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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) IR04: 06BE88_1 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/02/28 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD was converted to exchange. Data was checked in JOA. No apparent problems.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/16 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added, file reformatted

Detailed Notes
Bottle file gaps were filled in with -9. Bottle file has been converted to exchange format and put online. Station 128 cast 1 was not included in exchange format because there is no sumfile navigational information for this station.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/06/14 Bartolacci, D. SUM Update Needed Yes Replacement btl file received, requires formatting, see note:

Detailed Notes
Replacement bottle file was sent by J. Karstensen on 2001.05.14. File contains station no, bottle no, CTD press, thermom. press, CTD temp, termom. temp CTD sal, bottle sal, CTD conductivity and bottle oxy.

There were no units or scale mnemonics given for any data except bottle oxy (which is in Umol/kg).

This file will also require reformatting, however this will not be completed until word from Karstensen on scales for temp and sal (who was emailed on 2001.06.13).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/25 Karstensen, J. BTL Data Update Yes Changed oxygen units, removed time column

Detailed Notes
You are right besides changing the oxygen units I removed the time column (not WOCE standard I guess) and I removed some lines which were in the file accidently (for calibration purposes). The new file is to replace the original file you have.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/14 Karstensen, J. BTL/OXY Update Needed Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
Station 128 is in fact an typo in the file and had something to do with the data processing of station 28 - I changed it accordingly in the attached bottle file.

The units for oxygen were ml/l and I changed it to micromol per kilogram in the attached file.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/06/14 Karstensen, J. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes Status changed to Public

Detailed Notes
On behalf of Detlef Quadfasel I want to inform you that the 06BE88_1 data can be marked as PUBLIC. Unfortunately we have no english cruise documentation, except of a one page cruise summary, at this time

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/06 Karstensen, J. CTD/BTL Submitted for DQE No may we make data public?

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/04/06 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Reformatted by WHPO sAnderson No

Detailed Notes
IR04 06BE88_1 is now on the public table: .sum, .hy (just S/O2), and .ctd files, the latter two are encrypted pending word from Johannes Karstensen. (A copy of the email will follow). These data were reformatted by S. Anderson into WOCE format.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/02/01 Anderson, S. SUM/BTL/CTD Data Update n/a

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/20 Anderson, S. CTD/BTL/SUM Data Reformatted Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
.sum file:
Changed EXPOCODE from 06BE88/1 to 06BE88_1
Changed WOCE SECT from I05E to IR04 re e-mail from Johannes Karstensen to Swift.
Date was ddmmyy changed to mmddyy
.sum file does not have a sta. 128, but there is a sta. 128 after sta. 28 in the .hyd file.
Ran over sumchk - no errors detected.

.hyd file:
There is no CTDOXY, set all values to -9.00
Added CASTNO from information in .sum file
There is no SAMPNO.
Has a sta. 128 after sta. 28, but sta.128 does not exist in .sum file.
OXYGEN is in ML/L not the standard WOCE units of UMOL/KG
There were no QUALT1 flags, so I Set QUALT1 flags to 2 for BTLNBR, CTDSAL, SALNTY, and OXYGEN and to 9 for CTDOXY
Ran over wocecvt - no errors detected.

.wct files:
No sta. 1 in ctd files.
No header information, so used info from the .sum file.
Converted from 1db to 2db intervals in pressure.
There is no CTDOXY for this cruise. Set CTDOXY values to -9.00 for entire cruise.
There were no QUALT1 flags, so I set QUALT1 flags to 2 for CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL and to 9 for CTDOXY.
Ran over wctcvt - not errors detected.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/15 Karstensen, J. cruise Data Update n/a Agreed w/ ir04 designation

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/15 Quadfasel, R. cruise Data Update n/a Agreed w/ ir04 designation

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/08 Karstensen, J. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted No

Detailed Notes