Submerged Rosette
  Indian Repeat Changes 02/2002 (WHP-CD 2.5) - 09/2002 (WHP-CD 3.0) WHPO Home   
Line ExpoCode Date Modified Data Type Public Web Summary
IR04 06BE88_1 2/28/02 CTD Yes Yes CSV File Added
IR04 3175MB95_07 7/9/02 BTL Yes Yes Online BTL file replaced
ISS01 35MF68SUZIL 2/28/02 CTD/BTL Yes Yes CSV Files Added
ISS01 35MF75_1 7/9/02 CTD Yes Yes See Note:
ISS01 74DI164 7/23/02 CTD Yes Yes Minor reformatting done to CTD
ISS01 74DI165A 7/23/02 SUM Yes Yes Expocode changed to match CTD and DOC
ISS01 74DI201_1 7/23/02 CTD Yes Yes Expocode changed to match CTD and BTL
ISS01 74DI207 7/23/02 CTD Yes Yes Expocode changed to match BOT and SUM