Submerged Rosette
  Pacific Onetime Changes 02/2002 (WHP-CD 2.5) - 09/2002 (WHP-CD 3.0) WHPO Home   
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P01W 90BM9316_1 4/19/02 TCARBN Yes Yes Data merged into online file, CSV file added
P01W 90BM9316_1 8/19/02 ALKALI Yes Yes Changes made to flag, see note:
P01W 90BM9316_1 8/19/02 TCARBN Yes Yes Changes made to flags, see note:
P02C 49EWBO9401_1 4/17/02 BTL Yes Yes New BTL file reformatted and put online
P02E 492SSY9310_1 4/16/02 CTD Yes Yes Station 119: SALNTY & Surface Temp flages changed to 4
P02T 49K6KY9401_1 4/16/02 CTD Yes Yes pressure format is f8.1 and quality flag format is i8
P02W 492SSY9411_1 3/19/02 CTD/BTL Yes Yes Data unencrypted
P02W 492SSY9411_1 4/16/02 CTD Yes Yes blank lines at ends of files removed
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P04E 32MW893_3 3/11/02 TRITUM Yes Yes Data merged into online file, see note:
P04E 32MW893_3 4/18/02 NITRIT Yes Yes Corrected deep nitrites, new btl file online
P04W 32MW893_1 3/11/02 Tracer Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P06C 316N138_4 5/20/02 He/Tr Yes Yes Merged Tritium into web bottle file. Made some corrections to NO2 and Helium dat
P06E 316N138_3 5/20/02 BTL Yes Yes Merged Tritium, TCarbon, and PCO2 into web bottle file.
P06W 316N138_5 5/9/02 He/Tr Yes Yes Website contains suprious data
P06W 316N138_5 5/20/02 NITRIT/He/Tr/DELHE3 Yes Yes Merged Tritium into web bottle file. Made some corrections to NO2 and Helium dat
P08N 492SSY9607_1 6/21/02 CTD/BTL Yes Yes Data added to website
P08N 492SSY9607_1 6/21/02 BTL/SUM Yes Yes Reformatted data online, see note:
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P08N 492SSY9610_1 6/21/02 CTD/BTL Yes Yes Data added to website
P08N 492SSY9610_1 6/21/02 BTL/SUM Yes Yes Reformatted data online, see note:
P08N 492SSY9610_1 7/10/02 CTD Yes Yes CTD converted to exchange
P08N 49K6KY9606_1 2/5/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
P08N 49K6KY9606_1 6/26/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P08S 49XK9605 6/5/02 C14 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P08S 49XK9605 6/5/02 DELC14 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P09 49RY9407_1 2/20/02 DELHE3 Yes Yes New BTL and CSV file online
P09 49RY9407_1 2/20/02 He/Tr Yes Yes New BTL file and CSV file online
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P09 49RY9407_1 3/6/02 DELHE3 Yes Yes Data submitted and merged, new CSV file added
P09 49RY9407_1 3/6/02 He/Tr Yes Yes Data submitted and merged, new CSV file online
P09 49RY9407_1 7/11/02 DOC Yes Yes New text and pdf docs online
P10 3250TN026_1 5/1/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P10 3250TN026_1 6/19/02 SILCAT Yes Yes Data merged into online file, new CSV file created
P11A 09AR9391_2 6/6/02 TCARBN/SUM Yes Yes Reformatted data online
P13 3220CGC92_1 2/28/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P13C 49HH915_1 2/25/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P13C 49HH915_2 2/4/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P13J 49HH932_1 8/14/02 CTD/BTL Yes Yes Files Unencrypted
P14C 316N138_7 2/4/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
P14C 316N138_7 3/7/02 DOC Yes Yes PDF/TXT Cruise Reports Final
P14C 316N138_7 3/11/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P14C 316N138_7 4/1/02 He/Tr/Ne/Delhe3 Yes Yes BTL online, CSV File added
P14C 316N138_7 7/26/02 CTD Yes Yes Header errors corrected
P14C 316N138_7 8/2/02 CTD/BTL/SUM Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P14N 325023_1 6/17/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P14N 325023_1 6/24/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P14N 325023_1 8/12/02 CTDTMP Yes Yes Revised temperatures merged into online file
P14N 325023_1 8/12/02 CTD Yes Yes Revised temperatures merged into online file
P14S 31DSCG96_1 6/26/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P15N 18DD9403_1 2/4/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
P15N 18DD9403_2 7/16/02 CTD Yes Yes CTD converted to exchange, see note:
P15N 18DD9403_2 7/16/02 CTD Yes Yes CTD converted to exchange
P16A 316N138_9 4/9/02 He/Tr/DelHe3 Yes Yes Merged LDEO helium and tritium into bottle file and put on-line.
P16A 316N138_9 4/11/02 He/Tr/DelHe3 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P16A 316N138_9 5/2/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P16A 316N138_9 6/13/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P16A 316N138_9 6/13/02 DELC14 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P16A 316N138_9 6/26/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS file reformatted
P16A 316N138_9 6/28/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS data linked to web site.
P16A 316N138_9 6/28/02 LVS Yes Yes Corrections made, file needs to be linked to web site
P16A 316N138_9 8/9/02 THETA Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P16A 316N138_9 8/9/02 CTDTMP Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P16A 316N138_9 8/9/02 CTD Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P16C 31WTTUNES_3 4/4/02 CFCs/He/DelHe3 Yes Yes Reformatted data online, New CSV file created
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 8/21/02 DOC Yes Yes New PDF and text docs online
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 BTL Yes Yes LVS samples linked, see note:
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 DELC14 Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 REVTMP Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 REVPRS Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 PHSPHT Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 NITRAT Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 SILCAT Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
P16N 31DSCGC91_1 9/12/02 SALNTY Yes Yes Errors corrected, needs to be linked
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P16S 31WTTUNES_2 5/6/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file, new csv file online
P16S 31WTTUNES_2 5/24/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file, new CSV file created
P16S 31WTTUNES_2 6/28/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS data linked to web site
P16S 31WTTUNES_2 6/28/02 LVS Yes Yes Corrections made, file needs to be linked to web site.
P17C 31WTTUNES_1 7/1/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS data linked to web site
P17C 31WTTUNES_1 8/29/02 DOC Yes Yes New PDF and text docs online
P17C 31WTTUNES_1 9/4/02 DOC Yes Yes New PDF doc online
P17C 31WTTUNES_1 9/5/02 DOC Yes Yes New PDF and text docs online
P17E 316N138_10 4/9/02 BTL Yes Yes Data merged into online file
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P17E 316N138_10 5/22/02 BTL Yes Yes CSV File Added
P17E 316N138_10 5/22/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P17E 316N138_10 5/22/02 SUM Yes Yes Reformatted data online
P17E 316N138_10 6/4/02 BTL Yes Yes Reformatted data online
P17E 316N138_10 6/7/02 DELC13 Yes Yes New CSV file added
P17E 316N138_10 7/1/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS data linked to web site
P17E 316N138_10 8/9/02 THETA Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P17E 316N138_10 8/9/02 CTDTMP Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P17E 316N138_10 8/9/02 CTD Yes Yes Data merged into online file
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P17N 325021_1 5/15/02 BTL/SUM Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P17N 325021_1 6/1/02 TCARBN Yes Yes Changed QUALT1 flags for TCARBN on station 34.
P17N 325021_1 6/11/02 TCARBN Yes Yes QUALT1 flags updated
P17N 325021_1 6/12/02 CTD Yes Yes Headers corrected
P17N 325021_1 6/13/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
P17N 325021_1 6/28/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS data linked to web site
P17N 325021_1 6/28/02 LVS Yes Yes File needs to be linked to web site, see note:
P17N 325021_1 8/13/02 CTD Yes Yes Corrected temps/reformatted files/made exchange files
P18 31DSCG94_1 4/16/02 He/Tr/DelHe3 Yes Yes Data merged into online file
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P18 31DSCG94_1 6/6/02 TRITUM Yes Yes Reformatted data and new CSV file online
P18 31DSCG94_1 6/7/02 TRITUM Yes Yes change TRITUM/TRITER at station 34 to -9, flag 9
P19A 74JC002_1 2/8/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
P19C 316N138_12 3/18/02 He/Tr/delhe3/ne Yes Yes Data merged into online file, new CSV file online
P19C 316N138_12 3/21/02 HELIUM/DELHE3 Yes Yes Data merged into online file, CSV file added
P19C 316N138_12 5/22/02 DELC13 Yes Yes Data merged into online file, new CSV file online
P19C 316N138_12 6/4/02 BTL Yes Yes See Note:
P19C 316N138_12 6/7/02 DELC13 Yes Yes New CSV file online
P19C 316N138_12 7/1/02 LVS Yes Yes LVS data linked to web site
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P19C 316N138_12 8/14/02 CTDTMP Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P19C 316N138_12 8/14/02 CTD Yes Yes Data merged into online file
P24 49RY9511_2 2/26/02 DELC14 Yes Yes New BTL and CSV file online
P24 49RY9511_2 6/25/02 DOC Yes Yes pdf, txt versions online
P31 3250031_1 2/15/02 He/Tr n/a Yes There is no He/Tr data for P31
P31 3250031_1 2/26/02 CFC-11/CFC-12 Yes Yes New BTL anf CSV files online
P31 3250031_1 3/6/02 NITRIT/NITRAT Yes Yes Corrected sta. 7, cst. 1, samp. 9 in btl and exchange files
P31 3250031_1 3/6/02 NITRAT Yes Yes Station corrected on btl and csv files
P31 3250031_1 8/14/02 THETA Yes Yes Revised temperatures merged into online file
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
P31 3250031_1 8/14/02 CTD Yes Yes Revised temperatures merged into online file