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  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) SR03: 09AR9604_1 WHPO Home   
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Line Number:
Cruise Date:
Ship Name:
Aurora Australis

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/07/22 Buck, H. CTD Website Updated Yes Expocodes edited

Detailed Notes
Edited expocodes in CTD file, and STNNBR in SUM file to match.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/07/22 Buck, H. SUM Website Updated Yes Station number edited

Detailed Notes
Edited expocodes in CTD file, and STNNBR in SUM file to match.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/06/18 Coartney, L. DOC Website Updated Yes pdf, txt versions online

Detailed Notes
New PDF and text docs online.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/05/22 Millard, R. CTD Update Needed Yes Density instabilities, see note:

Detailed Notes
Jim suggests asking you about concerns with the S03 & SR03 datasets. I have only a couple of weeks and I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction to best use this time to address problems with the data. I've looked over S03 + a couple of SR03 legs. The data I've looked over seem pretty reasonable except for the 130 station collected from >28-Jan-1996 to 23-Mar-1996: SUM file name sr03_esu.txt. There are some pretty significant density instablities. It would nice to get some raw time series data & try adjusting the C/T lag. Are there other SR03 cruises that you've noticed problems with? The salinity & oxygen calibrations of S03 looks reasonable. Have you noticed any problems with salt/oxygen calibrations in the repeat sections?

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/01/28 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD has been converted to exchange and put online. Data has been checked with JOA.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/12/19 Buck, H. Cruise ID Website Updated Yes changed line from "Marginex" to "SR03"

Detailed Notes
Added this cruise to the website under line SR03. Stations 119-132: SR3 Stations 4-118,133-145: MARGINEX. This cruise was originally called MARGINEX but only part of the stations are MARGINEX, the rest belong to SR03.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2000/05/08 Rosenberg, M. CTD/BTL Data are Public Yes See note:

Detailed Notes
You can make:

> Line Expocode Parameter
> SR03 09AR9501_1 BTL

public and put them on the CD. Same applies to all the Aurora Australis data submitted to WHPO i.e. you can make it all public and include on CD if you wish.