Repeat Hydrography

The repeat hydrography oversight committee is actively seeking

  • 2 graduate students for each cruise leg
  • a co-chief scientist for each leg, particulary those with an active interest in hydrographic observations. Scientists interested in gaining more experiece in planning interdisciplinary cruises are particularly encouraged to apply.

  • Interested individuals can contact the committee co-chairmen (see below).

    Numerous measurements other than those within the core funding for the program are expected and welcomed for each cruise leg. Those measurements that are already under consideration are listed in the link "Core and Ancillary measurements". Many of the measurements do not yet have principal investigators or funding. Principal investigators who are planning proposals for such measurements should contact the committee co-chairmen prior to submission, so that integration with and potential impact on the cruise can be considered. Proposals that require additional shiptime for measurements outside the planned scope will likely be difficult to handle. The data policy addresses both the prioritization of measurements and the requirements for data release.

    The committee co-chairmen are:

  • Richard Feely ( )
  • Lynne Talley (
  • Last Updated 04/30/2003
    Lynne Talley