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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) ISS3: 09FA9606 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/16 Bartolacci, D. SUM/BTL/CTD Website Updated Yes Reformatted

Detailed Notes
Formatted all files:

SUM: was already formatted once by KJU, however minor edits were needed. Added WOCE SECT number, edited header information and aligned lat/lon and section columns. Added date/name stamp and ran thru sumchk with no errors.

BOT: was already somewhat formatted (no name/date stamp in file). Edited header information to follow woce format added blank header line that would have included asterisks for the QUALT1 bytes, however no Qbytes were included in the data. This should be noted in the documentation. Added name/date stamp and ran thru wocecvt with no errors.

CTD: reformatted ctd files to exchange file by hand and use of code. converted lat/lons to correct exchange format. No CTDOXY was included in any station files. Station 8 cast 1 contained blanks for missing data. These were edited to correct missing values. Station 15 cast 1 ditto

Added Q1 byte of 2 for all valid data and 5 for missing data for the purposes of conversion to
netcdf. Also added column for CTDOXY with Q1 byte of 5 for all missing values for purposes of
conversion to netcdf also. This should be noted in the documentation. This was advised at the
descretion of S. Diggs. Conversions to netcdf once missing values and place holding Qbyte were added appears to have gone smoothly. Files open in JOA and plot correctly.

Current online files have been replaced with newly edited files and action has been RCS'd.

Reformatting notes:

It was brought to our attention that the depth values in the bottle exchange file for this cruise were incorrect (please see email.txt).

After investigation it was discovered that the DEPTH header was misspelled (COR CDEPTH) and had blanks within the column for this parameter (this can make the code work erratically).

SUM file was edited:

-Changed CDEPTH to DEPTH.
-Added "----" for all missing BO cast code depth fields
-Edited the WOCE SECT from PR12 to SR03.

Reran exchange conversion code successfully with correct depths.
Reran netcdf code successfully
Replaced online files with new ones, and RCS'd the actions.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/02 Bartolacci, D. SUM Website Updated Yes Longitude hemisphere changed from west to east

Detailed Notes
Upon creation of station track images it was discovered that the originally reformatted sumfile contained the incorrect longitude hemisphere (W) this was edited in the current online sumfile to E. Station track images were generated and all files were linked to the data's webpage.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2003/10/01 Bartolacci, D. SUM/CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes BTL and SUM edited, CTD converted to exchange

Detailed Notes
Minor edits were made to sum and bottle files. Both pass woce format checks with no errors. CTD files were converted to exchange by hand (and code) and then to netCDF. It should be noted that missing CTDOXY values were entered into files as missing values and Quality bytes were added for conversion purposes (conversion software does not operate on files with missing quality bytes). Valid values were give a Q1 byte of 2 and missing values were given a Q1byte of 5.

Notes on conversions will be sent to JKappa. NetCDF files were checked using JOA and no errors were apparent. CTD inventory files were created and all files were linked to website.

Difficulties in bottle exchange conversion continue, no exchange or netCDF bottle files are present online at this time.

Formatting Notes:

Formatted all files:

SUM: was already formatted once by KJU, however minor edits were needed. Added WOCE SECT number, edited header information and aligned lat/lon and section columns. Added date/name stamp and ran thru sumchk with no errors.

BOT: was already somewhat formatted (no name/date stamp in file). Edited header information to follow woce format added blank header line that would have included asterisks for the QUALT1 bytes, however no Qbytes were included in the data. This should be noted in the documentation. Added name/date stamp and ran thru wocecvt with no errors.

CTD: reformatted ctd files to exchange file by hand and use of code. converted lat/lons to correct exchange format. No CTDOXY was included in any station files. Station 8 cast 1 contained blanks for missing data. These were edited to correct missing values. Station 15 cast 1 ditto

Added Q1 byte of 2 for all valid data and 5 for missing data for the purposes of conversion to
netcdf. Also added column for CTDOXY with Q1 byte of 5 for all missing values for purposes of
conversion to netcdf also. This should be noted in the documentation. This was advised at the
discretion of S. Diggs. Conversions to netcdf once missing values and place holding Qbyte
were added appears to have gone smoothly. Files open in JOA and plot correctly.

Current online files have been replaced with newly edited files and action has been RCS'd.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/12/04 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes BTL converted to WOCE, SAMPNO added as sequentially increasing values

Detailed Notes
Bottle file was converted to WOCE. No quality flags were provided with this data. SAMPNO was added as sequentially increasing values.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/12/04 Uribe, K. SAMPNO Website Updated Yes BTL converted to WOCE, SAMPNO added as sequentially increasing value

Detailed Notes
*See BTL entry.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/11/14 Uribe, K. SUM Website Updated Yes SUM created from BTL, depth col. doesn't reflect whether data is corrected or no

Detailed Notes
Sumfile was created using the raw bottle file that is online. The depth column in the sumfile is not reflecting whether the data is corrected or uncorrected, for now it was labeled as just depth. Bottle file is in the process of being converted to WOCE.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/28 Byrne, T. CTD/BTL Update requested by j. crease No Are data public?

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/28 Byrne, T. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes Status Changed to Public

Detailed Notes
The conditions of use are not meant to override any standing agreements. I have not checked, but I presume there was some formal arrangement already in place, and there is no intention to vary this, so go ahead and use the data in the usual WOCE way. - T. Byrne

Terry, I understood your provision of the data to me and the WOCE WHPO DAC implied that you were placing no restriction on their distribution as part of the WOCE dataset. Your Marlin database embargoed it fro 2 years after 1996 as I understand it. - J. Crease

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/27 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Website Updated Yes Data added to website

Detailed Notes
I have obtained the CTD and bottle data for 09FA9605. Both files are unformatted. Bottle data contains salinity in psu (needs converting) and oxygen, nitrate, silicate, phosphate only and all are in umol/l (need converting to umol/kg). Data has been linked in AS-IS condition with a note that reformatting is pending. Sumfile will need to be created from bottle file information.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/20 Crease, J. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted No Submitted

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/19 Crease, J. CTD/BTL No Data Submitted n/a See Note:

Detailed Notes
This cruise was also along the mooring array. The data is public and available at AODC

I do have copies of CTD files and formats here and will forward them. They are not in WHP format but are well documented and pretty clear.

AODC is mailing me a paper version of the cruise report which I will scan and pass on.

The data is standard hydrography (T S Nuts and CTD, nothing else)

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/01/08 McDougall, T. CTD/BTL/SUM No Data Submitted n/a Data requested by DB

Detailed Notes