Submerged Rosette
  2004 Data Status File from WHPO/SIO for WOCE line(s) SR04: 06AQANTXV_4 WHPO Home   
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Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2002/03/04 Uribe, K. CTD Website Updated Yes CSV File Added

Detailed Notes
CTD and bottle have been converted to exchange and put online. Data was checked in JOA and no apparent problems were noticeable.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/19 Bartolacci, D. CTD/BTL/SUM/DOC Website Updated Yes Reformatted data online, see note:

Detailed Notes
I have created an idex page for these data, reformatted all files and placed all files online. Correspondence will need to be initiated with the data PI Hannelore Witte in order to solve minor format and parameter questions, however all files are in WOCE format.

All original files reside in the original directory, a station track map still needs to be generated for this cruise.

2001.12.17 DMB

Reformatting notes for SR04_e 06AQANTXV_4. Data sent by Hannelor Witte in July, 2001.

SUM: Added Following parameter columns to file: EXPOCODE- 06AQANTXV_4


CAST TYPE- added CTD, because original sumfile header indicated file was a list of CTD stations for this cruise, however since bottle data do exist, stations in the sumfile that contain bottle data should get ROS instead of CTD. This is a minor point however (as per J. Swift) and does not affect the formatting of the file.

CODE- added UN, since no cast codes were given and only one line per cast exists.

NAV- added UNK, since no nav information was given.

Removed following columns, *note these should be confirmed with data PI as to relevance:
SN- this column was had a value of 1360 throughout the entire file. possibly some serial number? As per J. Swift this column can remain deleted from WHP file.

Confirm what WAT. DEPTH is. Currently WAT. was removed from the DEPTH header. As per J. Swift, WAT (water) depth can be removed from header.

Realigned all columns to adhere to woce format.
changed DATE from 03 31 1998 (mmddyyyy) format to 033198 (mmddyy) format.
changed UTC time from hhmm format to hhmm format.
Added hemisphere character designator and removed all negative signs in latitudes and longitudes.
Added ship name cruise name and leg designator to first header line.
Added name/date stamp.
Ran sumchk with no errors.
Renamed file sr04_esu.txt

BOT: Edited parameter header line to proper WOCE alignment.
changed expocode 06AQANTXV/4 to 06AQANTXV_4.
Added name/date stamp.
Ran wocecvt with no errors. Several pressure inversions and duplicate depths do exist.
Renamed file sr04_ehy.txt

CTD: Changed expocode 06AQANTXV/4 to 06AQANTXV_4 in all station files.
ran wctcvt with no errors, however TRANSMS header is unrecognized by diagnostic code. Format passed diagnostic code.
zipped up files remaning zip file to

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/19 Hajrasuliha, A. DOC Doc Update Yes see note:

Detailed Notes
Images created for the station track map. .JPG and .GIF

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/12/04 Diggs, S. CTD/BTL/SUM OnLine Yes Data added to website, see note:

Detailed Notes
New cruise! Submitted by Hannalore Witte on 7/25/2001. Data are in sr04_e/original. Need information, i.e. who is the PI?

I just found a cruise that apparently has been languishing in the INCOMING area for a while, since last July 25,2001. Hannalore Witte went through the proper procedures and submitted them using the old webform.

I have hand-edited the woce_lines.txt file and added it to the RCSable lines. It's been RCS'd, and resides in the data area under


The CTD files are 'close' to WOCE format, the bottle file seems dead-on, and the SUMfile is way off.

Date Entered Person Data Type Data Status Public Summary
2001/07/25 Witte, H. CTD/BTL/SUM Submitted Yes

Detailed Notes
The directory this information has been stored in is: 20010725.005322_WITTE_SR4

The format type is: ASCII

The data type is: Sumfile BottleFile CTDFile DOCFile

The Bottle File has the following parameters:

The Bottle File contains:
CastNumber StationNumber BottleNumber

WITTE, HANNELORE would like the data PUBLIC.

And would like the following done to the data: place data on-line