Repeat Hydrography : in support of the US CLIVAR and CO2 programs

The Repeat Hydrography program began its at-sea operations in 2003, in support of the objectives of the US Carbon Cycle Program and US CLIVAR. This site provides background on the scientific rationale and scope of the integrated approach to a global observational program for carbon, hydrographic and tracer measurements. Working documents are included on implementation and timing of sections, core measurements, and data management protocol. This site provides links to the data sets collected in the Repeat Hydrography Program.

International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project

CLIVAR homepage

CLIVAR/CO2 program

Participation in this program: we are currently seeking junior level scientists (postdocs, assistant level scientists) for participation as co-chief scientists and graduate students for general participation. Click HERE for contact information.

Last Updated 05/20/2007
Maintained by
Lynne Talley