CTD. It is less likely to be the conductivity cell because the problem persisted despite a change of cell on D242 (unless both were faulty). I've yet to discuss the implications of this with John Smithers, but obviously this needs to be addressed for future cruises.

The D233 upcast salinity data have been calibrated exactly to the water bottle samples and so have the most accurate salinity. Standard deviation of salinity residuals was low so I think we can have reasonable faith in this calibration. The upcast data has less vertical resolution because of the mixing by the motion of the package through the water, but for most of our purposes I believe this is not critical. For CTD oxygen, the downcast data are calibrated since the upcast data suffer from hysteresis - if you use these data you should stick to the .2db files.

I have created a new directory in /data/gdd/dtt1/d233 called ctd2up. This contains 2dbar averaged upcast files for each station (*.2up) - they are sorted on pressure so look the same as the .2db files (same variables etc) except they derive from the upcast. The permissions are set to be readable by the chaos group.


But please send the CTD, and bottle sals, oxys, nuts, chl, nav and tsg to WHPO for both Di223 and Di233.

The data are also in /working/gdd/dht3/nph/d233/ctd which you should have permission to read.

fluor and trans are worked up, because those calibs are done to the 1 second down-up files from which the 2dbar files are created.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/09/29 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes txt version online

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/09/19 Quaker, C. DOC Website Updated Yes txt version created

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/09/07 Huynh, L. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf version online

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/09/07 Kappa, J. DOC Doc Update Yes pdf version created, txt pending

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/08/14 Quaker, C. DOC Doc Update Yes electronic version created from hard copy

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/08/07 Smythe-Wright, D. DOC Submitted Yes hard copy only

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/08 Smythe-Wright, D. CTD/BTL Data are NonPublic No See note:

Detailed Notes
I am presently in Bergen doing fieldwork and I need to clarify a few things before the AR21 data goes public because we found some errors with the CTD salinity. I shall try to sort this out remotely but it may not be possible until I return to SOC on 5 June.

It will only be the bottle (T, S, Nuts, O2) and CTD data that will be ready for public release. The CFC data needs further quatlity check and is also the subject of a PhD thesis. We don't have any C14 data.

So please leave this with me and remind me before the final cut off date

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/10/01 Anderson, S. CTD/BTL Data Update No Reformatting begun

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/05/05 Smythe-Wright, D. DOC No Data Submitted n/a See note:

Detailed Notes
Now that we have
agreed that the AR21 identification I will finish the document and get an
electronic copy to you.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/30 Smythe-Wright, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted for DQE No

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/30 Smythe-Wright, D. DOC Data Requested by scd n/a

Detailed Notes