Repeat Hydrography

Contact the committee co-chairmen for information on participation or for incorporation of a Level III measurement or a measurement that is not on the list below: Richard Feely ( ) and Lynne Talley (

Please also consult the Data Centers page, which includes information on how to submit data.

Completed cruises

Table of data set information and links (as of 12/07/07).

Core Measurements:

Text description of Levels I, II and III

Level I measurements:

Table listing all Level I measurements and principal investigators by cruise, subject to verification and update (as of 05/21/07).

Level II measurements:

Table listing Level II measurements and principal investigators by cruise, subject to verification and update (as of 05/21/07).

Level III measurements:

Table listing Level III measurements and principal investigators by cruise, subject to verification and update (as of 04/20/06).

U.S. measurements for international cruises:

Table listing U.S.-funded measurements in support of non-U.S. repeat hydrography sections (as of 9/23/03).

Last Updated 5/21/2007
Lynne Talley