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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) PR23: 49XK9406_1 WHPO Home   
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Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/03 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange using the new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/08/20 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle file has been converted to exchange format and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/27 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL/SUM Website Updated Yes Data reformatted by WHPO

Detailed Notes
Bottle file, sumfile and CTD files all had stations for PR24 inserted. Previously, these stations were present, but in separate files and not available online. All files were reformatted. Doc file was placed online (previously unavailable). Doc file indicates that CO2, Helium Tritium, Delhe3 and C14 measurements were taken, however no data currently exists in the file. Data will be requested from data contact/PIs.

All tables have been updated to reflect this change.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/21 Kashino, Y. Tracer Data Requested by d.bartolocci n/a also contacted Aoyama. See Note:

Detailed Notes
With regard to data submissions, can you tell us when the additional bottle data parameters will be available for the cruises you stated below? Our records indicate that we are waiting for the following data:

49XK9406_1 (PR23/PR24) CO2, radiocarbon, helium, delhe3, tritium

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/17 Kashino, Y. BTL Data are Public Yes See Note:

Detailed Notes
As I said this May, we submitted our data without any conditions, so it is OK that our bottle data is publicly opened.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/11/17 Bartolacci, D. BTL/SUM/CTD Website Updated Yes Data Reformatted/OnLine

Detailed Notes
On 2000.11.17 Yuji Kashino emailed requesting release of the bottle data for pr23/24 49XK9406_1. However, only pr23 data was online. pr24 data was present in the original subdirectory, but in separate files. The original sumfile had both lines included, however station numbers for both legs were duplicated (PR24 station numbers used same increasing sequence). Therefore, the pr24 station numbers were renamed to include the line number and remerged
into the appropriate files. Station numbers for pr24 are now unique and alphanumeric (i.e. PR24XX where XX is equal to the original station number). This applies to only four stations total. Station numbers were edited in the sumfile and bottle file for this cruise and saved to new files (pr23_c**_pr24.txt where ** is the file type).

Reformatting PR23/PR24:

-changed expocode 49XK9406/1 to 49XK9406_1.

-Added PR24 to WHP-ID PR23.

-Aligned station number under header.

-Moved asterisks from under SAMPNO to BTLNBR.

-Added PR24 stations according using original sumfile as reference,
four stations were added between PR23 stations 05 and 17. These
stations were copied and merged from file pr249406_edt.sea (original
file from PI named pr249406.sea).

-Removed all hard returns.

-Added date/name stamp.

-ran wocecvt, with no errors.

-Reformatted file named pr23_chy_pr24.txt

-Merged PR24 stations from file pr24_edt.sum (original file from PI named

-changed header line from:
R/V KAIYO(Country code 49,ship code is XK) Expedition designation-cruise number XK9406_1 along WHP section PR23

-Added date/name stamp.

-Removed hard carriage returns.

-ran sumchk with no errors.

-reformatted file named pr23_csu_pr24.txt

-Changed expocode 49XK9406/1 to 49XK9406_1.

-Changed station numbers of PR24 stations 1-4 to PR2401 thru PR2404

-Removed all hard carriage returns.

-removed end of file and carriage returns

-ran wctcvt with no errors.

-reformatted zip file named

All reformatted files replaced current online holdings.
RCS was filed to document this action.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/15 Huynh, L. BTL Website Updated No See note:

Detailed Notes
WHPO has PUBLIC CTD files; sum files, has no doc file and NON-PUBLIC bottle data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/06/15 Huynh, L. CTD/SUM Website Updated Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
WHPO has PUBLIC CTD files; sum files, has no doc file and NON-PUBLIC bottle data.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/09 Kashino, Y. CTD Data are Public Yes I agree with opening our data in WOCE Ver 2.0 CD-ROM.

Detailed Notes