2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) PR11: 09FA0394 |
Data History & Updates
Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
2001/04/03 |
Bartolacci, D. |
Website Updated |
Yes |
Data added to website |
Detailed Notes |
I have copied the data files for 09FA0394 from the pr13n/original/FA9403 directory to the pr11_g directory. Data apparently came in 1997 but was never placed in appropriate directory or put online. Parent pr11_g directory original subdirectory were created. All files moved to this original subdir are:
ctd directory containing unzipped ctd files.
fr9403.doc cruise documentation text file.
fr9403.sea bottle file containing CTDPRS, CTDTMP, CTDSAL, CTDOXY, SALNTY OXYGEN,
fr9403.tar.Z original compressed tarball
fr9403.ps postscript file of cruise track
fr9403.sum sumfile
Ran sumchck on fr9403.sum, with errors indicating column header missing. Moved STNNBR and CASTNO from line two of header to line three of header and reran sumchk with no errors. Added date/name stamp and renamed file pr11_gsu.txt and copied to parent directory.
Ran wocecvt on fr9403.sea with one error indicating asterisked columns were missaligned. Edited spaces/asterisks and reran with no errors. Added date/name stamp and renamed file pr11_ghy.txt and copied to parent directory.
Ran wctcvt on all ctd files. six files produced errors due to missing data present in all columns. These blocks of missing data were removed from the following datafiles:
fr9403007.whp lines 579-594 changed total records to 1490
fr9403010.whp lines 369,370,1127,1128 changed total records to 1797
fr9403014.whp lines 403,404 2346 changed total records to 2339
fr9403021.whp line 2131 changed total records to 2482
fr9403029.whp line 358 changed total records to 661
fr9403040.whp lines 12-16 changed total records to 565
Reran files with no errors. zipped files together as pr11_gct.zip and copied to parent directory.
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
1999/05/28 |
Church, J. |
Data are Public |
Yes |
Detailed Notes |
Date Entered |
Person |
Data Type |
Data Status |
Public |
Summary |
1997/07/11 |
White, N. |
Submitted |
No |
Detailed Notes |
I have just put data from four cruises on RV Franklin into your ftp area. The cruises are FR 10/91, Fr 7/92, Fr 7/93 and Fr 3/94 and they are in your ftp area as compressed tarfiles fr9110.tar.Z, fr9207.tar.Z, fr9307.tar.Z and fr9403.tar.Z.