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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) SR03: 09AR9101_1 WHPO Home   
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Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:
Aurora Australis

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/09/18 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes Formatting error corrected

Detailed Notes
Bottle netcdf files had a small parsing error because of a format problem in the sumfile. The files were re-made. All new data are online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/09/18 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes netcdf files re=made & put online

Detailed Notes
Bottle netcdf files had a small parsing error because of a format problem in the sumfile. The files were re-made. All new data are online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/07/22 Buck, H. SUM Website Updated Yes Station numbers edited to match CTD

Detailed Notes
Edited STNNBRs in SUM file to match those in CTD file (preceding zeroes).

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/06/06 Tibbetts, R. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf, txt versions online

Detailed Notes
New PDF and text docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/11 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange format using new code and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/05/03 Uribe, K. BTL Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
Bottle has been converted to exchange format and put online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/11 Rosenberg, M. floats Submitted Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
Here's our ALACE deployment info for both cruises:

Cruise 09AR9101_1:
deployment ALACE deployment latitude longitude
number serial time(UTC)
1 89 19:59, 10 Oct 1991 48deg44.8'S 143deg55.9'E
2 25 22:25, 11 Oct 1991 50deg39.9'S 143deg17.0'E
3 93 10:45, 22 Oct 1991 56deg24.4'S 140deg39.4'E
4 91 19:53, 22 Oct 1991 54deg39.5'S 141deg29.7'E
5 90 23:07, 23 Oct 1991 52deg07.5'S 141deg38.5'E
6 88 18:05, 24 Oct 1991 49deg53.10S 143deg23.49'E
7 94 21:38, 25 Oct 1991 44deg41.61S 145deg55.75'E

Cruise 09AR9309_1/09AR9391_1

deployment ALACE deployment latitude longitude
number serial time(UTC)
1 228 09:55, 14 Mar 1993 48deg19.38'S 144deg34.78'E
2 242 08:05, 17 Mar 1993 50deg42.98'S 143deg25.10'E
3 243 06:32, 19 Mar 1993 54deg30.86'S 141deg20.22'E
4 244 20:46, 04 Apr 1993 43deg13.79'S 148deg32.92'E
5 233 17:52, 12 Apr 1993 49deg15.68'S 155deg00.56'E
6 232 16:55, 21 Apr 1993 55deg43.78'S 155deg03.30'E

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/10 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL Website Updated Yes files added to website

Detailed Notes
This cruise has been linked to the website. All tables have been updated. Data are public. Doc file was word document and is not linked, but table indicates it resides at WHPO.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/09 Bartolacci, D. BTL/SUM/CTD Website Updated Yes Data Reformatted/OnLine

Detailed Notes
Files sent to WHPO by Mark Rosenburg on April 6, 2000. All these data are public as per e-mail from Mark.

SUM: changed expocode from 09AR9101/1 09AR9101_1.
removed PR12 from WHP ID.
ran sumchk with following warnings:

.SUM header was missing:
sumun1: missing latitude
sumun1: missing longitude
main: warning on rec= 50
sumun1: missing latitude
sumun1: missing longitude
main: warning on rec= 53

*stations 23 and 24 are missing cast bottom lats and lons.
no other errors were detected.
added date/name stamp.

BOTTLE: changed expocode from 09AR9101/1 09AR9101_1.
ran wocecvt with above warnings produced as well.
no other errors were detected.
added date/name stamp.

CTD: changed expocode from 09AR9101/1 09AR9101_1.
warnings produced because of missing lat/lon for stations 23 and 24.
no other errors produced.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/06 Rintoul, S. CTD/BTL/CFCs Data are Public Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
Dear WHPO: Thanks for your e-mail. I have sent several messages over the past year or so saying that I would like all of the SR3 repeats to be publicly available. In particular, in reference to your message, please make the following data public:

Line Expocode Parameter
SR03 09AR9101_1 BTL
SR03 09AR9101_1 CFCs
SR03 09AR9407_1 BTL
SR03 09AR9407_1 CTD

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/11 Rosenberg, M. DOC Submitted Yes CTD/CFC processing report

Detailed Notes
There's no other reports for that cruise. It happened before my time, and it's pretty well just a CFC report - the rest is all that I could scrape together. The paper referenced in there is about the science, so no discussion about methodology.

The only other info is the intercruise comparisons (including this cruise) in the back of all the other Aurora Australis data reports. I know it's inadequate, but that's all there is.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/10 Rosenberg, M. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted for DQE No Also CFCs, NUTs

Detailed Notes

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/04/03 Thompson, B. Cruise ID Data Update Yes Changed Line from PR12 to SR03

Detailed Notes
At DIU meeting it was decided to change all PR12 line designations to SR03.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/09/20 Rintoul, S. CTD Data are Public

Detailed Notes
All the CTD data associated with me should be made public. I thought we had taken care of this earlier, but it appears not. I'm a little unsure how the DQE process is supposed to work. I think only two of our cruises have so far been DQE'd; if your policy is to not release data publicly until it has been DQE'd, then that is OK too.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1999/09/14 Rosenberg, M. NO2+NO3 Data Update n/a See note:

Detailed Notes
For P11A (09AR9391_2), there's no separate nitrite data, only total nitrate+nitrite. In fact the same applies to all our Aurora Australis WOCE cruises.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
1998/10/23 Rosenberg, M. SUM/SEA/CTD No Data Submitted n/a working on it

Detailed Notes