Submerged Rosette
  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) ISS3: 09FA0695 WHPO Home   
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Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/09/24 Bartolacci, D. BTL/SUM/CTD Website Updated Yes SUM lon edited, BTL converted to exchange, CTD formatted

Detailed Notes
The sumfile for this cruise contained the incorrect longitude hemisphere designation and was edited from W to E.

The bottle file was then converted to exchange and netCDF files and format checked with JOA. No errors produce. Inventory file was generated. It should be noted that the bottle file contains no quality code bytes.

Station track files were regenerated after sumfile corrections.

CTD station files were formatted into exchange files by hand, no WOCE formatted files exist at this time. NetCDF files were generated however not all files passed JOA format check. The source of error is unknown at this time, however all files were put online. It should be noted that some files may contain formatting errors and that no files contained quality code bytes. Notes for reformatting will be sent to Jerry Kappa. Steve Diggs will be consulted for sources of reformatting errors. Inventory files were produced without error, however.

All files are now linked and webpages have been regenerated.

Reformatting Notes:


Unformatted CTD files were reformatted into exchange using specific software. No quality bytes accompanied the data which prevented the files from being converted into netCDF files. Because of this the data were deliberately given a Q1 byte of 2 for conversion purposes.


No OXY values were present in any of the files. Original files contained many values not tracked by WOCE standards and had no way of being retained in the exchange and subsequent netCDF files (software that generates the files does not recognize the parameters). These values are however in the unformatted original files which are linked to the website, under the WOCE format link.

exchange files were converted to netCDF. At this time only CTD station file for station number 2 opens in JOA. The reason for this is unknown but the assumption is that there are formatting errors in the other files. At this time the files were placed on the website, however Steve Diggs should be consulted regarding possible sources of errors during the reformatting process.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/26 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes BTL converted to WOCE, no quality flags, SAMPNO added

Detailed Notes
Bottle file was converted to WOCE. No quality flags were provided with this data. SAMPNO was added as sequentially increasing values.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/26 Uribe, K. SAMPNO Website Updated Yes BTL converted to WOCE, no quality flags, SAMPNO added

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/08 Uribe, K. SUM Website Updated Yes SUM created from BTL, not WOCE format

Detailed Notes
Sumfile was created from the bottle file that is currently online. Information regarding the format for this data was gathered from the documentation that is currently online. Bottle file and CTD not in WOCE format as of this time.